8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being)


It was rare to change the pillowcases, not to use the mattress and put the bed immediately after sleep - avoid these errors, and your bedding will not only be clean, but also absolutely safe.

8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being) 10132_1

8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being)

Bed linen is not only aesthetic component of the bedroom. From how you will care for him, the health of all family members depends. However, care is not only washing, but also a careful attitude towards the fabric during use. After all, the quality of sleep affects the presence of dust mites and unpleasant odor. Want to get enough sleep and look beautiful? We tell how to do it.

Listed all errors in video

1 Do not use the mattress

Mattress holder is not an excess accessory, but a very useful thing. He protects the mattress from spots that may accidentally get off the sheets. As you know, clean it is then much more complicated than textiles that is easy to wash. In addition, the mattress holder will save underwear from penetrating dust mites, and you are from contact with these unpleasant microorganisms.

8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being) 10132_3

  • How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes

2 change pillowcases rarely

It is believed that bedding can not be washed often: supposedly washing selected from textiles at once a few months of life and the fabric faster comes into disrepair. Nevertheless, it is very important to monitor the cleanliness, especially if we are talking about pillowcases. The fact is that the pillows come into contact with the face and can provoke the appearance of acne if the textile is dirt, particles of the epithelium, cosmetics. Therefore, pillowcases need to be erased more often than sheets and duvettes. To change them easier, you can choose a universal shade for bed linen, for example, white, and buy many separate pillowcase.

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3 Immediately put the fuel

Stop bed after waking up, so that the bedroom looks neat - the habit that you instill from childhood. But in fact, it is necessary to give bedding to ventilate before covering it with a cover. Excessive moisture accumulated overnight can become a favorable medium for ticks and fungus.

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4 Wash too much at a time

Bed linen should be located in the drum of the machine freely. Do not stuff another pillowcase with effort: such a wash will not bring any use or a typewriter or tissue. Lingerie is not shared as follows and will remain dirty. Also during the rinse process, all detergent will not be repeated, and in the future, when contacting the skin, it can cause allergies.

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5 choose a delicate washing mode

Boil can be able to destroy the fibers of the fabric, to handle it so with each washing should not be - the kit will quickly come into disrepair. However, it is also ineffectively to choose modes with minimal temperature. It is better to use mode with a temperature of 60 ° C and the maximum number of revolutions. It will help to get rid of not only contamination, but also from harmful microorganisms.

8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being) 10132_8

  • 5 things that can actually wash in a washing machine (and no hassle!)

6 Allow animals to sleep in your bed

Even if you love your cat or dog very much, you should not let the pet in the bed in which you sleep. It's not just in considerations of hygienicness. Wool and dead skin cells are stuck in bed linen and serve as an excellent nutrient medium for dust mites.

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7 put on the bed bags and other "street" things

If you do not like to refuel the bed, make a rule: do not put on it what you bring from the street. Bags, packages, things from the store - all this you need to wipe. Dust particles fall on the bed and make bedding dirtier. Together with it, bacteria, and helminth eggs, and other harmful microorganisms can be hit on the fabric.

8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being) 10132_11

8 Store bed linen in the "Deaf" cabinet

To preserve the freshness of bed linen, it is worth keeping it on well ventilated shelves. Best of all the air exchange occurs in wicker baskets, they can be put even on the open shelves. Another option is to remove textiles in the boxes, in which there are special ventilation holes.

8 Errors in textile care in the bedroom (they spoil the skin, air and your well-being) 10132_12

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