What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria


We tell about the peculiarities of Ondulin and metal tile and comparing in demand roofing materials in five parameters: durability, simplicity of installation, leakage exposure, noise insulation, price.

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_1

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria

Selecting roofing material - responsible task. The lifetime of the new roof, its operational characteristics and appearance depends on the correctness of the decision. Each homeowner wants the roof to be beautiful, he served for a long time and did not give trouble. Compare which of the demanded coatings is better: ondulin or metal tile, we will analyze their pros and cons.

Compare Ondulin and metal tile

What is Ontulin

Features of metal tile

Compare roofing materials

- Strength

- Easy mounting

- The possibility of leakage

- Noise isolation

- price

Ondulin and its characteristics

Evroshortifer, this is the second name of building materials, appeared in Europe in the middle of the last century. Due to the low price and good operational qualities, it quickly became popular worldwide.

The basis for its production is cellulose fibers. They are mixed with special additives that give the finished product certain properties. The mixture enters the dispenser, then in the press that stamps smooth sheets and removes extra moisture from them. The billets are painted penetrating compositions, then they give relief shape. After that, they are treated with high temperatures and cut. Almost finished roofing sheets are immersed in a bath with molten bitumen. Here they are impregnated, become absolutely waterproof, then dry drying again. After that, ready to operate.

Thanks to the complex production technology, Ondulin has many advantages. It plastic and rather soft, it allows you to lay it on the surface of any configuration. It is insensitive to moisture and aggressive chemistry, it begins to melt and burn at 250-300 ° C. Evroshortifer can be used at temperatures from + 110 ° C to -60 ° C. With a strong heat, sheets become even more plastic, on a strong frost - fragile. Ondulin is easy, easy to install and is available.

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_3
What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_4

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_5

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_6

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Features of metal tile

The base of the sheet material for the roof is cold-rolled steel with the addition of copper and aluminum. Thin steel sheets are driven through the molding press, where they get the right form. The billets are then a multistage protective processing. First, zinc or aluminum is applied to the hot dip galvanizing method. Then the soil is superimposed on the galvanized, the protective polymer layer on it. It can be a poural, polyester, plastisol, prelag, etc. Plastic protects galvanized from destruction and gives the coating different color. The inner side of the material also gets a protective layer, but it is colorless. As a result, a multi-layered lightweight coating is obtained with sizes comfortable for installation and affordable price. The finish simulates ceramic tiles, produced in different colors.

Complete with metal tiles for sale in good and fasteners. The material is distinguished by strength, unpretentious in operation, serves to 50 years. There are some restrictions in the use of metal sheets. They are put only on the skates with an angle of inclination above 15 °, snow will be lured on gentle skates, and the roof will fly. The recommended temperature range is from 50 ° C to -50 ° C, when it is exceeded, the coating loses part of its properties. It is not recommended to separate metal tile of broken and dome roofs, it can take up to 50% of the material in trimming.

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_8
What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_9

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_10

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_11

What roof is better: metal tile or ondulin? Comparison of coatings

The price of both roofing material is about the same, but their operational characteristics are significantly different. Find out what is better: Ondulin or Metal tile, you can only compare them by several parameters. We will do it, but we will immediately make a reservation that it will only be about high-quality certified materials. Cheap fakes do not possess such characteristics.

1. Strength

It seems that the metal is much stronger than pressed cardboard, but this is not always the case. Evroshortifer is able to withstand loads up to 960 kg per square. M. Considering its plasticity and the ability to restore the form, with a properly executed clamp, it will hold a high layer of snow without destruction.

With metal tile, everything is wrong. The stiffness of the sheet is determined not thick, but the profile. The greater the wave, the higher the bearing ability. Thus, the strength of the metal coating is determined for the most part of the strength of the crate. It can be deformed even with careless handling in the installation process. This is especially true for thin sheets. On the breakdown section, they are covered with a grid of cracks, the flow appears literally during the year and a half. Thick metal is definitely stronger. But it is much more expensive than Ondulin, besides more weighs, which requires strengthening the carrier structure, it is more difficult to mount it.

Of the materials of one price segment, the erectifer is stronger than fine steel.

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2. Features of laying

Ondulin is very easy to lay. It is light, loss of small size. If desired, you can handle alone. It is easy to paint and you can put on the surface of any form. Material plastic and flexible, thanks to this, waste during trimming will be small. Accessories for erectors inexpensive, special tools are not required. The coating can be laid on top of the old, for example, to slate.

Metal sheets are harder. They are installed on special fasteners with hermetic gaskets. Sheets are quite difficult to cut out, special tools will be required. The accuracy of the work is important, constant control of the vertical and horizontal. There is a certain sequence of assembling the main parts and components, it is impossible to break it. Before installation, it is important to correctly carry out the calculation of the roof, otherwise there will be a lot of waste during trimming. And this significantly increases the cost of arranging the roof.

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_13
What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_14

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_15

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_16

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3. Danger of leakage

High-quality material has a clear geometry. When mounting, sheets are snugged, there are no gaps through which water will flow. This is typical for both types of coverage. However, there are features.

According to the technology, the erectifier is fixed in the upper wave. This gives significant advantages. If the mount stands in the upper wave, moisture flows freely down. The second plot of our comparison is not so. Metal is fixed only into the bottom wave. It is necessary to fight sailboat. In this case, the fasteners are experiencing almost constant water pressure. The risk of leaks is significantly higher.

Another point. The self-tapping screw inside the plastic erector is enveloped by bitumen, which does not allow moisture to get into the undercase. Metal sheets are fixed with fasteners with a rubber gasket, which provides tightness. The problem is that with time, rubber under the influence of ultraviolet becomes less elastic. For 3-5 years, rubber partially destroys and begins to pass water. Another disadvantage - the metal is subject to thermal expansion, which leads to increasing fixtures. This also worsens the tightness of the compounds.

Therefore, the roof of metal tile requires regular inspection and maintenance. Fasteners pull up, the wear gaskets change. All this must be considered when choosing, which is better for the roof: ondulin or metal tile.

4. Noise isolation

It is impossible to definitely say that less is noise. Evroshorter better absorbs sound, therefore, more quiet. But do not think that the metal will definitely be noise. Much depends on the right edge. If the fasteners are poorly tightened or there are significant gaps between the plates and the crate, the metal tile will "rattle". Sounds on a laptile roof are stronger. Noise will not be completely or it will be insignificant under the condition of competent installation and the presence of thermal insulation.

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_18

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5. Price

What is more expensive: ondulin or metal tile, you can understand only with the full cost of the construction and operation of the roof. Compare them.

  • On average, the square meter of the material in one price category is approximately the same.
  • Metal fasteners will be more expensive. Mounts for ondulin sometimes come complete with roofing sheets, it still reduces costs.
  • Independent installation of a metal tile roof is undesirable. This is noted by manufacturers. For the work of experts will have to pay. Evroshortifer is easy to put on its own. If specialists are needed, the cost of its laying in any company is 10-15% lower than that of metal tile. Here Ondulin wins.

But if you compare the service life, the metal will last longer. That is, if divided the costs of the number of years of operation, the metal tile will eventually be cheaper.

What to choose: Ondulin or metal tile? Compare 5 criteria 10331_20

We offer a comparative table on two materials.

Ondulin Metal tile.
Strength Withstands up to 960 kg per square. meter. Withstands up to 1,20 kg per square. m under the condition of sufficient base thickness.
Features of laying Fucked by specialty. Special devices are not required. It is possible to install. Major on speaking. Requires for cutting. Professional installation recommended.
Danger of leaks Low. Average. Repeated installation, regular inspection and roof maintenance.
Noise insulation Good. The average, needs to lay additional isolation.
Price From 500 rubles. behind sheet From 550-600 rubles. Behind the sheet depends on the thickness of the metal.

Summarize. For a residential building in one or two floors, metal tile will be the best option. Moreover, it is desirable to choose thick sheets, with good performance characteristics. Such a roof looks good and serves a long time. But it is necessary to remember its disadvantages: a regular inspection and service is required.

Ondulin is suitable for country houses and household buildings. This is a "quiet", simple in laying and operation material. True, over time, he can lose color.

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