8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring


Bed, playing area for children, balcony - We are talking about places that usually ask for attention at the beginning of spring and affect your mood and productivity.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_1

Listed zones for cleaning in a short video

1 green corner

If you have houseplants at home, spring is a great time to pay attention to them and clean up. Follow this plan.

  1. If the pots stand on the windowsill or near the window, rearrange them a little deeper into the room - they need to gradually get used to the increasing amount of sunlight.
  2. If you planned a transplant, now the best moment has not yet begun flowering. If not, change the top of the soil and remove the fallen leaves from the pot.
  3. Spend trimming: Remove chosen or unnecessary branches, roots.
  4. Clean the pallet in which the plants are standing, salt sediments often accumulate, which do not benefit the roots.
  5. Gently wipe the leaves with a clean damp cloth.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_2

2 bed zone

Rate the appearance of your bedroom, think so that you can change to get rid of the winter mood. It is possible, it's time to wash and clean the warm winter blankets in the cabinets, changing the underwear to more cheerful and bright. You can already change the curtains if you have a winter and summer kit.

You also need to pay attention to pillows, mattress and blanket. After winter, they need cleaning and airing outdoors.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_3

  • How to clean the mattress at home: useful tips and recipes

3 shelf with cosmetics

Spend a revision on your shelf with cosmetics or on the lady table. Get rid of all products that has been released or expires the shelf life, replace the wintering agents for summer. Wash all containers thoroughly and do not forget to disinfect all cosmetic brushes and sponges.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_5

4 Wardrobe Zone

Before updating the spring wardrobe, be sure to spend a session of racking in the closet or in the dressing room. Put and remove winter things, get rid of spring and summer, which did not wear last year. Such cleaning will help save the budget and tune in for conscious consumption.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_6

Watch the video instructions that will help to fold the winter jackets, overalls and vests are compact and beautiful.

  • How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine and manually: instruction with which the thing is not spoiled

5 Balcony

Until truly warm days come, prepare a balcony or loggia. Remove everything too much, evaluate whether some update is needed. You can still have time to repaint the wall or update the tile on the floor. Prepare a place to stay to meet warm evenings with comfortable in the fresh air.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_8

6 desk

In the spring is psychologically easier to find motivation for the fulfillment of long-minded affairs. To help yourself maintain productivity, make order in the working area. Disassemble cabinets and drawers, get rid of unnecessary or increase the storage area. This will help free the worktop and leave it empty, which is well affected by the concentration.

Also pay attention to the decor that surrounds you when you work. Wipe the dust from it and update it to raise the mood.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_9

  • 7 ideas for organizing space on the desktop (for convenient studies and work)

7 parishiones

To clean the hallway, it can be quite difficult to start, because you are waiting for boring and monotonous work: clean the winter shoes, paint it on the boxes, sign and remove into the closet, get the spring, decompose it. Highlight yourself at this time in the diary and assign a reward that this part of the spring cleaning is a little more pleasant.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_11

8 Game zone

Hold the time to guide the order in the nursery, especially if this was not done for a long time. This task can be turned into a game with assignments for children using different techniques of racking. For example, you can give them a garbage bag and ask to collect 100 old and broken items in the room or arrange competitions, who will quickly bring order in their closet.

8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring 10146_12

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