4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them?


If you decide on the styling pattern and the size of the tile before purchase, you can accurately calculate the amount of material, reduce the number of cutting elements, lead them from the visibility zones and get a spectacular lining.

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_1

1 Christmas tree

This scheme reproduces the class

This scheme reproduces the classic pattern of laying piece parquet and is suitable for rooms of any area and shape. It is based on long and narrow ceramic tiles, ideally with a decor and texture that imitates a natural tree.

Outdoor Figure "Christmas tree", scored from small ceramic planks, optically increases the area of ​​the bathroom, and the composition of the tiles of bigger - reduces. The usual "Christmas tree" suggests the joint of the adjacent elements at a right angle, and the "French" consists of cut at an angle of 45˚.

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_3

2 Rustery

Figure resembling brick

A drawing, resembling brickwork, is called "rotary". However, it also has other names: "deck", "turning to view", "with a shift".

Tiles (usually rectangular) each next row is shifted relative to the tiles of the previous one. This laying is capable of visually adjusting the premises of the elongated form. The maximum step is equal to half the tile length. Specialists advise use for this scheme a tile of close shades, otherwise the surface will seem sparkling. But the texture of the ceramic surface can be any.

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_5

  • The combination of tiles in the bathroom: how to combine different colors and invoices for a harmonious interior

3 carpet

The "carpet" scheme appeals if one or another zone should be highlighted in the room. The function and area of ​​the room do not have.

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_7
4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_8

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_9

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_10

Although a ceramic carpet in the bathroom is rather an exception from the unlaspped rule, according to which it is customary to spread in the living rooms and halls. The main thing in the preparation of the layout is to determine the location and make an accent element, the actual carpet. The next stage, which, however, is optional, is the framework of the framing, border. Finally, the selection of background tiles for the remaining floor plane.

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_11
4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_12

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_13

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_14

Various layout schemes help to achieve a bright aesthetic effect. In these cases, it is possible to replace expensive decors on the usual background tile, but of different colors and textures.

4 parallel

Streamline any available

Sort any available space is capable parallel, or basic, scheme. It is not so boring and is minusing from a decorative point of view, as it may seem at first glance.

Thus, on its basis, for the same square tile, you can come up with at least four layouts: "Chess", "lines", "kaleidoscope" and "ornament", of course, if the work is involved in the ceramics of several colors. Similar methods are easy to put and rectangular tiles.

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_16
4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_17

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_18

4 most popular types of layouts of tiles in the bathroom: how and when to use them? 10282_19

  • How to put a tile in the bathroom: the whole process from surface preparation to the grout of seams

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