Spring cleaning: 10 brilliant lifehals that make the process as much as possible


Spring - update time. We have prepared advice to refresh the house to the new season, get rid of extra things and rationally organize space.

Spring cleaning: 10 brilliant lifehals that make the process as much as possible 11141_1

1 free the cabinet from unnecessary clothes and leave some shelves empty

Start preparation for the spring from the parsing of the cabinet. Freeing the space in the closet and leaving a few shelves empty, you pride the place under things that are constantly lying on chairs and chairs.

The vacant place can also be used under coats and shoes that are stored in the hallway and spoil its interior.



How to start the pavement of the cabinet? Start throwing out those things that are definitely not needed (sock without a pair, clothes with solar stains). In the books on the organization of space, it is generally recommended to get rid of things that you have not worn more than a year. This term suggests that you have lost interest to them, or they came out of fashion, or you have grown out of these things. So enough to occupy the place in the closet.

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2 Buy baskets of different sizes and style

Baskets are universal storage systems. They will help to bring a visual order on the shelves of an open rack, a wardrobe with clothes, remove seasonal clothes, folded outhouse trivia in the kitchen, toys in the children's ... Listed can be infinite.

Baskets for magazines photo

Photo: Design Within Reach

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3 Throw the trash

And now we are not only about clothes, but in principle that you keep in the house. Most often we postpone parting with a thing due to banal pity. To finally solve her fate, answer yourself to the following questions:

  • Do you like it or someone from your family members?
  • How useful this thing?
  • Have you used this thing for last year?
  • Do you have a similar thing in the farm that you apply more often?

Full order in the kitchen

Design: Cantilever Interiors

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4 Buy hangers and shelves

For each item of clothing there should be their own hanger, it will be easier to search for it, wash and clean into the closet. Having bought a few stack of hangers, you will facilitate all the subsequent cleaning and simplify the search for the right thing.

Clothes hangers


The same can be said about the liners on the shelves. Lingerie or household trivia, even devices in the kitchen box, according to special departments - means to provide order in the house for a long time and facilitate the task in future search for the right one.

Inserts for sorting clothes


5 Do not start cleaning with bathroom

An interesting lifehak is not to start cleaning with a bathroom. There are more bacteria than in residential premises, so it is more expedient to remove the bathroom at the end so as not to dismiss microbes around the house.

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6 If it takes less than two minutes, make it right away

Simply. Teach. Himself. It is much easier to restore order if you do not postpone small tasks in the far box. Soap spots on a metal mixer can be wiped every time you go to the bathroom, and the crumbs from the table to clean immediately after cutting a piece of bread.


Design: Shanade McAllister Fisher

New stains wipe much easier than the compiled - so you just facilitate your task and save time during cleaning.

7 Group tasks so to focus on the result

Choose one process and bring it to the end: wipe the dust in all rooms, wash the floor in the entire apartment. Thus, you will immediately see the result, and it motivates.

Kitchen, where all over the shelves

Design: Naked Kitchens

8 Use vinegar for washing windows

Since spring cleaning most often assumes washing windows, we have prepared a Lifehak for you for this process. To avoid divorces on the window, fill the vinegar into the sprayer, mix it with water (in proportion 3: 1) and add a few drops of dishwashing liquids.

Clean windows photo

Design: Robert Siegel Architects

  • 8 Lifehas for washing windows that simplify the process and make the result brilliant (in the literal)

9 Put in the hallway tray for dirty shoes

It would be easier to say - wash shoes immediately, but it would not be a lifehak. In order not to spread the dirt on the hallway from the shoes in which you just came, put the shoe storage tray. By the way, it is convenient to put a wet umbrella, while it does not dry.

Tray for shoes in the hallway

Photo: IKEA

10 Connect to the cleaning of family members

Of course, you can be irritably asked to "finally help", but you can arrange a game with children and husband - who will make faster. Children let the most understandable instructions: put books on the shelves, fix the bed. Because the request to "remove in the room" is too vague.

Children's room after cleaning

Design: Christopher Burns Interiors

For this game you will have to muffle the voice of the inner perfectionist. Perhaps you could make better and spend better in that corner, but someday and households will learn.

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