Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying


Before going to the store for new soft furniture, you need to know everything about the features of the model you like. We will tell about the popular Eurobook sofa and help avoid disappointments.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_1

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying

Mechanism Eurobook in sofas: How does it work?

Despite its name, the design is an improved sofa version, and not an upgraded "book". This means that the bottom of the housing is dropped. Only, unlike the prototype, the seat is put forward, and not a frame. The backrest is placed on the vacation spot. The result is a comfortable sleeping place, the value of which depends on the size of the product.

The transformation mechanism installed here is extremely simple. These are two vehicle or metal guides, along which the lower part is put forward. Such a design is considered very durable, because with a neat handling there is nothing to break. The back is rotated and stacked on the frame. Some models for this can use pillows that perform the functions of the removable back.

A clear indicator of the quality of furniture will be the absence of large gaps. Ideally, if the sofa decompose, gaping gaps are not noticeable between all its parts. But the presence of such holes suggests that the quality of the assembly is unreasonably low. Such a product is unlikely to last long.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_3

How to put the design

To get a full-fledged bed, you need to perform two uncomplicated operations:
  1. The seat neatly pull on himself, putting it up until it stops. As a result, niche is formed behind it, under which there is a box for bedding. In this position it is open, you can add or remove things. For convenience, the bottom of the fabric or small handles can be located on the bottom.
  2. The back is lowered and put on top of the lounge box. It turns out that the back of the block turns on top. Its filling and appearance are no different from the seating, therefore, in the unfolded form, the model is convenient and attractive.

To visually submit a transformation, we offer to watch a video about the mechanism of the Eurobook in the sofa.

Varieties of roll-out furniture

The Eurobook can be produced in the form of direct or angular models. In the latter case, it will be possible to push the long part of the seating. Short remains stationary, but increases the size of the bed. The dimensions of both parts may vary depending on the wishes of the customer.

Products are distinguished by the presence / absence of armrests. In traditional versions, both elements are present, it is convenient and beautiful, but not always functionally. For example, for small rooms this option will not be the best. The model is more appropriate here or completely without armrests, or only with one. They tend to occupy less space.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_4

Filling the sofa blocks determines the durability and degree of convenience. It may be:

  • Porolon. Quite elastic, but soon loses its characteristics and begins to collapse. Very short-lived budget option.
  • PPU or polyurethane foam. It is distinguished by increased elasticity, due to which the sleeping place is quite rigid. Optimulated as a seat, sleep on this is not very convenient.
  • Natural or synthetic latex. Durable, elastic, very comfortable for both sleep and for seating. The value of the material is high enough.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_5

In addition to soft fillers, blocks can be equipped with spring elements, which makes them a full-fledged bed replacement. Inside the design can be installed:

  • Block of dependent springs or bonnel. Elements are interconnected in the form of a snake. This significantly reduces the cost of the product and its durability. When breakdown of one spring, the rest also begins to fail. The average service life of the Bonneler is 10 years. Another minus can be considered a noise that makes the block when a person moves.
  • Independent springs. Each element is packaged into an individual case. The system is an analogue of the orthopedic mattress. Provides the most comfortable position to a person who lies or sits on it. This design is not noise and serves at least 15 years. The main drawback is the high cost.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_6

Why choose "Eurodivans"

Products are especially demanding. The main advantages of popular furniture are considered:

Comfortable and simple operation

The product is very easy to decompose and fold. To do this, it will be necessary to make a minimum effort that under the elderly or child. Collect furniture as simple.

The presence of a liner

Under the seat is a spacious compartment in which you can store bedding or any other things.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_7

Reliability and durability

The design is reliable, capable of withstanding significant loads. At the same time, it is simple, the lack of a complex mechanism or rubbing details does its service life very long. In essence, it is determined by the state of upholstery and filling the blocks. Possible malfunctions are easily eliminated independently.

Available cost

The sofa is easy to manufacture, so the price of it is quite acceptable. True, the final value determines the materials and filling of furniture blocks. But all other things being equal, it will still be lower than that of analogs with another type of mechanism.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_8

Eurobook problems and ways to solve them

Like any design, this has its pros and cons. The most significant shortcomings can be considered:

Bly of blocks on the bed

It is not so noticeable as in the traditional book, because the elements are tightly suitable for each other, and there is no height difference. However, it can deliver some inconvenience. The best solution will be the use of an additional mattress that closes the joint.

Need to put furniture at a distance from the wall

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the product cannot be moved close to the wall, because in this position it is impossible to decompose. The back will not be able to turn around and lie down. Exception - models with pillows instead of back.

Danger of porch of outdoor coating

Scratches may remain from the legs of the roll-out part, especially if it is a laminate or board on the floor. Optimally, in this case, the model will be dried with rollers, they do not spoil the coating. If the sofa stands on the carpet or carpet, especially longly, it is better to choose legs. Wheels over time, the pile will take place. Two small grooves - dents will appear, which is also not good.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_9

How to lay a sofa eurobook to serve long

The design is stronger and withstands significant loads, but so that it remains in good condition, it is worth performing a few simple rules.

  • It is impossible to put wooden items near the battery. The minimum safe distance is 0.5 m.
  • Essay the eurobook neatly, avoiding sharp jerks and excessive effort.
  • If the floor is not smooth enough, the furniture legs should be adjusted so that the dropping part moves smoothly.
  • When contamination of the upholstery or appearance of stains, it is necessary to immediately clean the fabric.
  • All faults require timely correction.

Eurobook mechanism in sofas: what you need to learn before buying 10111_10

The video about the transformation mechanism of the sofa the Eurobook is noticeable that the design is very simple. At the same time, it is not only functional, but also has an attractive appearance. The products have proven themselves as durable and reliable, so they are willing to choose them as a permanent bed. Especially if a block of independent springs is used for filling. Such sofas are equivalent to beds with orthopedic mattresses and allow their owners to fully relax at night or day.

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