We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations


We tell about suitable types of wallpaper for the kitchen and give advice on choosing a picture and colors.

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_1

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations

For decoration of kitchen walls, designers advise a variety of materials. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages and is selected for a specific project. The most common option is wallpapers. They are inexpensive, quite simply stick and look good. A rich catalog of species and drawings makes it possible to create your own unique design. We will get acquainted with general trends, what wallpapers in the kitchen in fashion and show beautiful photos of interiors.

Choose wallpapers for the kitchen






Choose a suitable material

If there is aesthetics for the rest of the rooms in the first place, practicality is important here. Wallpapers should be easily cleaned by contaminants, do not deteriorate from humidity and steam, not to be mechanically damaged. The most suitable for design kitchen wallpapers of the following materials.


Fliselinic canvases are based on a mixture of cellulose and polyester, so they are environmentally friendly and does not harm health. Flizelin is durable, elastic, well masks surface flaws. It can be used as a basis for painting. In this case, the walls must first be primed to be primed to through the thin layer of the material not shone the ugly dark spots. Fleeceline is environmentally friendly, does not emit dangerous substances. It can be stuck in any directions and even under the tilt. Its installation is extremely simple. The base is flawed with glue, after which decorative stripes are applied to it. On average, width wallpaper 100 cm, so the number of joints is minimal. This improves the type of finished coating. Flizelin is transparent: if there are black or enough dark spots on the basis, they are better to pre-paint.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_4

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_5

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_6

  • 6 common myths about wallpaper in the kitchen (and why they can not be trusted)


Vinyl panels received such a name due to the protective PVC film on the top layer. The base may be paper or phlizelin. The second option is better because it is glued much easier. The protective polymer can be applied in many ways, the properties of the finished product depend on it. They can be intensive cleaning, even using brush or aggressive detergents. They do not absorb smells and pollution, they are not afraid of water and mechanical damage.

Wallpapers will not let moisture outward, which can cause fungus. To avoid the occurrence of mold, it is necessary to process the walls with an antiseptic agent. Theoretically for the kitchen will suit any decor of this type. But practice shows that from foamed vinyl it is better to refuse. Its upper layer is too porous and loose, so insufficiently resistant to washing and cleaning. He will quickly come into disrepair. Much more practical and durable materials with hot embossed. This group includes "supest" products, silk screen printing, solid and compact vinyl, etc.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_9
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_10

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_11

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_12

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_13

Glass equipment

Gymelomes - canvas woven from fiberglass. Their distinctive feature is resistance to mechanical damage. The material is poorly cleaned, but the relief on its surface holds a very long time. Such coatings are good under painting, more than 10 cycles of staining easily withstand. It is important to choose the correct coloring composition. If it is a detergent water-free or solution with similar properties, such a tandem will give a beautiful durable coating, which can be discerned with almost any means.

Gymelomes are very practical. They are vapor permeable, well hide small base defects and hold the form. Thanks to the last property, they are chosen for new buildings, where shrinkage is possible. In this case, the canvas is environmentally safe, does not release toxic substances and does not accumulate static electricity. For this reason, it can be used in homes where allergies live.

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_14

Paper, bamboo or fabric varieties better leave for other rooms. But if you really liked a specific drawing, then these species can also be used by protecting the canvas with glass panels.

Color selection

As for the color solutions, it is important to follow not trends, but the style you have chosen and your own feelings. But in the kitchen you can experiment, at least on the accent wall.

Basic colors that will definitely fit

White, gray, beige and their shades can safely rank and not afraid to use for wall decoration in the kitchen. They are probably a hundred percent to be combined with the furniture head, besides, they will become a good background for the decor. Deep shades of green and blue can also be found in the database and universal solutions.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_16

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_17

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_18

Bold colors such as yellow or orange, red worth using with caution, preferably in large kitchens or in the form of accent walls.

Trend colors 2020.

Mint, pastel blue, purple, mustard and muted orange - remember the trend colors of next year. Perhaps, besides purple, everything can be used in the interior of the kitchen, they will become a good accent and will be combined with the basic colors of kitchen heads (white, gray, black, brown).

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_19
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_20
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_21

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_22

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_23

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_24

Select drawing

It may seem that the choice of drawing of kitchen wallpaper is that he liked it to the future owner, and also corresponded to the subject and approached the color to the headset. However, it is not. Using the design, you can adjust the flaws of the layout and make the room as attractive as possible. In the selection it is worth considering several rules.

Rules for choosing a picture

  • Little kitchen large drawing contraindicated. Small rooms seem even less if they are saved by the panels with a decor of impressive sizes. The best solution in this case is a monophonic canvas or a small non-latch pattern.
  • Low ceilings can be lifted by placing the wall with vertical stripes. It can be not only wallpaper with stripes of different sizes, but also the decor made in the form of vertically oriented fragments. For example, the alternation of the shells of two suitable colors on the principle of 1: 1, 1: 2, etc.
  • Too high ceilings easily omitted with horizontal image orientation help. It can be a strip or division of the wall into two parts. The bottom is usually drawn up in more bright colors with a large or medium drawing. The top is more often a monophonic or small pattern. It looks well a border separating these fragments. It is decorated with bright ornament, flowers, etc.
  • If you want a space, and the room is very small, the emphasis wall will help. She is made bright and expressive. It can be a photo wallpaper, a cloth with a large pattern or something else. All other surfaces in this case are flooded with monophonic panels, the color of which is harmonized with an accent decor.

What in trend

Easy and naturalness are the main directions in the modern wall decoration. They are represented by numerous vegetable motifs of unshakable shades, geometric shapes, gradients of calm tones, volumetric patterns.

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_25
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_26
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_27
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_28

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_29

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_30

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_31

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_32

Still in the trend cannons, repeating brick and stone masonry, wood. Do not pass the positions of the photo wallpaper. The quality of digital printing increases the realistic of the photocartine, so that you can create a unique interior of the room. Natural landscapes, urban motives, animals and sea landscapes are also popular. For registration, one accent wall is usually chosen, leaving other background.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_34
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_35
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_36
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_37

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_38

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_39

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_40

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_41

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_42

You can choose a gradient when adjacent paints are selected, which smoothly flow from one to another, creating soft overflows. Usually pastel tones are used here.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_44

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_45

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_46

Combination of furniture wallpapers

For monochrome interiors, one tone is selected in which it will be decorated. To make the design not too monotonous, add expressive prints, use different textures and small bright splashes of another color.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_48

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_49

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_50

You can play in contrast and choose opposite colors. To avoid excessive sharpness, you need to properly select shades, preferring well-established combinations.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_52

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_53

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_54

Suitable styles

Among the variety of interior directions, Scandinavian style and minimalism are most popular.


Scandinavian style fell in love with many for their simplicity and feeling of home comfort. Light coloring is well suited for small kitchers, allowing them to become spacious. The main color gamut is all shades of white. And in order to remove the effect of sterility from such wallpapers for the kitchen, elements of pastel colors are added to the interior design: blue, light gray, mint, beige, lavender. Small elements of the decor in juicy paints will be appropriate: yellow, red, blue.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_56

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_57

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_58


Minimalism continues to hold on the peak of popularity. His motto is nothing superfluous. Minimum additional accessories and maximum functionality. His colors - white, gray, black. Dilute the situation bright accents and carefully thought-out lighting. Often the ceilings in the kitchen make multi-level, adding the creative room.

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The MID-CENTURY era distinguished itself interesting geometric prints that can be seen on the wallpaper.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_61

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_62

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_63

Art Deco

The choice of wallpaper in the aesthetics of Ar Deco does not mean at all that they are suitable only in the kitchen in the same name. Even on the contrary - you can dilute the minimalist headset with bright pompous wallpaper, make a beautiful accent and not spend money on the rest of the attributes of the dear AR-Deco.

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We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_65
We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_66

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_67

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_68

We choose wallpapers for the kitchen: materials, colors and successful combinations 10054_69

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