How to remove the smell of Gary in the apartment after a fire and burnt food


Whatever the cause of the burned smell, will have to work well to get rid of it. Telling the procedure and useful tips to help speed up the air vent.

How to remove the smell of Gary in the apartment after a fire and burnt food 10020_1

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Gar So difficult to display From housing, because it is very quickly entrusted to the situation. Fabric, wallpaper, upholstered furniture, dishes - everything is soaked with this stench. The sooner you start clean It, the greater the chance to save some things and breathe fresh air again. Let's start an article with the instructions, how to get rid of the smell of burned in the apartment when he just appeared.

What to do first if burned food or at home

strong> Fire happened

At first, of course, it is necessary to eliminate the cause and throw off the spoiled products and objects. What can be restored to fold into the bag and take a balcony or the street. Then you need to perform two more steps, without which it will not be possible to clean the room.

First stage: ventilation

We need to weathered with a draft. Open windows and doors. It is advisable not to close them as long as possible if weather conditions allow. In cold weather, it will help the inclusion of exhaust and air conditioners per hour and a half (rooms must be closed). Sometimes, if the ignition was small, it is enough. But usually the procedure removes only smoke and need to continue to act.

Second Stage: Wet Cleaning

Be prepared for the fact that it will take careful treatment of all surfaces. Mix five liters of water with one tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon ammonia (before interaction with it put on gloves and mask). Wipe the floor, tables, chairs, kitchen utensils, lamps, chandeliers, carpets, comprehend tacks and other fabric items. Five more ways to eliminate the smell:

  • Cheat wet towels and sheets, make it several times. But remember that they will have to be thrown.
  • Make a vinegar solution. It helps if you pour it into a saucepan (200 ml for the entire volume), bring to a boil and leave on slow fire for half an hour. People at this time better get out of the room. Instead of vinegar, citric acid, soda or salt is also suitable.
  • Fill the tank with water and place them in the apartment. You can add essential oils.
  • Drink a hot bath and leave the door open, turn on the humidifier, steam generator.
  • Throw off all napkins and cloths for the floor after the end of processing.

How to remove the smell of Gary in the apartment after a fire and burnt food 10020_2
How to remove the smell of Gary in the apartment after a fire and burnt food 10020_3

How to remove the smell of Gary in the apartment after a fire and burnt food 10020_4

Wet cleaning - mandatory stage in the elimination of Gary

How to remove the smell of Gary in the apartment after a fire and burnt food 10020_5

The steam generator helps to eliminate the grown smell

If the fire was strong, it will have to clean the ceilings and walls. Pollution with them is convenient to remove the spatula. Sometimes it is necessary to fully repair, with the removal of floor covering, the painting ceiling, the replacement of wallpaper. We will tell you what else can be done with things that smelted burners.

It is very important not to use fresheners and aerosols before completing cleaning and venting out the room. They are mixed with smoke or soak, and will only worse.

  • How to clean air in the house: 8 effective ways

How to get rid of the smell Gary on clothes and other subjects in the house

Even a small fire is enough so that in housing it becomes impossible to breathe. Over time, the smell is dulled and reacts to smoking only when a person returns from the street. If all that is exactly what - check if some surfaces and things missed during harvesting.

  • Tile. If the reason exactly in it, try to wash it with a bleach (can damage the tile, test on a small plot) or soda.
  • Window. Use wipers, including plastic frames. For wooden, soap, acetic-aqueous solution, a tool for dishes.
  • Jalousie. Remove and rinse under the shower with a wiper. Tissue tissue into a dry cleaning or post manually.
  • Curtains, curtains, curtains. In some cases, several styrics are required, the cloth is needed in the fresh air.
  • Carpets, upholstered furniture. Clean the wet brushed or squeeze the food soda on the surface and leave overnight. In the morning we spend.
  • Bed linen and clothing. Fold them into one bag, pour into it soda and shake. After half a day, we rinse everything in a vinegar solution and post.
  • Oven. Heat the device up to 90 degrees, turn off and check the container with ammonia alcohol. After a day, wipe the surface with a wet napkin or sponge.
  • Microwave. Get rid From the soot, it is very simple. Put inward a glass with food soda or a mixture of means for dishes with citric acid, close the door and leave for a day.

The tile is one of the sources of the mountains ...

Tile - one of the sources of burned odor


These are not all ways to eliminate fire consequences. Further - receptions of aromatization of apartments that did not have time to burn strong.

  • How to get rid of tobacco smoke and smell in the apartment

How to remove the smell of Gary: Folk Tips and Special Funds

First we list the methods that work slowly, not one day. It will take at least a week so that the housing is ventured. But they help improve the microclimate in it in this time segment and speed up the process.

Natural air fresheners

Herbs and spices

Melissa, mint, wormwood, pyrzya, rosemary, sage, thyme (fresh and dried), carnations and other solid seasoning are suitable. In winter, Narvit's coniferous branches. What can you do with them:
  • Throw in the water and keep an hour or two on slow heat.
  • Descript on the plates and place them in the apartment. Periodically, you need to change the raw materials in the freshest.
  • Pour water in the glass and boil in the microwave oven 20 minutes, and then leave cool when the door is closed.

Citrus and peel from them

Orange, lemon, tangerines - all will fit. There is no difference, fresh or dry. How to use:

  • Take crusts, put them in an ashtray or saucer and burning.
  • Cut the fruit on the slices and leave in different rooms, in the kitchen. Periodically replace them.
  • Make a citrus decoction - boil thinly sliced ​​plates for 10-15 minutes.
  • Lemon juice can be wiped victims of surface fire.

Citrus - Natural Aromatics

Citrus - Natural Aromatizer for Home


  • 9 reasons why do you smell badly at home (and how to fix it)

Aroma candles

Just light them from time to time.


This product well absorbs extraneous smells.

There are two ways to use:

  • Put in the saucer next to the Gary source.
  • Make a concentrated solution at the rate of 10 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. Close it overnight in the room where there was a fire.

Ground natural coffee

Suitable and grain, but it slowly absorbs fragrances. Lose it in tanks and leave there, where the burner most. If this is a microwave - close it for a couple of days.

According to the same principle, activated coal, cut the bulb, starch with a small amount of ammonia, a weak solution of mangarteese. If all this does not help, try more serious methods.

How to remove the smell of Gary from the apartment: special means

If you have a ionizer or steam generator, turn them on every day.

Purchase liquid domestic chemistry for cleaning, designed to eliminate the soot. But be careful using them. Carefully read the instructions and follow the security technique. You will need protective gloves, glasses and respirator. Here are the names of some funds:

  • "Bitumas".
  • Mazbit +.
  • Syntilor Fuoco.

There are also eco-friendly neutralizers. Tell some of them.


Suitable for processing microwave, oven and other household appliances, as well as rooms. Before use, you need to wash the worshipers of the surface with soap solution, wash all things. Then spray odorgone on the walls, floor, ceiling or technique. In the upholstered furniture you can enter the syringe. Close the windows, doors or doors and leave for about 15 hours. After - to ventilate the room. It is harmless to people and animals mixture with plants extracts and essential oils.


Products are also designed to absorb and eliminate the smell of Gary from the apartment. The composition is made on a water basis, has a light aroma and does not contain toxic for humans, animal or environment, substances. Despite this, during his action it is undesirable to be in the room. As in the case of Odorgone, you must first make general cleaning and ventilation. After that, SmellOFF liquid is applied to purified surfaces and remains on them to dry.


Another absorbent with similar characteristics. Sold in the canices and bottles of sprayers in online stores. It is applied to stone, wooden, fabric, leather and ceramic items. For more effect, manufacturers advise to cover them with film. Then things and the setting are drying. Products are safe for people and animals, protective clothing do not need to work with it.

In addition to such funds, you can use aerosols - air fresheners. According to reviews, an anti-bacter spray manifests itself well. But remember that this method does not eliminate the problem, but only for a while masks it.

Unfortunately, the consequences of strong fires are held long. Eliminate unpleasant grown The smell in one day is unlikely to succeed. To speed up the process, use the measures listed in the article comprehensively.

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