6 interior items that should not be given


There are many superstitions and rules of etiquette defining that you can and that you can not give. But we will focus on this. It is much more important to understand what decorative things will be a useless gift, and which will always be appropriate.

6 interior items that should not be given 10070_1

What you should not give

1. Mirrors

The mirrors themselves are appropriate almost in any interiors, but their frames, as a rule, determine a lot. Massive lace frames are suitable for classic style, sun mirrors - Ar Deco and Bocho. Any frame, of course, can be removed if desired, but then the gift will lose its original meaning and it turns out that you are overpaid for the decor in vain.

Mirror in such a massive frame ...

The mirror in such a massive frame will fit only in the classic interior

2. Imperious statuettes

Figurines, perhaps, will be found in every home, even if the owners strive for minimalism. But the figurines can also not fit into the selected style of the interior, and even for them you need to highlight the place on the shelf or in the closet, but with all the joy they do not bring. It is not necessary to give a meaningless decor, such decorations make sense, only if they are personalized (for example, the inscription is applied to them, they are made to order taking into account the interests of a person, etc.)

Such things look good on ...

Such things look good in the pictures in Instagram, but think about whether a person has a suitable place at home to also place them beautifully?

3. Decorative pillows

To decorate with them living room or bedroom, you need to collect a set, and not buy pillows on one. This item is useless to sleep, sleep on such a pillow will not work (it is too small), why add extra trash?

Perhaps your friends will appreciate the ...

Perhaps your friends will appreciate such a gift ... But maybe there is no.

4. Any items with the "symbol of the year"

There are no practical value, litter and reduce the cost of space. An exception can only be things that can be organically embedded in the interior, and which will not lose the relevance in a few years - for example, a stylish pillow in the form of a piglet for children in Scandinavian style.

Perhaps such a symbol of the year could ...

Perhaps such a symbol of the year could be appropriate in the children's

5. Circles

A gift that has proven badly because of its beating and inappropriateness. Currently, the dishes are customary to buy kits, and not put on a table 10 different mugs with names and shaft photoproprites. However, before buying even a stylish set of mugs, it is worth asking themselves whether they will use those who do you give them. Maybe this family already has several sets that are successfully used.

Will drink from this circle, COK ...

Will there be a drink from this mug when the New Year's fuss will be?

6. Sexy gifts

Give pink and pink things to women (if they did not ask for) - last century, and you can easily insult such a gift. Not all women love pink, teddy bears and cook, as well, as not all men love fishing, beer and football. Refrain from such inappropriate acquisitions.

Looks impressive, gift & ...

It looks impressive, a gift is clearly not cheap. But it is worth finding out if a person uses alcohol, and loves whiskey.

But the list of items that can be given. And that is why: they can always be removed in the storage system and get it if necessary; They are mobile, universal and pick them up the interior and man is much simpler.

Which of the interior accessories can be given calmly?

1. Decorative candles

They can be taken with them to the office or take only romantic evenings. Candles, as a rule, is not a lot: in order to illuminate the room without artificial light, they will be required in large quantities.

Candle aromatic in a glass

Candle aromatic in a glass



2. Plaindes

The situation is the same: the plaid can be taken to the picnic, and you can use as an additional blanket for guests or as bedspread. Choosing a plaid, still remember the room in which a person lives, and also analyze his tastes in clothes - it will help you not make a mistake with color.

Neutral plaid with a light gradient

Neutral plaid with a light gradient



3. Stackers under the glasses, or Birdekeli

The subject included in the wide use of houses in the last year. This is a comfortable and stylish way to protect furniture and textiles from inevitable droplets from glasses and mugs. Such supports today make from a variety of materials - from paper and vinyl to natural wood and even stone. Of course, it is worth giveing ​​at least 2 such stands, and not one.

Stands under the mug of agate, 2 pcs.

Stands under the mug of agate, 2 pcs.



4. Folding tables for breakfast and tea drinking

Such objects often lack in homes. However, it is better to first make sure that the recipient has no such table yet.

Tea folding table from eucalyptus

Tea folding table from eucalyptus



  • Do not throw away: 9 unnecessary items that will decorate the interior.

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