Bathroom redevelopment: 6 things you can and can not do


We tell you that you can and cannot be changed in the bathroom, as well as what documents you need to make changes.

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Bathroom redevelopment: 6 things you can and can not do

Many dream of a spacious bathroom in order to fit her shower, bath, bidet, drying and washing machine. However, not everyone in the apartment initially is the ability to arrange them. Embody a dream will help redevelop the bathroom. We tell me what is realistic to do, and what projects will never agree.

All about redevelopment of the bathroom


What can I do:

- expansion due to residential premises and kitchens

- Entrance from the bedroom and kitchen

- To affect the mines

What can I do:

- increase due to non-residential premises

- demolish the partition

- transfer plumbing and accessories

Features Redevelopment

Reference to the bathroom in Khrushchev or any other house must be legalized. Even a small extension or equipment of the partition should be coordinated, not to mention the transfer of communications or other important systems.

First of all, you need to take the technical passport of the apartment. You can get it in the Technical Inventory Bureau (BTI). Also get acquainted so that with you was a complete package of documents. Among them were to papers confirming that housing is in your property. Plus you need to prepare a project for your future restroom.

Then you must send documents to the State Housing Inspection of your city. It is her that will result in a final decision or give permission to rework, or refuse it.

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What can not be done when redeveloping the bathroom

1. Expand due to residential room or kitchen

Many dream of redeveloping a small bathroom, but do not everyone know that it is impossible to expand it at the expense of residential premises. These norms are spelled out in Sanpin. The ban is explained simply: the bathroom can not be above a residential premises or neighbor's cuisine, which are located under you.

Accordingly, if you want to move the wall of the kitchen to make a bathroom or the toilet more, then such a project will not agree. However, this does not apply to the post rooms, as the BTI does not spell up the norms of the washing machine in the apartment.

The transfer of the restroom to the residential part of the apartment is also banned: such a project will never be agreed. Therefore, if you dream about an open bath in the bedroom, you should forget about it: such decisions can be implemented only in private homes or apartments (they have the status of non-residential premises).

An exception to the rule can also be a two-level apartment: if the second floor housing wants to change the location of the bathroom, then its transfer is possible. And if the apartment is located on the first floor and there are no residential premises under it, for example, there is a basement.

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2. Make an entrance from the kitchen or bedroom

If the entrance to the only bathroom is made from the kitchen or residential rooms: bedrooms, living room or nursery, then it is illegal. The norms are spelled out in Sanpin: the entrance to the room, equipped with a toilet, cannot be made of kitchen or dwelling. Accordingly, enter the only restroom in the apartment only from the corridor.

However, in this rule there is an exception: if you already have one toilet, the entrance to which is made from the hall, then you can equip one more room with a toilet room with access to the bedroom.

This rule concerns only the room with the toilet. Entrance to the room in which it is not: in the bathroom, shower or simply washed, can be made from any residential space.

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3. To affect shafts

Often in the bathroom make huge sewer and ventilation mines. Their size can be assessed on the sketch of the plan of the apartment: sometimes the mines are really too big, so many owners have a desire to attach a small piece to the area of ​​restroom. However, it is impossible to do so. According to the law, the mines do not belong to the owners of housing, and relate to general aware property (this is stated in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, the channel is not included in the apartment area and is not the property of the owner. Troat other people's square meters.

Reduce or disassemble ventilation channels. If you do this, the owner faces a fine, and he will also have to restore the mine at his own expense.

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What can be done when redeveloping a bathroom and a bathroom

1. Enlarge from the corridor or storage room

It was impossible to increase the increase in residential rooms and the kitchen, already mentioned above. However, it is worth mentioning that if you want to use a part of non-residential premises: a corridor, a lounge or storage room, then the extension is quite possible. The coordination of such a project is real. But be careful when redeveloping the bathroom in the panel houses: it may turn out that the wall between the corridor and the restroom is carrier.

However, it is important to take into account a couple of moments: communications that you will lay, should not disrupt the overall circulation. For example, pressure in the pipes due to the incorrectly laid highway may fall, therefore, in foreign apartments, water will be worse. This moment you need to keep in my head.

It is also worth considering that when expanding or transfering a restroom, you must perform the floorproofing of the floor. Accordingly, it will be necessary to dismantle the old coating and put a new one.

If you decide to increase the bathroom at the expense of the corridor, then do not last too narrow. This is especially true of redevelopment of the bathroom in Khrushchev, where corridors and hallways are not very big. According to the standards, the minimum width at which it will be convenient to walk, is 90 cm. Try not to do this space already. Think of cases when it may be uncomfortable, for example, a person on crutches in a narrow space will be closely. Do not forget that no one is insured by he accidents: you can simply slip and break the leg.

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2. demolish the partition

The joining the bathroom coordinate is quite simple, it confirms a huge number of designers projects. Rarely when the partition between the toilet and the bathroom is carrier. Therefore, most often it can be removed without any problems.

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3. Transfer plumbing and accessories

You can transfer the shower, sink, toilet and bath when redeveloping a bathroom and toilet. Such actions also require separate approval. This moment surprises many. However, the rule is as follows: if plumbing is noted on the BTI plan, it means that its new place must also be documented.

There is an exception in these norms: the plans are not indicated by the place of washing and drying machines, as well as a heated towel rail. In response, if you need to transfer one of these items, the matching is not required.

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  • Reference: Full Guide, after which you will not have any questions

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