How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips


Carpet is a beautiful and practical floor covering. We tell how to clean it correctly without the involvement of specialists.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_1

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips

Features of the material

Effective self-cleaning carpet at home is impossible without studying the features of the coating. It completely closes the floor of the room and is fixed on the basis. Therefore, remove the panel for washing or cleaning will not work. All manipulations, including drying, are performed directly in place.

Another distinctive feature of the material is the presence of a rigid base, which should be well kept shaped and not to give the canvas to deform. Depending on the foundation, care methods differ.

There will be a pile composition. It can be made of natural or synthetic threads. The length of the methods of its loops is also not the same. Produce long, medium and short-sighted flooring. Combined models are possible, where the pattern is formed by loops of different lengths.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_3

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Care rules for different carpet canvases

To properly care for the cloth, you must first figure out what it is made. Moreover, it is important to know from which the basis and the pile is also. Let's start with the first.

Basics materials:

  • Felt. May be natural or artificial. Most often used the second option. It has good insulating properties, not demanding in care. Pretty easily tolerate wet cleaning.
  • Foamed latex. It is not afraid of water, but very long breathes after wetting. Easily cleaner, transfers aggressive tools. Over time, begins to crumble, completely loses elasticity.
  • Textile. Cleaning methods depend on the composition of the threads. Natural tolerate only dry cleaning, but the synthetics can be wrapped.
  • Jute. Natural fiber, quite capricious in care. Does not tolerate moisture, it does not dry well. As a result, mold and rot may appear. With severe wet after drying, it is breached. Synthetic varieties are deprived of this shortage.
  • Rubber. Elastic, resistant to any kind of cleaning coverage. Very bad dries. Sometimes you have to dismantle the cloth to completely dry.

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Materials Vorsa

For the manufacture of a pile, various threads are used. The most capricious in leaving natural fibers: cotton, silk, wool, flax, etc. They absorb smells and pollution, complex in cleaning, poorly carry moisturizing. But outwardly very attractive and durable.

It is much easier to care for leather from artificial fibers: polypropylene, polyacryl, polyester, nylon, etc. All of them have a dirt-pumping effect, easily cleaned and not afraid of washing.

Combined products made from a mixture of natural and artificial fibers are produced. The rules for cleaning such panels depend on the composition of the base and a pile, but, as a rule, was allowed for them.

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How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways

To remove the accumulated dirt from the surface of the coating, you can use several methods. The most effective are listed below.

1. Dry cleaning

The main advantage is that the surface does not need to moisturize. A vacuum cleaner and powder will be required to work as an absorbent. It can be the usual drinking soda or any factory. Its role is to absorb dirt particles.


  1. Carefully vacuuming surface.
  2. We scatter the powder and gently rub it into the pile.
  3. We are waiting for half an hour or as much as indicated on the package. Some of the funds change the color, signaling that they coped with the work.
  4. Vacuum cleaner, removing dirt together with powder.

Thus, it is possible to get rid of 85-90% of pollution.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_9

2. Wet cleaning

Cleaning using aqueous detergent solution is the most famous way how to clean carpet at home. However, it is far from the safest. Normally use rather aggressive substances that can spoil the cloth.


  1. Clean the coating from garbage.
  2. We divor the detergent. Proportions look at the packaging. It is possible to use drugs that are ready for work.
  3. We wear rubber gloves, we take a sponge and gently rub the solution. Especially polluted places handle twice. If the tool is used for the first time, we first apply it to a small unauthorized fragment to check the stability of the dye for the pile.
  4. We are waiting for a while during which the drug will bind mud particles. It must be specified in the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. Pure water rinse the surface. You can do this with the help of a detergent vacuum cleaner.
  6. Let the canvase dry.

Despite the fact that wet cleaning effectively cleanses the coating, it is too often not recommended to use it for products from fully artificial fibers. It is very difficult to dry a large cloth. And if it remains wet, the appearance of unpleasant odor, mold, etc.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_10

3. Cleaning foam

This is an intermediate method between wet and dry cleaning. It uses a drug in the form of foam. As in the previous version it needs to be divorced independently or purchase a ready-to-work composition in the form of an aerosol. In the first case, it is important to make a solution properly: you can do this only by following the manufacturer's instructions.

The process of removing pollution is very simple:

  1. We remove trash to a broom, brush or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Cooking a working solution. If necessary, test it on a small fragment of the product.
  3. Carefully rub the foam in the canvas. So that each site is processed, but do not allow unnecessary moisture.
  4. We wait until the foam solurate dirt.
  5. Vacuuming carpet, removing the remains of a dried detergent substance and pollution.

This is an effective and fairly sparing method that can be used more often than wet cleaning.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_11

4. Cleansing ferry

For the procedure, special equipment will be required - steam generator. It may be a small manual apparatus or a more powerful unit resembling a vacuum cleaner. The latter will work much more convenient. For cleaning, you can use water or special composition.


  1. We remove garbage and dust from the panel.
  2. We process the surface with a steam generator. It dissolves dirt and disinfect.
  3. Vacuum cleaned canvas.

Such processing can be unacceptable for some artificial fibers if they have a low melting point. If there are doubts, the lowest power should be put on the steam generator and try to treat a small low-rise area.

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What you need to know about cleaning preparations

Clear effectively With your own hands, carpeting can be possible only when the detergent is correctly selected. It can be powder for dry cleaning, foam or special shampoo. Concentrated liquids are manufactured, which need to be dissolved with water before use. They enjoy both shampoo, or whipped to obtain an active foam.

Most of the drugs act about the same. They dissolve pollution and "pushed" from the base to the tips of the pile, where they can be collected by a vacuum cleaner. Given that the drugs are quite aggressive, you should always take into account the manufacturer's tips and do not exceed the dosage. It is also not worth useing non-intended solutions. For example, try to use shampoo like foam, etc.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_14

A good effect is given and special solutions for washing vacuum cleaners. They can wash any panels, after which it is advisable to spend another cycle of cleaning with clean water to remove the remains of active substances. Good and folk remedies. Universal option - food soda. It can be used as a powder for dry cleaning or dissolve in water with a washing powder and vinegar to obtain an effective cleaning composition.

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How to clean carpet houses from spots

It is advisable to do this while the stain is still fresh and did not "elaborate" in the thread of the pile. A better result can be achieved if it is not dried to remove contamination when it has not been dry. The first thing to be done is to determine which stain consists of. Depending on this, choose the drug to remove it. It is necessary to process the evaporated place in the direction of the edges of the fragment to its center, so as not to blur at the large area.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_16

To remove stains, you can take the appropriate cleaning composition or cook it yourself. Several recipes for the most common stains:

  • From juice, tea or chocolate. We mix 3 parts of the alcohol and 1 part of the vinegar, we applied, let dry and consider the brush.
  • From fruit. In a glass of water weigh a third of a teaspoon of citric acid. Processing pollution.
  • From eggs, blood and other animal proteins. We remove the stain with a soap solution with soda, rinse with a solution of vinegar and wipe the wet cloth.
  • From the green. We apply to the diamond greenery peroxide hydrogen, let me dry. Throw the brush.
  • From sticking chewing gum. We prepare ice, with the help of it we will freeze the gum. With a strong cooling, it becomes very fragile and shared from the pile.
  • From varnish, ink or paint. We proceed with a solvent stain.
  • From paint for stamps. We remove pollution with gasoline.

Important remark. Before cleaning the stain, you need to try to apply a means to a small carpet fragment. So you can make sure that it will not spoil the coating.

How to clean carpet at home: 4 effective ways and care tips 10154_17

It is easiest to care for short-sighted cloths. It is easier to clean, wet cleaning them are easier, because they dry quickly. Long-tailed products are afraid of water, dry long and spoil from a rigid brush. They should be washed very carefully and well dry, otherwise the unpleasant smell will appear.

We told how to wash carpet at home. It is easy and effective, provided that the detergent is chosen correctly and complied with all recommendations for its use. Sometimes it happens that self-cleaning no longer helps. Do not disappear: it's time to call professionals who will be returned to the cloth in the primordial view using special equipment.

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