Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them


Open veranda is a great place for summer gatherings. But in winter, the room will notice snow, furniture, floor and decoration will suffer from moisture and frost. Protective curtains will help solve the problem.

Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_1

Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them

Open (non-defective) verandas today, which is called, in trend. Elegant balustrade looks aesthetic than a solid parapet, and open wide openings, in fact, combine the room with a garden. It is easy to breathe here, and at the same time you are covered from the rain and hot sun. But in the fall, it is necessary to clean the furniture from the veranda, and in the winter to periodically clean the snow, otherwise the wooden floor will begin to rot.

To get rid of these hassle and at the same time to be able to turn around from the wind in the summer, sometimes mounted sliding glazing from the floor to the ceiling, but such structures are far from everyone on the pocket, because they cost from 12 thousand rubles. for 1 m2. Protective curtains (otherwise - "soft / flexible windows") are capable of performing the same functions as a glass, but they cost much cheaper - 800-1500 rubles. For 1 m2, taking into account installation.

With a complex form of openings without ...

With a complex form of openings without a call, you can not do without a challenge. The wizard will draw a drawing, if necessary - it makes the patterns of the frontal parts. Only in this case firm guarantees the correspondence of the curtains. It is worth considering that triangular and arched elements, as well as cuts under console beams, will significantly increase the cost of 1 m2 of the product

What makes protective curtains make

Most often, the material for "soft windows" is a special transparent PVC film, designed to operate at temperatures up to -30 ° C (the usual soft PVC loses elasticity at -10 ° C). Its thickness ranges from 500 to 1000 microns; It is worth considering that the thick film is much stronger and more resistant to wind loads than thin, and it's worth 150-200 rubles. For 1 m2 more expensive. Another option is a polyurethane film, which has frost resistance to -60 ° C and high strength, even with a thickness of 500 microns.

The transparent cloth is usually edged with a strip of color nonwoven synthetic (for example, polyester) canvas. This edging serves to mount the fastening and closing elements, and at the same time performs a decorative function. Colored strips must be reliably welded to PVC film.

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Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_5

Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_6

Usually, the curtains are folded into the roll and fixed above the outlook, but you can mount traditional eaves, allowing to shift the Block web. True, this method is suitable exclusively for a thin film.

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The principle of opening / closing soft windows

Usually, the curtain consists of several panels (their maximum width is 5 m), which can be connected to each other with a lacing or fasten to elements of the bucket of the veranda (arbors). The second method is much more comfortable and reliable. As a rule, to open the curtains, you need to sweep the cloth, manually roll them into rolls and secure belts from the eaves. In general, the products are not designed for the fact that they will often be opened and closed.

Polyurethane protective curtains are lighter than polyvinyl chloride and much more resistant to winter cold, but it will be almost twice as expensive.

Order and Installation Curtains

Produce "soft windows" by order, and the production time is from 2 to 9 weeks. If you have decided on the firm, you can call the measurer object with samples of materials. If you want to find the most advantageous offer, you need to stock the drawing of the facade of the veranda, contact several companies per calculation, and then compare prices.

Installation of curtains takes quite a bit of time. It is required to scout the upper calf to the strapping veranda carcass brux - for this purpose, "Glukhary" fasteners are used, which are usually provided with holes that are reinforced with chapers; If there are no such holes, the mounts are placed in 30 cm increments and use the washers with a diameter of at least 20 mm. After that, it remains to place places for locks or belts and attach them to the columns. The product warranty is usually 1 year.

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Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_9
Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_10

Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_11

The principle of fastening the curtains: the edging is equipped with stainless steel champs or belt loops, and swivel classes or metal staples screwed to the posts and railings

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Soft windows for the veranda: what it is and why do you need them 10206_13

In some cases (for example, when entering the input or window), zipper is needed

Pros and cons of soft windows

"Soft windows"

Pretty durable, frost and wind resistant: according to the applications of manufacturers, withstand wind up to 25 m / s. Comparatively short-lived: service life - 7-10 years.
Almost do not spoil the appearance of the building, leaving visible balustrades, pillars and other architectural elements. At first, there may be harmful volatile compounds.
Provide the insolation of the room, although the lighting capacity is losing glass. The film does not miss steam, preventing the ventilation of the room. As a result, wooden structures do not dry well and can even start garn (it is easy to solve the problem by the device of the ventilation holes, valves).
Safe, easy to care (you can wash a strong jet of water)

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