Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day


If you have a feeling that from a happy woman you turned into a drunk horse, we have two good news: you are not alone and solve your problem can be. We tell how.

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_1

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day

The list of tasks that stands in front of a modern woman is able to bring even a psychologically sustainable person to neurosis: to maintain purity and comfort in the house, cook food, to engage in the upbringing and developing children, earn money, care for me.

Life is filled with 100% efficiency not by itself, but only as a result of competent time planning. In recent years, no one will surprise anyone in recent years. But tough planning is not suitable for everyone, therefore popularity has acquired a more flexible system for women - Fly Lady. It can be adapted for any type of employment, any features of health and lifestyle.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_4

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_5

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_6

  • Cleaning a kitchen per minute: 17 cases that you can do while boils the teapot

Fly Lady System: Basic Principles

She began as a method of referring to the household, but then the author is the American writer of Marla Silly - distributed the theory of all spheres of life. Her book is called "Flying Housewife. Reflections from the kitchen sink. "

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Some habits you probably have already formed, and some have to work on some.

  • 8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring

So, here's what the Councils of Marley Silly are reduced:

  • scale to break the dwelling;
  • Smaller buy things or products in the future, so as not to "eat" free space;
  • Forget about general cleaning;
  • do not remove on weekends;
  • Clean on a little bit: for example, 15 minutes a day;
  • lead the control magazine to follow the list of cases;
  • It looks beautiful in the morning, even if you do not plan to leave the house;
  • minimize watching TV and websites on the Internet;
  • put things into place;
  • Every day to do something for my beloved;
  • concentrate in one case, and not to be sprayed into several;
  • stop to criticize and try to be on a positive;
  • Get rid of perfectionism.

The latter is extremely important. After familiarization with the system, it may be the impression that the perfect mistress on the Flay Lady is a superancy, who has time and even more. However, Marla does not get tired of emphasizing: take care of yourself, do not seek to perfection, make sure that the list of cases does not exhaus you emotionally.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_11

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_13

Another principle of the system can be allocated separately.

It is necessary to clean the clean, without waiting until the house turns mud. Then the time will go a little.


We wrote in detail about it in detail, but we recall: the concept of trash in the Flame Lady is not equal to the contents of the garbage bucket. These are the things that have the right to be in your closet or are an excellent accessory in the interior, but you do not like them, do not fit, do not fit into your lifestyle, or, albeit not critical, but broke (fragments, cracked, torn) . Distribute all this or throw away.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

You can get enough at a time. However, new things come to the house regularly, so this weekly it is worth allocating five minutes to run through all rooms with a bag in hand and send unnecessary to the scour.

The author offers you every time you & ...

The author offers every time to throw away at least 27 items. It is difficult, but this impressive digit makes you think: do I really need all this good?

Storage Organization

It is possible only after rash. Having saved the house from superfluous, you can compactly and beautifully decompose the remaining things. Each of them should have its place. And if you carefully put back any item taken - guaranteed to save the order.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_17

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_19

Many owners have baskets with mixed content, where everything flies. There you can find both the consoles and batteries, and a trifle on the passage, and blocks of paper with records, and a lot more. Well, of course, that it lies not in sight, but such a box can not start at all if you immediately return to the place.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_21

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_22

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_23

Rutin execution

An important concept in the Flace Lady - Routine, or rituals. These are short-time, but the mandatory actions that we do on the machine, such as cleaning teeth or combing. The same routines should be implemented to maintain order.

The author divides the routine on the morning, day and evening. What will come in them, everyone decides himself.

Examples of morning rutin - to store the bed, put yourself in order, wash the dishes, decompose things in places. Evening - prepare clothes in the morning, prepare yourself and children to sleep, paint the next day.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_25

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_26

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_27

Daytime home routines for working women do not belong, and the author does not offer to include self-development, washing, mail analysis, the fulfillment of long-stayed cases with small chains (at least five minutes).

Cleaning hot spot

Russian flies lady more often use the term "hot spots". These are open horizontal surfaces that instantly finish different "non-accepted" objects. For example, the top of the refrigerator, empty shelves, window sills, where checks, keys, money, chargers, etc. are usually accumulated.

If you put at least one thing on an empty shelf, it will add a lot of little things to it, especially those who wander around the apartment and does not have their own place.

A long-standing rally can be eliminated gradually, two minutes each day. And if you generally follow these problem points, then two minutes will be enough for the analysis of all hot spots in the house.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_29

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_30

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_31

Use timer

Marla Silly insists: when doing homework, it is important not to get tired not to overcome and not throw the system. She advises to put a timer for short intervals (from 2 to 15 minutes depending on the task) and at this time it is not distinguished into cleaning, without being distracted.

Waiting for the call disciplines, so the work with the timer goes much faster and more efficiently than without it.

Try not to Votas & ...

Try not to pull things out more than you are able to go through and launder for the allotted time.

Cleaning along zones

This is an alternative to the usual general cleaning for us, to which half of the day or a whole day off. Fly Lady offers another way out. We divide the house on the zones. You can mentally, you can on paper. Zones are different premises. Ideally, there should be four zones - as weeks in a month. Each week is removed one zone for 15 minutes a day (the weekend authors of the system are not taken into account - weekends for the family, and not for work).

Time can be varied. But 15 minutes is optimal not to get tired and do something to do something. If there is no rubbish, during this time you can wash hardly half the room.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_34

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_36

At the end of the month we return to the first zone, from where they started. The room will not have time to seek the same layer of garbage and dust, as six months from one seasonal cleaning to another. And at this point you will understand the charm of cyclical laundering zones: to separate the dirty surface is much more problematic than to refresh the clean, walking with a cloth in a couple of seconds.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_38

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_39

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_40

List of zones varies depending on the size of the house.

The exemplary list is:

  • kitchen,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom with toilet,
  • Hall.

Someone can add storage room, or highlight the living room, nursery. And someone will unite the zones at their discretion: the kitchen and living room or two bedrooms in one.

If the house is in the started state, you have two options, how to do. You can immediately begin cleaning around the zones, but this path is not suitable for those who love a quick result. After all, the house will be transformed in a month!

Many novice flies are easier to totally launder it, and only after that fully joined the system.

Do not forget: laundering has a cm ...

Do not forget: laundering makes sense only after the rash and the organization of storage of things.

Approximate set of tasks for global uniform cleaning:

  • wipe dust on the cabinets;
  • wash the floor under furniture;
  • wash all furniture outside and inside;
  • wash the curtains;
  • wash plinths, batteries, chandeliers, exhaust, windows;
  • Disassemble and wash the refrigerator;
  • remove the web;
  • Using strong detergents to put tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom;
  • Separate plumbing, cranes, shower;
  • wash garbage buckets;
  • Wash carpets.

When the whole house glitters, a 15-minute becomes an ideal tool for maintaining cleanliness.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Flace Lady

In it, experienced flies offered to record business on the day, week and a month ahead.

It also makes sense to add the following:

  • List of birthdays;
  • telephones of operational services;
  • phones of acquaintances, friends, relatives, narrow specialists;
  • addresses of important organizations;
  • Menu your family for a week;
  • Shopping lists;
  • List of gifts for holidays;
  • accounting of finance;
  • Plans, dreams, goals for short and long time.

Thus, all important information is collected in the control log (CZH), and this greatly facilitates life.

For example, if you draw up a list that take with me when hospitalized to the hospital, then when an emergency case is on the occurrence, while the ambulance is waiting for, it will be possible to gather quickly and calmly, without forgetting anything.

Thanks to KZ, you do not have to keep the birthdays of numerous gods, nephews, friends and their children. You can always prepare financially in advance - without a rush and unnecessary avral costs.

Here is the completed example of the Fly Lady control magazine, so that you can navigate what this glider can be.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_44

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_45

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_46

Fly Lady: Tasks for every day

In Russian-and English-speaking sites, you can subscribe to the "Kelly tasks" (this is the assistant of Marlas Silly). They come to the mail, are performed in 10 minutes.

Job examples:

  • Disassemble underwear and socks;
  • wipe paintings, photos, figurines;
  • Disassemble shoes;
  • go through documents;
  • Create a refrigerator.

The referee's tasks for every day are divided into two types: those that send Kelly, and those that you determine for yourself. Sometimes they intersect, so if you think you need, letters in the mail can be ignored.

For clarity, place the daily tasks in the table offered by the Flace Lady system. They write their routines, plans, 15 minutes - in general, almost all the information of your KZH.

Here is an example of such tables.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_48

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_49

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_50

31 step to secure habits

Garla is confident that it is more efficient not to rush into the outer with his head, but to delve into the system slowly. She advises to rebuild his life with turtle steps - so that for the month I managed to form a habit of living in the style of Fly.

For beginners, the author has prepared tasks that will help master the basics of the system. One point is added every day, while all previous ones need to be performed.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_52

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_53

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_54

Day 1

Create a small island of purity in your home, which should always be in impeccable form, regardless of your well-being, employment, mood.

Marla Silly advises to wash the sink to the mirror glitter in the kitchen. But as such an island can act anything. His main goal is to inspire you for further cleaning with its perfect state.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Day 2.

Give yourself in the morning in order: light makeup, beautiful clothes, shoes. The original is the item "shoes on the lacing", but you can do without sneakers, quite enough moccasin, ballet shoes. The main thing is not to get into the slippers, which have to procrastinations.

You can hang in prominent places stickers with reminders that you need to do: for example, clean the sink and dressed beautifully.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_57

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_58

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_59

Days 3 and 4

Secure the habits of the first two days: sink, clothes and shoes, stickers with reminders.

Day 5.

Work with an internal criticism: write out everything bad on paper, which sounds in your head in the address itself. And then neutralize the opposite settings.

Day 6.

Make the tasks of previous days and pay off hot spot for two minutes.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Day 7.

Add the evening routine, prepare clothes tomorrow.

Day 8.

Start checking the journal. Write in it morning routines, which have already formed (sink, appearance, reading reminders, neutralization of internal negative, hot spot), as well as evening (sink, clothing, hot spot).

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_62

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_63

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_64

Day 9.

Sleeping within a few minutes.

Day 10.

Implement a 15-minute in your life. For a start, you can spend this time to get rid of the rubble if you are still not widely lustered.

Day 11.

Get in KZh page for inspiration with your favorite quotes.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_66

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_67

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_68

Day 12.

If you are signed on the electronic newsletter of the Flace Lady, then you need to delete all the letters (the mail should also be broken).

Day 13.

Perform the Kelly task.

Day 14.

Start making a family calendar. It does not matter, it will be wall mounted or in the form of a notebook. There are celebrating future meetings, movies in movies, classes in circles, important dates.

Best hang calendar

It is best to hang a calendar on the wall so that all family members know about the upcoming events.

Day 15.

Add the habit of filling the bed.

Day 16.

Read inspirational entries.

Day 17.

Choose the optimal deposit time to sleep, write it down on the sticker and in the CZh.

Day 18.

Refresh in your memory all the main "commandments" of the Flace Lady system.

Day 19.

Repeat inspirational records again (you can on the seats dedicated to the Fly System), and, of course, perform the tasks of previous days.

Day 20.

Add washing to routine.

Day 21.

Examine some more foundations of the Flaigh Lady theory.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_71

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_72

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_73

Day 22.

If you have not made a checklist, it's time to proceed to it.

Day 23.

Think out your day routine.

Day 24.

Wash the plumbing. Add this item to the morning routine.

Day 25.

Try to check the KZ in the morning and in the evening.

Day 26.

Look at your achievements. Secure the passed.

Day 27.

Think up the menu for dinner.

We introduce the preparation of the menu in the day or evening routine.

Day 28.

Remind yourself about the need to eat right, drink plenty of water and relax enough.

Day 29.

Highlight the time to pamper yourself.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_75

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_77

Day 30.

Think over and refer to the following month from QG. Record the important events that you are waiting for (birthdays, meetings, visits to the doctor and so on).

Day 31.

Take care again with KZ: Fill it out and check it with it.

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Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_79

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_80

Flace Lady System: How to keep the house in order, spending 20 minutes a day 10257_81

Adapt the Flace Lady system under itself

Flace Lady for residents of Russia and the CIS

For those who want to "shift" the Flace Lady system into Russian Floor, the cleaning plan is generally not changed. The only difference is that many Russians live in small-sized apartments, and not in large homes. In the odnushka or a small double, there is simply nothing to clean in the same zone for a whole week if the hostess regularly supports order.

Russian bloggers, who were members of Silly Marlai, advise in this case to reduce the cleaning time in the zone or remove for one or twice. Since it has not yet had time to turn well since last month, it is very easy to keep it in half an hour.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Also, almost all Russian readers perceive the Council to wear shoes on the lacing and every day to "worship" the kitchen sink: the tips to expose it every day and avoid the appearance of any spray, and the truth is given by fanaticism. But all these postulates can be corrected.

Flace Lady for Working Women: Daily Tasks

Set the system to your schedule. Day routines exclude, and cut the list of morning and evening, if there are few time on them.

15 minutes to laundering zones and a few minutes on racking can be allocated both before leaving for work and after return. The time of day does not matter: at least six in the morning, at least ten pm. It is important, as in sports, systematic action of action every day.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Flace Lady for Pregnant Women

An interesting position is also not an obstacle to study the system. On the contrary, it is better to master it before the birth of the baby, while there is free time, so that then not to fall into depression due to lack of time.

In a plan for a week and a month, include a visit to the doctor, the gradual purchase of things in the hospital and the first month of the child's life, reading and viewing information about the care of newborn. In daily routines - special charge and extra time for rest.

If cleaning is associated with dragging heavy things, ask for help of loved ones.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Fly Lady for Mom

If, after childbirth, there is no one to take on household troubles, then the routines, reminders, KZh and 15-minute will become invaluable assistants. Especially reminders.

They need to be placed on the very sight ...

They need to be placed in the most prominent place to certainly not forget to defrost chicken, wrake underwear or sterilize a bottle for the mixture.

Flace Lady system for other spheres of life

Fly Lady Flaye Account

If you want to start postpone the money, make sure that they leave. In the control log, in charge of income and expenses. Collect checks at least two or three months to calculate how much we spend on food, payment of utility, loans and other mandatory accounts, and how much - on entertainment, hobbies, gifts, and so on.

Follow the finances - this does not mean to refuse to themselves in good quality life. This means - thoughtfully approaching the waste: not to buy too much, not to throw out products, do not succumb to stocks, where they offer a discount useless thing, not to overpay during large purchases (prices in different stores may differ twice.).

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Drawing up a menu

It helps save money and time, since you only buy the right products, and shopping can be reduced to once a week.

In addition, you do not have a headache that cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Highlight your day to make a menu for a few days ahead (you can first for start), it is desirable that it coincides with the cooler wash. After breaking stocks, you turn on the dish plan, which must be prepared as soon as possible so that nothing has spoiled.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Recipes Start saving yourself long before making menu. If the fantasy is exhausted, write down all the dishes that you know how to prepare (separately by category: first, second, snacks, desserts, drinks, pastries, and so on). Save yourself this sheet and look into it if necessary.

Fly Lady for Children

Children like bright reminders written or drawn with markers on color stickers. And it greatly facilitates their involvement in the system.

For kids, there are enough reminders in the bathroom and in the kitchen that you need to clean your teeth, wash, wash your hands after a walk.

You can also hang a picture asking to remove toys in the gaming area.

Preschoolers it's time to teach the clothes to put clothes and other things, put the books, wash your shoes, get silent. Especially interesting to do it together with adults.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Conclusions: Pluses and Cons Play Lady System

pros Minuses
The house is always clean. It is difficult to immediately understand all the nuances of the system.
The hostess is always well maintained and ready to receive guests. Possible breakdowns, kickbacks back and because of this, complete disappointment in the system.
There is time for deferred affairs. Some items on which the author insists, you personally may not come up.
Abrasion almost disappears from life, which means it becomes less nervous. Many think that letters in the mail from Kelly are still "trash", only virtual. They are too much, so women often unsubscribe from mailing.
There is more time for family and hobbies. Perfectionaries make up endless lists of affairs and begin to devote days and even nights to the detriment of their own, spouse and children.
It is possible to save a lot of money.

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