How to wash your hands from paint, smell fish and another 6 unpleasant things


We tell what to do if you have stapped your hands when cooking food or repair at home.

How to wash your hands from paint, smell fish and another 6 unpleasant things 10142_1

Listed useful tips in video

1 paint

The easiest way to remove the paint solvent. Therefore, if you often have the case with it, you should keep the White Spirit in the apartment. This is the most common solution that will help remove most types of pigment. Solvents of B-646, 647, 650 and P-12 can also be useful. Cleaning mechanism is simple: take a rag or cotton disk, moisten it in a liquid and gently wipe the skin.

If the White Spirit is not at hand, other funds can be useful. For example, liquid for removing a set of acetone. This substance perfectly removes paint. Sunflower oil will also help, it is easy to rain enamel or acrylic paint.

Another option is to use abrasive substances, such as salt, sugar or soda. They need to threaten the stains on their hands. However, the method is not very safe, mechanical cleaning can damage the skin of the hands. After any methods, it is necessary to apply cream to avoid strong irritation.

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2 smell fish

Fish is better in gloves, but not all hostesses follow this advice, as it is much more convenient without protection with hands. Resistant smell of fish after such a job can stay on the skin for a long time. Limonic acid or just lemon will help remove it. Its juice must be wiped his hands and leave until complete drying. After that, you just need to wash your hands with soap.

Another option is to use 9% vinegar. Take a spoon of the tools and distribute in 1 liter of water. Then wash your hands in it. Also, it can be used for any other items that fastened fish.

It is worth keeping a special soap in the kitchen, which kills smells. It is useful when cooking using any fragrant ingredients.

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3. Beets and carrots

Beet and carrot juices are bright dyes, which are difficult to launder with ordinary water. After cleaning and cutting vegetables on hand, especially near the nails, stains remain. To drop them, you need any substance with an acidic medium. For example, you can use apples or lemons. Packed apple juice is also suitable.

In addition to juice, you can use vinegar. However, it is necessary to breed in water, otherwise you can get irritation.

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4 silicone sealant

If the sealant did not have time to die, but has already grabbed, the economic soap and a package of polyethylene will help remove it. Clean the package in your hands, the substance must stick to it. After wash your hands under water with soap.

If the substance has become fully solid, then use 9% vinegar. It dissolves well sealant. You will need a solution of water and vinegar in proportion 1: 1, wash your hands in it. Then rinse them in clean water.

If nothing helped, you will have to clean your hands with pembia. To do this, make a bath with hot water, lower your arms into it and give the skin to spill. The sealant will also be softer. Then pay it mechanically.

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5 Hair Paint

Fresh breeds from hair paint can be laundered by any soapy. For example, household soap, shampoo or dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to act as follows: add a little product to warm water, and then dipped in a solution with a cotton disk to drop the spots from the skin.

If the paint dried up, then you should turn to stronger tools. For example, alcohol or acetone. Soak fabric or wat with liquid and attach to the spot for a while. After a few seconds, try cleaning the dirt. You can repeat the procedure until the paint disappears from the skin.

There is one more tool that is not so annoying hands, like the rest, is any oil. Take what is in the kitchen. Moch in it the blade, let her spots from the paint and wait about 15 minutes. Then wash.

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6 epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a toxic substance, so it is recommended to work with glasses, a respirator and gloves. However, it can still get into the skin.

If there is no special solvent at hand, take the ice cube. Attach it to the frozen resin. After the chilled substance can be easily scraped from the skin.

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7 Zelenka and iodine

They are fairly easy to drink with green or iodine: it is quite easy to open a jar with a substance. You can get rid of the resulting spots with alcohol or any strong alcohol that is at home. Take a cotton disk, moisten it in a liquid and read. Sofa solvents than alcohol - hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. They, too, you can try to brighten the stains.

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8 superclauses

One-ace adhesive in his life used each, most often such stored houses about the reserve. It is very liquid, so it is very easy to steal in it, and it is quite difficult to drop it. You can wait until the glue is completely dried and starts to peel. Such can be cleaned with hand mechanically. However, as a result, you will most likely get irritated skin.

If there is a special solvent at hand, it will easily remove the composition. The store sells "Antiqules", which can also be kept at home just in case.

Also help washed with glue fluid remover with acetone. You need to wet her cotton disk and lose. Another option is to trace from the glue of the bold hand cream. It solubles the composition, so it will easily go away from the skin.

How to wash your hands from paint, smell fish and another 6 unpleasant things 10142_12

Photo on the cover: pexels

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