Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it


We tell what is dry cleaning, how to understand that it needs things and what fabrics can be washed in this way.

Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it 10150_1

Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it

We are accustomed to thinking that it is possible to clean the clothes only with the help of washing. However, there are things that can not be erased. To bring dirt, you have to donate them in a dry cleaning, the cost of which is often too high. You can remove on the products of the dirt yourself at home with special means. We tell how to spend dry cleaning of clothes at home and what is needed for this.

All about dry cleaning

What it is


Designation on the label

What can be cleaned

How to clean the house

Natural means

What is dry cleaning

The dry cleaning method was invented by the French tailor in 1849. For him, it was not necessary to use water, the cleaner was soap and liquid solvents. In practice, this method was implemented only in 1886 in the UK. Now in modern dry-cleaners, the removal of dirt from things is passed on the same, but a more improved principle.

For dry chemical cleaning, non-combustible solvents and specialized cars are used. First of all, the clothes are treated with a dissolving dirt composition, then placed in the drum machine and dried under the streams of warm air. However, this procedure can be held at home.

Home dry washing from wet is distinguished by the fact that instead of water it uses special cleansing compositions. A specially selected chemical means are treated with spots on the product, give it to act, and then the thing is dried. The chemical solution does not cause tissue harm, while it copes well with mud.

Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it 10150_3


Dry processing has a number of advantages over the usual washing.
  • It does not change the form of things. When washing with water, it is likely to damage and deform the product is much higher.
  • Cleaning methods without water can be used for things from delicate materials, such as cashmere.
  • Removes complex stains that are difficult to derive with ordinary means.
  • Before it does not need to remove complex parts, for example, to disappear shoulder boosts or buttons, and after the procedure to sew them again.

What does the "dry cleaning" sign says

On labels sewn to clothing, among other characters you can see the drawn circle. It denotes that dry cleaning is recommended for cleansing from pollution. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to wash the thing. Most likely, the product can be treated with cold water, but the manufacturer believes that this method will strongly reduce the service life of this thing.

The "dry cleaning" icon can be represented in various variations, each of them indicates a different process. Usually they help to determine what substances can be used, and which cannot be used. If you are going to clean the product of the house, you must need to decrypt characters.

  • Empty circle. It means that dry washing is allowed with any professional tools suitable for the procedure.
  • The circle with the letter A. suggests that when washing, you can use suitable tools, but you need to be used carefully.
  • Circle with the letter P. At the same time, the designation remove contamination is allowed by all means, except for those in its composition have trichloroethylene.
  • The circle with the letter F. Indicates that there are special limitations: you can only use chemistry with a soft composition, for example, with a hydrocarbon or triflotrichlomethane. It is also important to consider that this mode implies careful cleaning and a certain temperature during drying.
  • Circle with any letter and strip from below. It suggests that only gentle means must be used and carry out the procedure carefully.
  • Crossed circle. The symbol prohibits chemical impact. This means that the product cannot be included in the dry cleaning, as well as to be treated with various solvents.

Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it 10150_4

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What fabrics can be cleaned

Dry wash is suitable for most fabrics, but initially it is designed for delicate materials.

  • Different types of silk: natural and some artificial, as when processing hot water, such fabrics can sit down.
  • Woolen things, such as clothing from cashmere or angora.
  • Knitwear.
  • Thin products made of flax and cotton.
  • Things from leather and suede, as well as those made from different fiber mixtures. However, you need to be as accurate as possible, many stainstresses can spoil them.
  • Velvet.
  • Clothes decorated with complex decor, such as embroidery, beads, lace, rhinestones.
  • Hard things treated with special compositions, which after normal washing will lose their shape.

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How to clean the house

For the procedure, you will need special chemicals and a washing machine with drying function. You can also use a drying machine. Funds for home dry cleaning can be found both in the set and buy separately. You will need a solvent (stain pressure), as well as aromatic napkins for the drying machine and a mesh bag for washing. All this is easy to find in business stores.

So that the procedure is more effective, it is worth pre-prepare things. First, remove the dust from them, garbage, pillow. On the stains, apply a solvent from the set. It is worth checking the tool on a small piece of fabric to make sure it does not spoil the clothes. It is also important to note that the stain remover should be used locally, soak the thing in it is completely prohibited. This can damage the structure of the material. With very strong pollution, it is not worth experimenting, it is better to immediately attribute a dry cleaning thing.

Delicate products turn inside out. Then sort things around the colors, the type of material and weight. They should be placed in the bags so that they remain a little space. Still do not completely. The same applies to the drum: in the car it is necessary to leave free space.

Together with clothes in bags put napkins. They contain flavored air conditioning for linen and some water. The drying machine heats them, the water turns into a pair that spreads clothes and leaves a pleasant smell on it. Without use, you get a crumpled fabric, which is impregnated with a metal smell machine.

Bags should be placed in the drum. Then turn on the device a delicate drying mode. It is enough to run things for half an hour. After the end of the procedure immediately pull them out. If they break in the drum for a long time, they will be very mint.

After cleaning, check things for stains. If they remained, the procedure can be repeated. If not, they should be rejuvenated or sip. You do not need to process other means. For example, in dry cleaning, chemical compositions are used so that the fabric is starchy and remained smoothed long. At home cleaning this is not necessary.

Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it 10150_7

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Natural Remedies for Cleaning

If you do not have a washing machine with a drying mode or drying machine, then things can be triggered by alternative ways. Also, the following methods are worth using if you have an allergic reaction to solvent components and other chemistry.

  • Sticky roller. He removes with villi, dust, hair and dirt. For example, with it, it is possible to maintain a clean work suit, which is difficult to wash regularly, and it is expensive permanently to give in dry cleaning.
  • Scotch. An alternative roller can be the usual tape. It is also easy to remove stains on leather products.
  • Food soda. This white powder is a universal sorbent that needs to absorb dirt and fat. Plus, the remedy is very budget and there is almost any kitchen. You can clean it not only clothes, but also, for example, the upholstery of furniture or mattress. In this case, soda makes Cashitz: add some water. Then apply to the stain, give dry. And then remove it with the help of a powerful vacuum cleaner.
  • Starch. Another substance that easily absorbs dirt.
  • Brush. An ordinary brush for clothes can be removed dried dirt on the fabric. For example, clean the pants spattered with mud. This is especially true during rain or slush. She is also allowed to remove dirt from suede and products from similar materials.
  • Fine sand. It is used to process things from fur. At first it is recommended to hide it at the maximum temperature in the oven, then sprinkle pollution. After the thing it is worth putting on the balcony or the street and hold out well. You can also make it over the bathroom.
  • Petrol. This is a good solvent, which is a way to withdraw very old and emerged spots. However, he has a disadvantage - a very strong smell. Plus, be careful: the composition is fire hazard.
  • Turpentine. This is another solvent that is used with very complex pollution. It is less dangerous than gasoline. It is used to remove stains from paint or varnish. Choose only the purified turpentine, there are no resins that will easily spoil products.

Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it 10150_9

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