Kitchen Island: Treated Trend or Everplaceable Furniture?


Before choosing one of the statements, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the kitchen island and tell you, in what cases and interiors can be used.

Kitchen Island: Treated Trend or Everplaceable Furniture? 10218_1

For a start, let's see the video with examples of how modern kitchens look like:

Benefits of the kitchen island

1. Helps zoning the kitchen-living room

And if you think this is "so-yourself advantage" - mistaken. EUROPLINANT is no longer uncommon today, but build partitions in order to divide the kitchen zone and the living room I do not always want. The island helps to solve this task without problems and coordination among the special services.

Kitchen island for zoned

Kitchen island for zoning

  • 6 most beautiful kitchens with islands (want to do this!)

2. Convenient for those who prepare and do not want to give up the company

Again, relevant for european owners. With a kitchen island, it is convenient to prepare food at the same time and be "in the topic": when you come to visit, the family is going to the living room, or children play the same living room. The one who prepares food is, as it were, together with everyone, is not isolated from what is happening and does not feel bored.

  • 7 typical errors when choosing a kitchen island (will prevent comfort and spoil the interior)

3. You can use as an additional work surface.

And sometimes it is more convenient than ordinary corner or linear kitchen. With a kitchen island, you can create the right working triangle when the cooking zones (stove), storage (refrigerator) and cleaning (washing) are at an equal distance from each other. And even if you do not transfer to the island of the plate or sink, you still can additionally cut / put plates with food.

Kitchen island as add

Kitchen island as an additional work surface

4. Suitable for additional storage

The island can be equipped for additional storage of devices, dishes and even books - depends on the design of the island and its size. In addition, there you can install additional techniques - microwave oven or dishwasher.

Kitchen island can use

Kitchen island can be used for additional storage.

Disadvantages of the kitchen island

1. Not suitable for small and medium kitchens.

In the kitchen in Khrushchev and Brezhnev, you should not even try to introduce such a design. Yes, and in the average cuisine by a metro station 10-12 squares - too. It turns out that the island is available only for dimming kitchens in apartments and houses. This definitely does not make it versatile.

The kitchen island is definitely not suitable & ...

The kitchen island will not be exactly suitable for small kitchens.

2. will not replace the dining table

By the way, the widespread mistake of those who have long dreamed of a kitchen island - turn it into a dining table in a small kitchen. No, it will not work. In part, he will replace the place of meals, but not completely. You can replace them with the table if you live one / one or alone and do not take guests. And do not plan children and do not expect to visit the elderly parents. Neither those nor others will be able to sit at high bar chairs for a long time.

If you have a large apartment and there is a dining area, in the kitchen you can put the chairs from the island and use it, for example, for morning coffee or fast breakfasts.

The kitchen island will not replace both & ...

The kitchen island will not replace the dining table, but you can use it instead of a bar counter

3. It may take additional coordinates of housing services

It will require if you decide to transfer to the island "wet" zone - washing and dishwasher. First, you will have to do drain, which means "lift" the floor level is at least 10-15 cm. Secondly, such a transfer may otherwise require the resolution of special services.

In what cases is the island really appropriate?

1. If the kitchen is not less than 18-20 kV. m.

Or this is the total area of ​​the kitchen living room. As a rule, the size of the middle island is 120 cm in length, 60 cm in width, and 85 cm - height. Agree, for such dimensions you need to find a place, and at the same time leave free passes. The island in a small kitchen will visually make it even less and add inconvenience.

Kitchen island can be put & ...

Kitchen island can only be set in a spacious kitchen or a kitchen-living room.

2. If he brings real benefits

We agreed to use it instead of a table or bar counter - so-so a solution. But to place there additional techniques, a cooking surface or washing is really functional.

Kitchen island as add

Kitchen island as an additional work surface

3. If it helps to make the right working triangle

If accommodation on the island of technology or washing makes cooking and moving in the kitchen more convenient, it really makes sense.

Kitchen Island will help

Kitchen island will help make the right working triangle

What is the result?

We cannot call the kitchen is an indispensable. Without it, you can really do it: find other ways of zoning, make cabinets to the ceiling to find more storage space and, in the end, work on the ergonomic kitchen for the right "work triangle".

But also the kitchen island is not a bored trend. This is not a trend at all, but simply an element of a kitchen headset, which can be installed under certain conditions, but can also do.

Do you want a kitchen island in the kitchen? Do you think it is convenient? Share in the comments.

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