What is hydraulic balancing and why is it important to conduct it?


The future owners of private houses are often refused to order a competently composed project of the heating system, trying to save. They rely on friends or acquaintances recommending proven specialists, while forgetting that only professional calculations will guarantee a uniform distribution of heat in the house and save money to significantly.

What is hydraulic balancing and why is it important to conduct it? 10226_1

What is hydraulic balancing and why is it important to conduct it?

Hydraulic balancing is the process of redistribution of thermal carrier (water) in radiators (batteries) or "Warm Paul" contours, as a result of which a comfortable temperature is achieved in all heated premises. Not a balancing system in addition to discomfort associated with the temperature, the noise in the thermal heads of radiators and excess electricity costs. Professionally conducted hydraulic balancing will help avoid unwanted costs and, as a result, save your budget.

Circulation pump Grundfos series Alpha2

Circulation pump Grundfos series Alpha2

One of the most favorable options for balancing the system is to use one device for pumping and balancing. For example, multifunction pumps from the Grundfos series Alpha3 or Alpha2. Previously, the hydraulic balancing was possible only with the Alpha3 pump, but now the function of simple and rapid balancing appeared at Alpha2 from Grundfos. Balancing system using Alpha2 is carried out using the Alpha Reader communication module and the GO BALANCE mobile application. If you are using the Alpha3 series circulation pump, then no additional devices are required, just to install a free application for the GRUNDFOS GO BALANCE professional balancing application and follow the further step-by-step instructions. What could be easier?

Circulation pump Grundfos series Alpha3

Circulation pump Grundfos series Alpha3

The user brings only the most necessary data to the GRUNDFOS GO BALANCE application: which heating system (radiator, combined, "warm floor" in combination or separately), how many rooms in the house, the area of ​​each of them, how many radiators in each room and warm-floor circuits, What room in the room is needed, etc. The smart pump will analyze the flow rate in the heating system with an already open thermostat of each individual radiator and the contour and calculates the necessary values ​​for each point, it will only remain to install the required flow, adjusting the shut-off valves to the values ​​shown on the smartphone screen. Next, after adjusting all radiators and contours, the system will notify the end of the balancing process and create an electronic report on the work performed. It displays all indicators starting from the flow and ending with the temperature. The whole process can take no more than an hour.

Average private house area of ​​about 200 square meters consumes about 30,000 kilowatt-hours only to heat water to heating. According to the existing gas tariffs, it is about 21,767.84 rubles per year. If the system of heating a private house is competently balanced, savings can be up to 20% or approximately 3,700 rubles / year.

What is hydraulic balancing and why is it important to conduct it? 10226_5



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