How to remove stains of a tonal cream and powder from clothes and furniture


We continue to replenish the collection of tips on the elimination of any pollution. Most of these ways are best working when the stain only appeared, so read this article in advance to be fulfillment.

How to remove stains of a tonal cream and powder from clothes and furniture 10156_1

How to remove tonal cream from clothes: 5 ways

Petrol. Apply it on cottage discs, and pave a cloth from two sides.

Fucking + soda + household soap. We also apply treated by ammonious cotton wheels from both sides to clothing and leave for a few minutes. After sprinkling soda, and after reaching the forgotten economic soap and erase.

Shaving foam. The method that many beauty bloggers demonstrated in the video, and which works with light t-shirts.

Video: @klagunero.

Dishwashing liquid. Usually, tonal creams contain a lot of fat (if they are not water based), and this fat must first dissolve to remove insidious cosmetics. Use effective, concentrated funds, and not strongly divorced. It is not necessary to apply it on light blue jeans, where you can leave a divorce (or you have to make divorces for all jeans to disguise an unsuccessful attempt).

Tool for washing dishes Fairy, Tea tree and mint

Tool for washing dishes Fairy, Tea tree and mint

You can use a toothbrush for applying means. After 10-15 minutes of finding a means for washing dishes on a spot, soak the processed place with a napkin. It is not necessary to erase it. But if the procedure does not help, you can repeat.

Starch. It absorbs dirt and masks a stain using its neutral color. You need to sprinkle a polluted starch, wait a day, and then shake.

What to do if you scattered powder (dry shadows, etc.) on the washing thing:

1. Remove crumbs

First, use a stupid knife or even a bank card in order to shook the residues of the tissue powder and prevent them from clogging into fibers. Just do not rub! Also, a sticky roller can also be used to remove traces of powder, roast or bronzer. And even the extra powder can be blown even with a hair dryer - the main thing, direct the flow of the air is not directly on the spot, and so that the air jet causing the scattered punching of the Block.

How to remove stains of a tonal cream and powder from clothes and furniture 10156_3

2. Soak stain for a few minutes

After use a stain pressure or concentrated liquid detergent. For example, this (note that for white linen you need to choose another type of the same means):

Tide Color washing gel

Tide Color washing gel

Pour the spot to the tool and leave for 15 minutes. After you can rinse in hot water, and after you wash the thing at the maximum temperature, which can be used for this tissue (if it is not cotton and not flax, but the synthetic like a polyester, then most likely the manufacturer will not recommend to wash it with a temperature above 30 degrees ).

How to remove stains of a tonal cream and powder from clothes and furniture 10156_5

Do not smooth and do not dry the polluted thing as long as it is not fully cleaned - drying and ironing can contribute to the consolidation of the spots on clothes.

How to remove stains from the sofa?

While the contamination is fresh, you can try to remove it with a means for removing makeup (for example, micellar water). Also use a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.

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