Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips


Competently furnish the tiny cuisine, and even squeeze the refrigerator - problematic. Here are some lifehams to arrange everything you need and do not turn the room in the furniture warehouse.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_1

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips

Thinking kitchen design with an area of ​​6 square meters. M with a refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, you will understand that the most difficult thing to enter is a large technique, because for the precious place, in addition to her, lockers are fighting for utensils and a dining table.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_4
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_5

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_6

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_7

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_8

But do not refuse the comfort and achievements of progress in the desire to carve out a little more space. Your small-sized reserves are greater than it seems at first glance.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_9
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_10

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_11

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_12

  • 8 functional examples of kitchen design with an area of ​​6 square meters. M.

Kitchen design 6 meters with refrigerator: photo interiors

Specialists recommend placing this unit from the edge of the headset. So it will look like a logical continuation or, rather, the completion of the working area.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_14
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_15
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_16
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_17
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_18

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_19

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_20

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_21

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_22

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_23

And if you put it next to the front door (right or left), then you will be convenient to unload packages with food brought from the store.

In addition, any high item in this place shares the space, it is advantageously sunbathe washing, if it is in the corner, and part of the countertop. The view of the incoming person falls on the most attractive zones - a dining table and a window.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_24
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_25

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_26

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_27

Finally, such a compact location of the main components of the kitchen triangle is very convenient: you have everything at hand.

Just in case, we recall: this triangle includes a place to store products, washing and cooking zone. The photo shows how optimal schemes look for different kinds of kitchens.

Photo: Instagram almark_mebel

If you need to visually expand the space either at the door everything is busy, set the most cumbersome device in the far corner. It may be adjacent to the stove, and not with the sink, and the above rule will break. But this is not critical if two aggregates will separate at least a narrow countertop. It is impossible to be closely in any case, the distance should be at least 15 cm.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_29
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_30
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_31

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_32

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_33

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_34

It is not necessary to place high items immediately opposite the door: a huge Mahina will instantly rush into the eyes and strongly compress the already tiny room.

Here it is shown just Nomfo & ...

Here it is shown just uncomfortable for perception location. True, the "weightless" pastel color this minus almost neutralizes.

It is also undesirable that the major technique stood close to the table, otherwise the opening door will interfere with diner family members or guests. Although in very small apartments, choose where to put, it does not work. Sometimes we have to agree on an inconvenient layout.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_37

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_38

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_39

Thus, one of two options for the location of the large-sized item is optimal:

  1. In the corner diagonally from the entrance (most often it is next to the window).
  2. Right or to the left of the doorway, and can also be in the corner.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_40
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_41

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_42

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_43

You need to take into account your habits. If you are right-hander, then the location of the instruments will be convenient from one another from left to right: refrigerator, washing, stove. The hostess-left left is the opposite better if these items stand in the reverse order.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_44
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_45

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_46

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_47

For those who do not need to prepare in the family, there will be enough minibar. It is easy to embed it in any buffet, a rack or to cover the tabletop.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_48
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_49
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_50

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_51

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_52

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_53

And if there is a loggia and she is heated, storage of products can be transferred there. To go for food, of course, uncomfortable, and the rule of the kitchen triangle will break, but the room will be much more spacious.

Refrigerator Cold Vine

Refrigerator Cold Vine

Models for closer premises

If you want the device to take at least a place, it means that it should be as compact as possible: narrow and / or low and roomy, because the size of the washing machine is suitable for a very limited circle of people.

In stores, the choice according to these parameters is small. But here are some examples of suitable and economical to the energy consumption of devices - plants a class A and higher.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_55
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_56

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_57

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_58

A two-chamber small Tesler RCT-100 is interesting not only by dimensions (width - 45.5 cm, depth - 54 and height - 83.2), but also with color variations. In addition to white and silver, you can buy a model of black or under a tree.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_60
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_61
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_62

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_63

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_64

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_65

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_66

Refrigerator Tesler RCT-100 White

Refrigerator Tesler RCT-100 White

Supra RF 096 can boast not only width and depth - 45 and 47.2 cm, respectively (height - 85 cm, and the total volume is 85 liters), but also at the price. And the color can be chosen both white and silver.

SUPRA RF-096 refrigerator

SUPRA RF-096 refrigerator

Among the 45-centimeters in width, Shivaki SHRF-152DS is beneficial. Its depth of 6.4 cm is greater than that of Supra, and the height is already 140 cm, but the volume is significantly increased: 138 liters. Yes, and the division into two doors is a unambiguous plus.

Shivaki Shrf-152DS Refrigerator

Shivaki Shrf-152DS Refrigerator

The Russian brand "Biryusa" offers its own version: model 118. However, it is only a modest width - 48 cm. The depth is standard - 60.5 cm, and it is higher than the above-presented counterparts - 145 cm. Price for this volume (180 l ) Pleasant.

Fridge Biryusa 118.

Fridge Biryusa 118.

Similar to parameters and other domestic options: "Saratov" 467 (KSh-210) for 12.5 thousand rubles. It has a capacity of 210 l, but the camera for the freezer is very small - 28 liters (for comparison: the same "Biryuses" - 35 l).

Refrigerator Saratov 467 (KSh-210)

Refrigerator Saratov 467 (KSh-210)

German Liebherr 3311 will like the lovers of non-standard colors: there are red, yellow, blue models. It is wider and deeper than other listed samples - 55 and 63 cm, respectively. But it looks neat, and even compared with standard units, it still wins compactness. The height is 181.2 cm, and at the expense of it, an impressive volume is achieved - 294 liters. However, the price is not the most fiscal.

Refrigerator Liebherr Cufr 3311

Refrigerator Liebherr Cufr 3311

Design khaki for kitchen interior 6 meters with refrigerator

Decorative techniques

The color gamut is light and neutral (although it is not necessary), the interior is discreet. Well, when walls and furniture in one palette, but with bright accents. A real decoration can be turquoise, yellow or scarlet refrigerator.

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_73
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_74
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_75

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_76

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_77

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_78

But there is nothing unshakable, especially with regard to individual preferences. If you dream about a dark blue or even a black headset - order! You just need to evil the interior at the expense of other elements.

This rule does not apply to the refrigerator: it is better not to do a "snowy" spot, and either hide behind the doors from MDF, or turn into an unusual accent.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_80
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_81
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_82

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_83

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_84

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_85

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_86

Same facades

So that there was no dissonance, furniture and techniques should be flushed with each other. To do this, try to choose not too bulky models (up to 55 cm high).

It is even better to close everything with the same facades, then the general view will be minimalistic, finished and neat.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_88
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_89

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_90

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_91

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_92

In general, the built-in technology is the best solution for the six-meter room. You can put it anywhere - even near the sink, and no drop will fall onto a working device.

Microwave Embedded Bosch

Microwave Embedded Bosch

Glossy facades will become the perfect choice, as they, like a mirror, are able to reflect the light, giving the space to the depth. Out of competition, white color and bright beige, although dark doors will also cope with this task.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_95
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_96
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_97
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_98
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_99
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_100

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_101

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_102

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_103

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_104

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_105

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_106

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_107

Accommodation options Headset and technology

At the modest area, place all Mr. or directly.

The first option is especially suitable for square cuisines. His advantage - in the possibility of zoning. The room is divided into pressure: there is a place for cooking and for rest (you can even put a small sofa with a table). In addition, the angular sections are very compatible.

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_109
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_110
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_111
Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_112

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_113

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_114

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_115

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_116

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_117

The second variety is applicable for narrow and elongated premises. And in it, too, there is a plus: direct headsets seem less "godes".

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Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_119

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_120

Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_121

Hybrid options are both: when the floor cabinets stand along two walls of the letter "g", and the suspension are only one. So the places for storage turns out more, and nothing loads.

Here the refrigerator is on the right of & ...

Here the refrigerator is on the right of the door and is practically not noticeable behind the facades made in the tone of the rest of the furniture. All loose walls are involved under the working area, but attachments only on one of them.

The p-shaped kitchen looks stylish, but the dining area will most likely have to be taken out in the living room (it is possible, however, to form a very small letter "P", leaving 3 m2 for gatherings).

Ways to save place

Remember transformers. No, not about robots, but about the folding table and chairs, pulling tabletop.

On weekdays, family members often ...

On weekdays, family members are often eating outside the house, and at this time the lunch place can be disassembled and hide anywhere, even behind the freezer.

Try to maximize the windowsill. For example, lay a bench for seating with the storage system.

In the photo below the refrigerator - opposite the door, which, on the one hand, is undesirable, and on the other, it allows you to create a closed on three sides, a pleasant and comfortable area for recreation.

    Photo: Instagram Daryayen.Design

    Sometimes the windowsill can be omitted and expanded, and then another excellent version of the relax is obtained. Standing near the technique will not break the harmony, if it is embedded in a concise penalty.

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    Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_126
    Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_127

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    Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_129

    Kitchen layout 6 meters with refrigerator: Photo of successful examples and registration tips 10036_130

    A few more important nuances that need to be considered when planning are in this short video.

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