Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them


Bed linen and clothing are traditionally stored in the bedroom, so a spacious wardrobe is needed. Let's talk about how to choose and place a wardrobe in this room.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them

Practical solution - a wardrobe in the bedroom - photos with examples of furniture location, as well as useful recommendations you will find in this material.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_4

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_5

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_6

The advantages of cabinets in the bedroom and 15 photo examples


If you make the structure from the floor to the ceiling, we think about the filling yourself: select the desired amount of shelves, rails, drawers, - the storage system will become roommate. And for this it is not necessary to order an individual furniture project - look for suitable models among mass market brands.

For example, modern Hardwood Ikea Pax is collected individually. Although there will be problems with a height to the ceiling, but designers find solutions - combine typical furniture with models to order or make upper levels from kitchen frames.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_8
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_9
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_10
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_11
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_12

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_13

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_14

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_15

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_16

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_17

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_18

Universal Modern Design Couple in Bedroom

It is easy to find in that style that the room is suitable - today manufacturers offer a large selection. If we talk about interior trends, then this is the most simple monophonic facades. Mirrors on the doors are no longer done, but the backlight can be added.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_20
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_21
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_22
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_23
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_24
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_25
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_26

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_27

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_28

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_29

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_30

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_31

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_32

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_33

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_34

Ability to install even in a small room

The main advantage of sliding doors is to open them, you do not need much space. Additional space is not activated. And in a shortage of square meters, this is important.

Consider a simple example. The owners of this one-room apartment separated part of the area with a sliding partition. To fit a full-fledged bed and a storage system, and also leave free passes on both sides, chose furniture with sliding doors.

Placement of a wardrobe in the studio

Placement of a wardrobe in the studio




Sometimes when moving through the guides, the facades make noise. In the room where they sleep, it is inconvenient - it is easy to wake up other family members. To avoid loud sounds, choose high-quality components and check this moment before buying.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_37
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_38

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_39

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_40

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_41

Lack of space if the closet is narrow

Indeed, if the storage system is narrow (less than 50 cm), the jigging doors will declerate even more space, because for installation you need at least 7-10 free see.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_43
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_44

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_45

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_46

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_47

Bedroom Cabinet: Options, Photo Interiors

We explain how to place the furniture, as well as offer stylish design solutions - as a pro have overall furniture in small rooms.

1. Put the wardrobe opposite the bed

Here the cabinet inside with a TV - the screen hung on the wall opposite the bed, and then closed with sliding doors. Bocames issued storage systems. Over TV - shelves for books, and at the bottom - a chest chest or trifle.

Such an idea is good as a compromise for disputes - you need a TV in the bedroom, does not spoil the interior?

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_49

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_50

TV wardrobe

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2. Make a wardrobe behind the sliding doors

For example, here designers made a dressing room, which looks like a wardrobe. If there is empty space in the room at the entrance, separate it, and on the other hand, place a bed, chest of drawers and other furniture items.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_53

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_54

Dressing room like a wardrobe

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3. Take angle at the entrance

If the door is on the side, then the storage system can occupy the remaining place along the wall in the corner.

To make overall furniture less noticeable, select the facades of the same shade as the walls, such as white.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_57

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_58

White wardrobe

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4. Put from the head of the head

Another way to "hide" a large storage system is to put along the same wall as the headboard.




5. Built

To do this, you need a suitable niche - build from drywall, and if the recess is already provided for by the initial layout, then nothing will have to do anything. Such a wardrobe will not look cumbersome, but will only decorate the interior.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_62

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_63

Built-in wardrobe

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6. decorate the facade of mirrors

To make the design less noticeable, decorate the doors with mirrors. Such a solution will help visually enlarge the room at least twice.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_66
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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_68

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_69

Decorate facade of mirrors

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_71

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_72

7. Close the plot of curtains

Curtains are used for zoning. For example, in this minimalistic room, the overall cabinet fit into the interior, so hidden behind the curtain.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_74
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_75

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Close the plot from the cabinets of the curtain

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_78

8. Select glossy facades

Do not want to use mirrors, but strive to make a small room visually easier? Suitable glossy surface for facades.

Wardrobe with glossy facades & ...

Wardrobe with glossy facades


9. Create a geometric illusion

Geometry - fashion trend. Why not make an accent wall ... from facades? If you choose a suitable pattern, it will replace bright wallpaper.

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_81

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_82

Cabinet with a geometric print on the facade

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Bonus: Bedroom Cabinets in a modern interior with photos

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_85
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_86
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_87
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_88
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_89
Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_90

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_91

Planning option with a crib

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_93

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_94

Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_95

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Modern wardrobes in the bedroom: photo and instruction, how to locate them 10044_97


  • Owners of small-sized apartments - give preference to one-photo facades or make mirror doors.
  • To make furniture functional, come up with your own project, look for options in the mass market or in show shows from local producers.
  • Try to move the overall design to the wall, do not set the room in the middle.

How do you keep things in the bedroom? Share the answer in the comments.

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