Izindlela eziyi-10 ezihehayo zokuhlomisa umtapo wezincwadi wasekhaya


Sithola indawo yezincwadi ezikwi-niches, ngaphansi kwamafasitela, ephaseji nezinye izindawo zasefulethini noma ekhaya.

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Izindlela eziyi-10 ezihehayo zokuhlomisa umtapo wezincwadi wasekhaya

I-1 balcony

Noma ngabe une-balcony efudumele, imvamisa akulula ukuyithola kusuka ekwakhekeni okuphezulu nendawo encane. Beka izindonga zamashalofu ezincwadi, i-rack noma ibhokisi, bese uhlomisa indawo okufanele uyifunde. I-Daylight enhle, iwindi elikhulu, ubumfihlo nokuthula - ama-satellite afundwa kakhulu. Futhi ukufunda kuvulandi kusihlwa, engeza ukukhanyisa. Kufanelekile njengamalambu owakhelwe ngaphakathi, futhi kuyaphatheka, njengokufika phansi noma isibani setafula. Ngemizwa ekhethekile nenduduzo, engeza i-garland.

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  • Ungayibeka kuphi futhi kanjani ekhoneni lokufunda: Izinketho eziyi-8

2 Corridor

Iphaseji kungenye indawo efulethini, okunzima ukwenza okusebenzayo okuningi. Amanye amakamelo ahlela amagatsha asemigwaqweni, lapho kuzokhululwa khona umtapo wezincwadi omuhle kakhulu we-mini. Yakha amashalofu e-niche, beka isihlalo esikhanyayo bese uthola isixazululo esihle sale ndawo. I-Corridor Ejwayelekile nayo ingashintshwa ukuze igcine izincwadi - Sebenzisa ama-racks aphezulu ophahla ukuze usebenzise isikhala ukukhulisa ubukhulu.

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Izitebhisi ezi-3

Amashalofu wezincwadi angafakwa ngaphansi kwezinyathelo noma izindonga eduze kwezitebhisi. Kubukeka njengesixazululo ngokugqamile nangongejwayelekile, izinkinga ezimbili zixazululwa ngasikhathi sinye: indawo yokugcina izincwadi kanye nokwakhiwa kwangempela kwezitebhisi.

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4 niche odongeni

Ukusuka ku-niche odongeni kuzoba indawo enhle ye-mini-Library, udinga kuphela ukwengeza amashalofu amancane. Uma indawo nosayizi we-niche evumela, zama ngasikhathi sinye ukukhipha ekhoneni ukuze ufunde kulo.

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Ingxenye engu-5 yegumbi

Labo ababonakala bangumbono oyisidina nje bafaka i-boodombi kanye ne-armanchair egumbini, kufanelekile ukuzama ukuhlela indawo ekhethekile yezincwadi usebenzisa i-podium noma i-drywall prorrusions odongeni. Kuvela indawo eseceleni yokuzijabulisa enencwadi.

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6 udonga phakathi komnyango newindi

Ezindlini eziningi, isikhala phakathi komnyango otholakala eduze newindi kuhlala kungasebenzi. Le yindawo ephelele ye-Book Rack noma amashalofu. Bazosusa umuzwa wokuba yize futhi abanasici ngefasitela badlule emnyango. Futhi uma ubeka i-armerchair nge-back to the windows, kuzoba yindawo enhle ongayifunda, ngoba ukukhanya kwelanga kuzokuwela ngqo ekhasini lencwadi oyifundile.

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7 ebuntwaneni

Izingane zingaba nezincwadi ezithile, kepha kubalulekile ukuhlela umtapo wezincwadi omncane. Uzohlobisa igumbi lezingane futhi azokusiza ukuthi unikeze ingane ukuze ufunde. Ukukhetha amashalofu namabhokisi okugcina, gxila kulawo mamodeli lapho ingane izokwazi ukuhlanza khona izincwadi ngokwayo futhi ngiyibeke ezingeni lokukhula kwalo. Okuncane kobuqambi obufana nopende odongeni lwesihlahla noma imicamelo ekhanyayo phansi ngeke kuphazamise.

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8 phezu kwedeskithophu

Ungakhohlwa ngesikhala samahhala odongeni ngaphezu kwedeskithophu yakho. Le yindawo ekahle yokugcina izincwadi ozidingayo ukuze usebenze, utadishe noma ugqozi.

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9 podium

Esikhundleni se-sofa, ungafaka igumbi le-podium elinamakhabethe noma indawo yamabhasikidi we-wicker, lapho kufaneleka khona ukugcina izincwadi.

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I-10Windows Windows

Ngaphansi kwefasitela elibanzi, amashalofu azothuthukiswa kahle, futhi ungaphonsa imicamelo kuyo, ubeke indawo ukuze ufunde khona lapho. Inketho igcwele kakhulu: Isengeze isihlalo sewindows sill sokufunda noma ukuvala ifomu elingelona elijwayelekile.

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