7 tips for the perfect refrigerator organization


Is your refrigerator look more like a cemetery of scattered and spoiled products? Touch 7 ideas to bring it in order.

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7 tips for the perfect refrigerator organization

1 Use the correct container

Try to store foods in special plastic containers - fruits and vegetables in polyethylene packages may interfere, and they look untidy. Plus containers - you always see what is located.

XEONIC Food Container

XEONIC Food Container

Fresh meat, birds, fish and seafood is better to store in the original packaging: if you transfer them to another, increases the risk of infection with bacteria.

2 Find products your place

Secure certain shelves behind the products, as you do in the closet. So it will be easier for you to find food, and it is easier to understand if something ends.

Here are some tips, how to distribute products:

  • Store fresh meat, bird and fish below, so that possible feeders do not pack other products.
  • Cheese store in dairy compartments on the door.
  • Keep vegetables and fruits only with similar fruits (apples with apples, etc.): They allocate various gases that can worsen the quality of other fruits and vegetables.
  • Spreads (oil, honey, jam) can be stored together.

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3 Adjust the height of the shelves

Do not leave the space not involved - adjust the height of the shelves as you are most convenient, and everything will fit!

4 Ensure easy access to frequently used products.

What you use every day, store on those shelves, where it is easy to reach. Better if these products are closer to the edge. Heavy and rarely used can be stored downstairs and closer to the wall. Easy - on the upper shelves.

5 Track dates

Check when you bought or opened food, "so you can understand what you need to throw away. It is also worth keeping older products in front, and new - rear: the risk of delay will be reduced.

6 Check the temperature of the refrigerator

The ideal temperature in the refrigerator should be 2-4 degrees: above or lower - products can be spoiled.

Remember that you need to clean the food in the refrigerator when it cools up to room temperature. So you save the correct temperature in the chamber, and avoid condensate.

7 Check the refrigerator regularly

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Once a week spend the revision, wipe the dirt and leather, clean the spoiled and overdue food. After express cleaning, check that the refrigerator door is tightly closed: To do this, laid between the door and the camera sheet of paper - it should hold.

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