Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house?


The most popular type of wall finish - wallpaper. We will tell, what is the difference between the vinyl cloths from phlizelinov and which of them should be chosen for the decor of their home.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_1

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house?

Choosing clothes for your walls, I want it to be not only beautiful, but also served for a long time. Therefore, even before the hike to the store should be decided, we need fliesline or vinyl wallpapers, which is the difference between them and which are optimally suitable for the room.

All about Decor from Vinyl

Ploves consist of two layers. The first is the basis. Her main task is to keep coverage on the wall. Flizelin copes with this better. It keeps the form well, it is capable of hiding the wall defects and easily pasted. Paper base is different for the worse. It seats, as a result, the cracks may appear in the area of ​​the joints, does not hide the irregularities of the surface and glue it is much more complicated.

The second layer forms a film from polyvinyl chloride, which determines the appearance and operational characteristics of the product. Distinguish between two types of applying it:


The polymer is superimposed on the substrate, after which there is a special processing. As a result, PVC foams and forms a clear relief. Such panels are thick, loose. They are best hiding all sorts of wall surface defects, however, they have a minimal density of all vinyl canvases. Therefore, they wear out a little faster than other varieties.

Hot stamping

The initial stage of manufacture is similar to the previous option. As a special processing, hot stamping is used, the result of which becomes very dense, moisture-resistant canvas, characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. One of the varieties of such wallpapers is called silk-screen printing, in this case, silk threads are additionally placed under the film.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_3

Regardless of the method of manufacture, all vinyl panels:

  • Durable, last 10-12 years and more.
  • Not sensitive to moisture, chemicals and organic solvents.
  • Sustainable mechanical damage.
  • Unpretentious in leaving, carry wet cleaning and even intense cleaning.
  • Can imitate almost any texture.

When they compare what is better, the wallpaper vinyl or phlizelin, its main disadvantage is its composition. Like any synthetic substance, the PVC film can be dangerous. True, the most often problems appear with low-quality products that have not passed certification. Another minus is low vapor permeability.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_4

Features of the fliselinic web

The product can be considered a relative of paper panels, because the raw materials for their manufacture use the same. This is a natural cellulose to which a certain amount of polyester fibers is added. For the manufacture of the coating, the technology of production of nonwoven canvas is used. The result is quite dense material with a pronounced relief. Its significant advantages:

  • The ability to keep the form well. The canvas is not deformed and not seated.
  • Parry permeability. The walls are "breathe".
  • Sufficient wear resistance and service life of about 8-10 years.
  • The ability to easily endure numerous staining, as a result of which the surface relief is only strengthened.

But the material is not ideal. It is very vulnerable to mechanical damage, easily absorbs pollution and smells. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them, and most often it is impossible, because Flizelin is well tolerate only dry cleaning. If the surface is painted, then the choice of care tool depends on the type of paint. It is best to choose a water-emulsion that you can wash. Such a tandem gives the most practical result.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_5

Vinyl and phlizelin wallpaper: Difference in detail

Despite the fact that many confuse these materials, they are similar, perhaps only worth. The rest there are significant differences. Teach them differ.

Wear resistance and durability

The service life of the cloth is approximately the same, but the operating conditions are completely different. Unpretentious vinyl can be pasted almost in any room. It is easily cleaned, does not absorb dirt, not afraid of water. Flizelin Capricious. Even a slight effect on its surface can leave scratch or dent. To care for him is also not easy.

Parp permeability

This is the ability of the material to skip steam. Some are confident that the "breathable" wallpaper regulates the microclimate in the room, in fact, everything, of course, is not so. No vapor permeability of the wall decor helps create an ideal environment in a bad ventilated room.

This is much easier to achieve with the help of elementary ventilation. However, if, due to some causes of the wall, the walls are very moistened, you only need to choose a flieslinic cloth. PVC film does not miss steam, in such conditions, mold will inevitably appear under it.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_6

Ability to hide the lack of foundation

The best "masking" of the irregularities of the wall is foamed vinyl. Loose surface well hides all sorts of differences, they become externally Not noticeable. But on the walls with small cracks and where there is a probability shrinkage, for example, in new buildings, it is better to glue a flieslinic cloth. It should be remembered that it will not close the stains on the basis that can be shifted through the finish. If painting is supposed, it will hide this defect.

Moisture resistance

Regarding the resistance to water exposure for materials, a significant difference. The polyvinyl chloride film is absolutely insensitive. The polymer does not pass moisture to the canvas, so it can be pasted in the most "wet" rooms at home. Flizelin, consisting of cellulose, on the contrary, is very hygroscopic. For this reason, it can only be used in dry rooms.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_7

Degree complexity of installation

The easiest thing to stick flieslinic stripes. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the wall with a liquid adhesive composition and attach a cloth. True, its width is usually 106 cm, so difficulties may arise with fitting and smoothing. It is better to do this with an assistant. Thirdly vinyl stick more difficult. Majut and wall glue, and wallpaper. If the base is paper, in some cases waiting until it splashes. Only then apply a strip to the surface.


Only vinyl decor can boast a diverse design. He has a rich color gamut that includes many different shades. The texture varies. If necessary, it is possible to simulate any material. Flizelin, unlike him, has a simpler design. This is explained by the fact that the manufacturer's technology slightly limits the material decor. But the relief is obtained very clear and durable.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_8

What wallpaper is better to choose vinyl or phlizelin

All determines the purpose of the room under which the properties of the decor are selected. For hallway, corridors, bathroom or kitchen perfect vinyl. It is not afraid of humidity, pollution and possible mechanical damage. Under such conditions, the coating will serve for a long time and will not lose its properties, while Flizelin will very quickly come into disrepair. The latter is worth choosing for a bedroom, living room and children as an environmentally friendly material.

Vinyl canvas glue into rooms where people are constantly located, undesirable. You need to blame for this only a polymer that forms a protective film. It can be dangerous to health. To avoid possible problems, it is worth purchasing only a certified material without a sharp unpleasant odor.

Wallpaper vinyl or phlizelinov: What is better for the house? 10079_9

Definitely reply, what wallpaper is better, phlizelin or vinyl is impossible. Each option is good in its own way and is suitable for certain operating conditions. If it takes into account when choosing a design, the finish will last long and will not make his owner upset because of the wasted money spent.

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