Where to look for inspiration for interior: 4 unexpected sources


If you have conceived to change the design of the apartment, then surely passed the mass of the interior logs and sites. We suggest where you can still draw ideas for design.

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1 in blogs

Where to look for inspiration for interior: 4 unexpected sources 10245_2

You can subscribe to the blogs of the designers that you like, and follow their projects and ideas for inspiration. But perhaps even more useful blogs of ordinary people who are interested in interior design will be. In such blogs, you can often see the "live" apartments, the history of transformation in the format "up to / after" and design khaki available to simple mortal.

There are many similar resources in the English-language Internet: you can start, for example, with a well-known Cococozy interior blog. But Russian users will be much more interesting to follow the Russian bloggers - elementary, speech in them goes about apartments close to our realities. We advise you to start with the blog "The house, in which you want to come", the author of which tells a lot about his dwelling and its transfigurations.

2 in the cinema

Not so often, looking at the film or the series, we pay attention to the interior details - and in vain: they are thoroughly worked out by professional decorators. It remains only to choose the character close to the spirit and look at his dwelling.

If you like interiors from the "Theory of the Big Explosion", "Sex in the Big City", "World of the Wild West", "Force Major", "Handsaws" or "Visiting Alice," we have already told how to repeat them.

  • What is inspired when repaired: 5 films with beautiful interiors

3 in own hobbies

If you have a bright hobby or hobby, you can make it the topic of design. So, in the design there is even a sporty style - choose your favorite view and sports and complete the apartment with the corresponding details.

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Are you Meloman? Use plates for wall decoration. Cinema fan? Posters - your all. Look for the opportunity to display your passion in the setting - so you at the same time they say it.

4 Traveling

Countries and cities have their own mood and their architectural features. There are ethnic interior directions, but it is the "living" buildings "On the spot" will give you a clear idea: I like it or dislike.

If you relax in another country, ...

If you relax in another country, look at the setting, try to understand what attracts you and how you can repeat it. Buy a couple of interior souvenirs in this case will be very topic.

Vacation not soon? Remember the places where you were already. Perhaps the idea for design will be born just from this memories.

And where do you draw ideas for the design of your apartment? Share the answers in the comments.

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