How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways


We tell how to clean the sole of the iron with the help of healthy means, remove the residues of the tissue of the tissue and get rid of scale.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_1

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways

The remains of synthetics, starch, which accumulates in fabric after washing, other detergents, as well as dirt and dust - all this leads to contamination of the iron sole. We tell what and how to clean the iron from the prigar at home.

10 proven ways to clean the iron from Nagara

1. Soda

2. Salt and newspaper

3. Paper towels

4. Toothpaste

5. Table vinegar

6. hydrogen peroxide

7. Acetone

8. Economic soap

9. Paraffin candle

10. Pencil

Remove the molten fabric

Eliminate scale inside and outside

- Lemon Acid

- Mineral water


1 clean with soda

You will need soda, water, small bowl, cleaning napkin, vinegar (optional) and any segment of fabric that is not scary to get scared - for example, an old kitchen towel.

First, make sure that the device is turned off and managed to cool after the last ironing. Make a mixture of water and soda to make a liquid paste. Apply this paste on a metal surface. If there are some sites that require special attention - there pastes should be more. Then wipe with a clean wet cloth.

At the end, you can fill the reservoir with distilled water with the addition of vinegar (on 3 parts of the water - 1 part of the vinegar) and turn on the function of the steam. Stretch the old towel for a few minutes while the liquid running out of the holes will not be completely clean.

After the disconnection, leave in a horizontal position - can remove the residues. And wait until the device cools.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_3

2 Clean salt and newspaper

Another simple way to make the sole of the iron - a newspaper and salt. But note that in this way in no case cannot clean the Teflon and non-stick coating. They do not tolerate abrasive substances.

First you need to heat the device to maximum temperature, and then turn on the steam function. While he is heated, there is a minute to decompose the sheet of the newspaper and sprinkle with salt. Drink hot iron on a consolidated newspaper, while the precipitate and stains will disappear.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_4

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3 Take Paper Towels

This method will help if sticky traces remained on the sole, which are difficult to remove. Just turn on the maximum mode, activate the formation of the steam and spend on a stack of paper towels, which would probably have sliding movements. Continue to do it until the surface does not lose stickiness.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_6

4 Use toothpaste

White Toothpaste (Do not take with gel structure) - Another way will be cleaned with iron.

Having cooled from the outlet Device Stitty toothpaste from iron. Then wipe with a damp pure cloth.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_7

5 We try cleaning with table vinegar

What to clean the iron with a non-stick coating? After all, as you know, it requires special delicacy in care. The answer is simple - cutlery vinegar. There are several options.

The easiest - wet your cotton tampon in acid and just wipe the sole. But this method is suitable only if the contamination is small.

If the Nagar is strong, you will need a concentrated vinegar solution - 70%. And the device will have to heat. After that, take your cotton swab, wrapped in gauze, clamp the pliers (or any other tool not to burn) and wipe the nagar. To enhance the effect in acetic acid, you can add the ammonia alcohol in the same proportion - one to one.

In particularly severe cases, you can take a segment of the fabric, soak in acid and cover the electrical appliance. The solution must soften the tax. Dark spots from divorce remove the soft side of the sponge or paper towels after the technique completely cools.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_8

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6 Use hydrogen peroxide

Another simple purification method is using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Some recommend a bit to heat the technique, others cope with cold stains. Try it, and so.

Wipe the stains moistened in the peroxide or napkin to their complete disappearance.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_10

7 acetone against plastic

How to clean the iron at home, if plastic burned to it? You can try to use acetone or liquid to remove varnish on its basis. Everything is simple: To do this, it is enough to wipe the cotton surface, without heating. But be extremely careful, try not to touch other plastic parts. Acetone can damage paint.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_11

8 Remove the tump of the household soap

This is a good way to clean fresh Nagar. For old spots, he will not work. And the moment: if the device has a embossed sole with a plurality of holes, then it is also better to refuse it. Or get ready to clean the holes with ear chopsticks and toothpicks.

Economic soap is easy to use. Sutitate a piece of sole, pre-slightly heating. When soap is melted, it will soften the Nagar. It's small: carefully remove it with a rag.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_12

9 paraffin candle for smooth surface

How to clean the ceramic sole iron? We offer to try a non-standard method - cleaning paraffin candle. And in this case, carefully with embossed models. If the paraffin falls inside the hole for a couple, he will certainly be stained things later.

Heat the electrical appliance. Wrap the candle with cotton or paper and soda the hot surface. In order not to stain the room, beds under the feet of the newspaper or an unnecessary napkin - the wax will melt and drain. You can remove the wax residues with paper towels. Be careful, do not bother. Frozen wax cleaned more difficult, so you have to act quickly.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_13

10 Pencil - Means for persistent pollution

Sticks can hardly be called the folk agent. But, if other ways did not help, we recommend trying it. Moreover, it is suitable for any coating: from Teflon to Steel.

It is very simple to use: the preheated surface is wiped with a special pencil. It melts and gradually dissolves the Nagar. All you need to do after - carefully remove the tool.

If the nagar is persistent, you will have to use it several times.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_14

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What to clean the iron from the burnt cloth

When you did not guessed with the heating mode, there is a similar trouble - a piece remains on a smooth surface. And scraping accounts for something tough, which is also not too good - after all, it scratches. Try the next chain of action.

  • First, heat the device to a warm state until the adhesive piece becomes soften.
  • Then remove what you can delete - necessarily a wooden spatula, so as not to scratch the surface.
  • Disconnect and use tweezers to push the pieces of holes.
  • And at the end you can try the method with food soda from paragraph 1.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_16

Eliminate scale inside and outside

Tough water that flows even in modern homes, does not best affect electrical engineering. As a result of the use of tap water inside and outside the instruments, scale is formed.

Before trying home methods, we advise you to check the device for the presence of the self-cleaning function. In fact, not all thoroughly study the possibilities of technology before starting work. If you are not sure, check the instructions. Not every device can be cleaned with the same vinegar or mineral water.

Lemonic acid

Before cleaning the iron citric acid, prepare everything you need. It will take the powder, water, pieces of gauze and wool.

Dissolve a couple of lemon acid spoons in water. Then moisten the fabric in the resulting mixture and spread it along the sole. Leave up for 10-15 minutes. To certainly remove scale, turn on the device. You can remove the remaining contaminants using toothpicks. A similar solution can be made from vinegar and lemon juice, they will strengthen the effect of the acid.

To clean the technique from the inside, a glass of acid solution is pouring inside. Turn on the evaporation mode and let the steam stream until the fluid is completely evaporated until the water becomes transparent.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_17

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If there is mineral water

Mineralka with gas is not cleaned old scale. But it can be used to prevent it from a pair of years of use of technology. It is only important to take mineral water with an acidic, and not an alkaline composition, that is, with an indicator pH below 9.

The cleaning algorithm is very simple. Take a glass of mineral water and pour it inside. Turn on the device in steaming mode. And press the appropriate button to completely evaporate the fluid.

It is best to do the manipulation in the bathroom.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_19


In order to be less likely to ask the question, how and what to clean the iron from the prigar on the sole at home, we suggest to follow a number of simple rules. They will help to contain a device clean.

Compliance with temperature regime is the most important thing in the operation of small household appliances. Be sure to check the label on clothes and follow the instructions. Luck is the most durable material that is stroked at a maximum temperature: from 180 to 200 degrees. Cotton is a little more gentle, it is stroked at 170-180 degrees. Delicate silk requires a low temperature regime, not more than 70 degrees. Recommendations for ironing Synthetic differ: Some tissues of the polyester type are 60 degrees and below, others are more than 100 degrees. Second Moment - Use an ironing board. It will absolutely will save on the random hit of foreign tissues and materials on the surface of stroken clothing.

How to clean the iron from the prigar: 10 proven ways 1008_20

Third: do not neglect gauze. Moreover, these are not only synthetic materials and wool, but also flax, and cotton. The fabric will help avoid brilliance and prigar. You can replace marry with synthetic material for ironing, it is a piece of mesh fabric.

The fourth rule concerns the inside of technology. If the model does not have a self-cleaning function, use filtered or distilled water.

Finally, wipe the device with a damp cloth before and after operation - so you get rid of dust, which can in time with time.

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