9 ways to reduce waste in your home and ... make the world a little cleaner


We carefully read your comments and see that many are afraid to climb the planet when they are called to get rid of the outdated decor in the house or acquire something new. You dedicate this article to all those who are not indifferent to the savings of the world from garbage.

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1 to abandon disposable packaging when buying fresh vegetables and fruits

Choose such a meal that is not packed in plastic containers. You can also come to some stores and markets with your package, rather than packaging every kind of fruits or vegetables in a separate plastic bag. And some farmers and shops are already selling food in containers that can be reused.

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9 ways to reduce waste in your home and ... make the world a little cleaner 10250_3

9 ways to reduce waste in your home and ... make the world a little cleaner 10250_4

9 ways to reduce waste in your home and ... make the world a little cleaner 10250_5

2 Replace plastic tubes in drinks on something more stylish

The tubes make the absorption of beverages much more comfortable, especially on the go. However, they can be replaced with metal, which will make the routine process much more stylish, or on paper (which, though not so easy to buy).

Glass mug with straw in new year design

Glass mug with straw in new year design



3 Get reusable shopping bags

With tissue shopping bags for purchases, almost the entire 20th century went, and now stylish eco-friendly bags began to sell even in trendy stores. With them really convenient to make shopping and they are placed even in small handbags. Tip: Do not forget to periodically wash them, especially those in which the products are lying so that they do not multiply the pathogenic bacteria.

Casual bag Ecobag

Casual bag Ecobag



4 Do not use plastic containers for storing dry products

Glass jars for storage look much more attractive plastic, and so wash them easier. They cost more, but it's stronger, and in general it is a good investment.

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5 When buying, give preference to those things that can be recycled

Very many household items (clothing and textiles, paper packaging, electronics) can be given to disposal or processing. If, with another cleaning, you found an object that cannot be recycled and can only be thrown out, try to buy the next time that allows you to do.

6 give a new life to old things, or DIY

We tell a lot about how to do something for your own hands. For example, we wrote about how to make a pen of plastic bottles (in case you have a sufficient amount accumulated) and how to decorate the house by autumn for 0 rubles and 0 kopecks, using what you already have. And also about what can be done with broken cups and plates. Stay with us!

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7 make cosmetics and even household chemicals do it yourself

Some cleaning facilities can be made independently and very simple. It will save money, and time to go to the store. Also at home, you can make natural flavors for rooms. Do not forget about soap: small pieces of soap, which are inconvenient to use, can be collected together and cook.

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8 more carefully treat the eating "on the removal" and delivery

Food in plastic containers really creates mountains of garbage, with which it is impossible to cope. Perhaps you should eat in a cafe instead of picking up with me, or look at the places in which it is packaged more eco.

9 Use your own mugs instead of plastic cups

Every time you buy "coffee with you", you purchase a plastic (or paper, covered from the inside with plastic) a cup that is not so easy to recycle. But you can always ask the Barista to pour a drink into your thermocruise - this useful habit is becoming increasingly popular all over the world. You can also use your mug at work and in the fitness room instead of spending a plastic cup.

Stainless steel thermal

Stainless steel thermal



Do you know more ways to help the planet? Tell me in the comments!

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