Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej


Cov kab ua kab, thiab p-puab, thiab txawm tias nyob twj ywm headsets yuav haum rau hauv chav ua noj ntawm kab nruab nrab. Yuav to taub li cas koj xav tau?

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_1

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej

Hauv kev tsim ntawm chav ua noj ntawm 13 square metres. M Koj tuaj yeem ua ob peb lub tswv yim txias: ntawm chav nyob ua haujlwm rau chav noj mov puv ntoob. Qhov tseem ceeb yog los txiav txim siab cov layout, zoning thiab cov haujlwm uas koj xav muab tso rau qhov chaw no. Peb qhia yuav ua li cas.

Txhua yam hais txog kev tsim ntawm chav ua noj nrog thaj tsam ntawm 13 square metres. M.

Yuav ua li cas them sai sai rau

Kev npaj

- cov heapear

- Kaum

- P-puab

- parallel

Yuav ua li cas them sai sai rau

Thawj qhov yuav tsum tau ua thaum npaj chav ua noj sab hauv yog 13 square metres. M - txiav txim siab nws txoj haujlwm. Hauv lwm lo lus: to taub qhov koj xav tau ntawm chav no, dab tsi cheeb tsam ntawm no yuav tsum yog.

  • Koj puas nyiam sib sau ua ke nrog phooj ywg noj hmo? Hauv qhov no, koj yuav xav tau nyob rau thaj chaw nyob nrog lub rooj zaum me me thiab lub chav kaw uas dav.
  • Koj puas siv sijhawm txaus qab lub qhov cub? Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau cov kev txawj ntse ua haujlwm.
  • Thiab tej zaum koj yuav tsum tau ua kom pom qhov chaw ua haujlwm hauv tsev?

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_3
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_4
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_5
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_6
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_7
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_8
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_9
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_10
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_11
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_12
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_13
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_14
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_15
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_16

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_17

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_18

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_19

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_20

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_21

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_22

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_23

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_24

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_25

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_26

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_27

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_28

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_29

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_30

Txhawm rau pov tseg cov muaj cov muaj meters yuav kho cov phiaj xwm. Nws tuaj yeem sau tau hauv qhov program online lossis hauv daim ntawv thov. Ntawm no yog kev xaiv yog loj :igpup, PRO100, Planoplan thiab ntau lwm tus. Yog tias koj yaj nrog kev kawm ntawm kev tsim online, koj tsis xav tau, koj tuaj yeem siv thiab siv tau rau txhua daim ntawv - kos ntawv mem hluav.

Pib npaj ib txwm los ntawm qhov chaw ntawm lub dab dej. Koj yuav tsum nkag siab tias koj yuav thev dhau nws lossis tsis ua. Yog tias muaj, ces qhov twg. Nws tseem tsim nyog los xaiv lub qhov cub thiab tub yees. Tag nrho peb cov khoom yuav tsum nyob ntawm qhov deb ntawm ntau dua ib nrab meter, tab sis tsis txuas ntxiv tshaj ob meters. Qhov no yog ergonomics, uas yog, yooj yim ntawm kev siv - txoj cai ntawm daim duab peb sab ua haujlwm.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_31
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_32
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_33
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_34
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_35
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_36

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_37

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_38

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_39

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_40

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_41

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_42

Tom qab ua haujlwm ntawm chav tsev tau txhais, koj tuaj yeem txuas mus rau qhov kev tso chaw ntawm rooj tog thiab xaiv cov duab ntawm lub mloog pob ntseg. Peb muab rau koj los xav txog txhua txoj kev xaiv kev xaiv thiab nws cov nta.

  • 8 Zoo li yooj yim piv txwv ntawm kev cia thiab cov koom haum ntawm cov txee hauv chav ua noj, uas koj tsis tau paub ua ntej

Kab kab kab lus 13 square metres. meters

Ib qho ntawm cov piv txwv yooj yim hauv kev ua piv txwv. Lub mloog pob ntseg nyob raws phab ntsa, qhov ntev ntawm uas yuav tsum yog tsawg kawg yog ob thiab ib nrab meters. Feem ntau cov chav noj mov yog rov qab, raws li hauv txoj haujlwm no.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_44
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_45
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_46
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_47
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_48
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_49
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_50

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_51

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_52

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_53

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_54

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_55

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_56

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_57


  • Koj tuaj yeem muab cov chaw ua haujlwm loj, yooj yim haum rau txhua cov txheej txheem.
  • Yog tias qhov dav tso cai rau koj los nruab ib lub kob lossis tso cov rooj zaum cais tawm ntawm chav noj mov. Hauv txoj haujlwm no, qhov no ua tsis tau vim lub qhov rooj.

Qho tseem ceeb

  • Daim duab peb sab ua haujlwm yog poob rau daim foos. Kev taw los ncaj qha nyob ib ncig ntawm chav thaum lub sijhawm ua noj tau suav tias yog tsis xis nyob.

  • Lub chav ua noj lub chav ua noj duab sib dhos: Yuav ua li cas nyem qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm txhua qhov chaw

Kne tsev tso cov rooj tog zaum

Cov kev xaiv nrov tshaj plaws thiab feem ntau. Nws ua pov thawj ntau yees ntawm chav ua noj tsim 13 square metres. Nrog rau cov txheej txheem no ntawm lub taub hau siv lub kaum sab xis thiab ob sab phab ntsa ib sab, feem ntau tsis tag.


  • Tuaj yeem siv rau txhua qhov chaw. Tab sis txoj kev yooj yim tshaj plaws yog nyob rau hauv cov chav ntawm daim foos: lub xwmfab thiab lub duab plaub fab sib npaug.
  • Nws yog ib qho yooj yim los ua ib daim duab peb sab ua haujlwm. Feem ntau yog ib qho ntawm cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tib phab ntsa (ntau zaus lub tub yees), thiab cov slab thiab dab dej.

Qho tseem ceeb

  • Koj tuaj yeem ua yuam kev nrog kev suav ntawm qhov kev ncua deb ntawm cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov duab peb sab ua haujlwm. Txawm li cas los xij, ntawm 13 square meters kom cia ib qho yuam kev yuav luag tsis muaj tseeb.
  • Thaum kev npaj cov tub rau khoom, ceevfaj, lub ntsiab lus tsis muaj tseeb cuam tshuam nrog kev siv tsis yooj yim.

Xav txog cov duab ntawm chav ua noj cov txheej txheem 13 square meters. meters nrog xws li ib qho txheej txheem. Txhua tus ntawm lawv ua raws cov qauv ntawm rooj tog. Chav tsev feem ntau muab faib ua ob qho chaw ua si. Thawj zaug yog lub mloog pob ntseg thiab chav noj mov, thiab hauv ob-rooj zaum thiab TV.

Nws tsis yog ib txwm muaj nruab nrab chav-chav ua haujlwm muaj ib lub rooj loj. Hauv kev ua piv txwv hauv daim duab hauv qab no lub rooj me me rau ob qho kev pom cais cov chav noj mov ntawm thaj chaw ua noj.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_59
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_60
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_61
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_62
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_63

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_64

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_65

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_66

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_67

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_68

Rau tib lub ntsiab cai, cov phiaj xwm tseem muaj los ntawm hauv qab no, tsuas yog cov pab pawg tau teeb tsa ntawm phab ntsa nrog lub TV.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_69
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_70
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_71
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_72
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_73
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_74
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_75

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_76

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_77

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_78

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_79

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_80

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_81

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_82

Yog tias qhov dav ntawm chav tsev tso cai rau koj sim lub rooj thiab cov rooj zaum hauv nruab nrab. Puag ncig qauv zoo tshaj plaws zoo dua.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_83
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_84
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_85
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_86
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_87
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_88

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_89

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_90

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_91

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_92

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_93

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_94

Cov txheej txheem hauv qab no uas ua pov thawj tias xws li kev teeb tsa yog qhov tsis muaj tsuas yog rau kev tso ntawm daim foos. Tus tsim qauv cuam tshuam nrog lub ces kaum ncaj ncaj ntawm lub mloog pob ntseg, thiab tus so ntawm qhov chaw yoog raws li thaj chaw ua si. Them sai sai rau cov lus puag ncig - nws pom zoo li yooj yim dua thiab ua tiag tiag txuag tau ib qho chaw.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_95
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_96
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_97
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_98
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_99

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_100

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_101

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_102

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_103

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_104

Lub rooj zaum thiab chav noj mov tuaj yeem ua ke rau qhov chaw dawb thiab huab cua. Cov txheej txheem hauv txoj haujlwm no zoo ib yam li cov kab ib, tab sis ua tsaug rau qhov dav ntawm phab ntsa, tus sau tswj tau koom nrog ntawm cov txee rau kev nkag.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_105
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_106
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_107
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_108
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_109

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_110

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_111

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_112

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_113

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_114

Tus tsim qauv ntawm cov phiaj xwm no tau ua kom ntau tshaj plaws thaj chaw nrog kev pab los ntawm kev muab faib, ntaub pua plag thiab TV. Ua tib zoo saib kom yooj yim nws tus kheej, nws tsis nkim lub sab hauv ntawm cov nuj nqis ntawm daim foos. Cov tub ceev yog yooj yim: riptending racks tau hloov nrog kev nkag mus nkag.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_115
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_116
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_117
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_118

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_119

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_120

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_121

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_122

Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev npaj ntawm no yog tib yam. Tab sis hloov ntawm lub rooj zaum hauv qab TV tus tsim qauv tau nruab cov ntaub ntawv sau cia. Nov yog lub tswv yim zoo rau chav ua noj, yog tias koj xav tau los rau hauv chav ua noj ntawm 13 square metres. meters ua hauj lwm kaum.

Nthuav nthuav nyob rau sab hauv kuj yog nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm cov xim. Nws siv qhov kev txais tos ntawm daim pam xim hnub no. Ib feem ntawm chav tsev kab rov tav yog qhov tseem ceeb nrog kev ua kom ntsuab.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_123
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_124
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_125
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_126
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_127
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_128

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_129

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_130

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_131

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_132

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_133

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_134

  • Tus Qauv Txheej Txheem Kaum Chav Ua Mov: 9 Cov tswv yim nthuav


Xws li ib qho txheej txheem tuaj yeem siv tau yog tias qhov dav ntawm chav tsev yog tsawg kawg 2.5 meters.


  • Ib tug loj nto rau kev ua noj ua haus. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau cov neeg uas xav tau cov chav ua noj muaj.
  • Koj tuaj yeem sim nrog qhov chaw nyob ntawm daim duab peb sab ua haujlwm.

Qho tseem ceeb

  • Feem ntau cov chav noj mov tau hloov los ntawm lub rooj sib xws, raws li nyob rau hauv txoj haujlwm hauv daim duab. Hauv qhov no, tso cai tus tsim qauv los muab qhov chaw me me hauv lub studio rau cov neeg siv khoom, uas yog nyiam ntawm manicure.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_136
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_137
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_138
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_139
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_140

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_141

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_142

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_143

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_144

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_145

Lwm qhov piv txwv yog P-puab lub mloog pob ntseg ntawm phab ntsa ntev. Cov neeg siv khoom tau tso tseg thaj chaw ua si nyob rau hauv cov chav noj mov puv ntoob. Thaj chaw ntawm chav tsev yog ib nyuag ntau dua, txog 14 square metres.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_146
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_147
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_148
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_149

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_150

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_151

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_152

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_153

  • 50 Square square square chav ua noj tsim duab

Parallel Headset

Cov tshuaj zoo rau cov chav ntev ntev yog lub taub ntseg parallel. Cov txee yog muab tso rau hauv ob kab sib txawv.


Tso cai rau koj los siv txoj cai ntawm daim duab peb sab ua haujlwm thiab ua rau qhov chaw ntawm cov duab tsis ncaj ncees.

Qho tseem ceeb

Nws yuav zoo li dhau. Qhov teeb meem daws tau yog tias siv tsis lag ntseg, thiab cov khoom ci thiab qhib cov txee.

Tus sau phau ntawv ntawm lub phiaj xwm hauv qab no, ntxiv rau qhov kev txais tos no, kuj siv xim. Lub teeb racks pab txhawb kev pom ntawm cov array. Ua tib zoo saib daim duab peb sab: Ntxuav thiab qhov cub tau muab tso rau ntawm ib sab tes, thiab lub tub yees thiab qhov cub thiab qhov cub - rau lwm yam.

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_155
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_156
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_157
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_158
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_159
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_160
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_161
Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_162

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_163

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_164

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_165

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_166

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_167

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_168

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_169

Chav ua noj ua qauv 13 square metres. M: Peb disassemble qhov zoo thiab kev pom ntawm txhua qhov txheej 2937_170

  • 8 txoj cai hauv kev tsim ntawm lub tsev ua noj ntev

Nyeem ntxiv