Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge


The Danish concept of home coat, or Hyugge, consists of pleasant everyday rituals, small joys and sensations of well-being. We tell how to settle this condition in the interior.

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_1

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge

1 home focus

Candles or a refillage fireplace are among the main attributes to create a coziness and emotional heat atmosphere, especially in the total and cold months of the year. Scandinavians advise in the evenings to muffle the main light in the house or apartment and watch the lazyly dancing languages ​​of the live flame.

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_3
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_4

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_5

The flickering of open fire is needed in the house daily, even if there is a pair of candles. Just do not forget to ventilate the room

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_6

2 Nature - to the house!

Hyugga implies care and attentive attitude to everything that is connected with the place of our stay. Like a dwelling part of nature into the situation of the dwelling, be it houseplants in simple clay pots, green seedlings on the windowsill or a modest biscuit of wildflowers in a vase. Dry branches of bizarre shapes, autumn leaves, aches and bumps rise and brought from the forest.

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_9
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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_11

You can place potted plants not only on the windowsill, but also all over the apartment: on the floor, coffee tables and shelves. Objects made with their own hands also radiate in Hyugg. Therefore, it will be useful to remember the lessons of Macrame and weave the flower porridge

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_12

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_13

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_14

3 Mental Trapeza

Family meal is a daily ritual who brings closer and is the highest incarnation of Hyugg. Danes are advised to pay attention to the flow of dishes and not to save beautiful dishes for special occasions, and use the best every day. The cozy atmosphere will strengthen the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, hot chocolate, homemade baking.

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_16
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_17
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_18
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_19
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_20

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_21

Ingredients for creating "on an ambulance" feeling Hyugge: Tile of delicious high-quality chocolate, it can be melt and treat friends, a baboskaya jam or honey, hot fragrant tea in ceramic or porcelain cups, pleasant to the touch cutlery

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_23

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_24

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_25

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_26

Mug in the style of Hyugge - the one that fits well in the roundness of the palms and for a long time he does not let go warm

4 Safety Corner

Create in the house the so-called haggard - "Corner of Security" with a rocking chair or a suspended "cocoon", sitting in which you can easily relax, restore the forces after the working day, read the book, to be alone with you. For additional comfort, it is worth wrapped in a woolen plaid or cashmere scarf.

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_28
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_29
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_30
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_31
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_32
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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_34

When choosing sources of lighting, preference should be given to products with lampshade, which will gently dispel and muffle the light. Light bulbs are also needed special - with a warm spectrum of radiation, like incandescent lamps

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_36

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_40

5 Natural Materials

Fill the housing with environmental, sleeves and durable materials. Among the undoubted favorites are a tree. Bed natural parquet or get the wooden furniture objects, even if it is only one bedside table or decor element. Vintage things are suitable, which differ not only in functionality, but also carry emotional value.

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_42
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_43
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Tree items have special heat. But remember that Hyugg has better reveals itself in the imperfection of the constituted and surfaces of the surfaces. The coarse texture of the untreated tree, the stronger the pleasant tactile and visual effect

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_48

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_49

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_50

Surround residential space textures that awaken the desire to touch them, rounded shapes and materials that create an enveloping feel.

  • 4 national ways to create comfort, except Hyugg

6 Warm floor

Danish philosophy calls to slow down the tempo, "land" and feel the present moment through the touch. Soothing feeling Hyugga causes comfort woolen socks, touching with bare feet to fluffy skins, rough felt. Soften space as if it hugs us and immerses in relaxation.

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_53
Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_54

Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_55

Soft puffs and pillows will help comfortably accommodate on the floor with a book or laptop. It will also take a look at the surrounding space from another angle

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Practice of happiness: 6 interior components of the Danish Hyugge 10195_57

Secure your knowledge about Hyugg, passing our cozy test.

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