Why do designer decor design items: 5 "For" arguments


Is it worth spending on expensive decor's elements from famous designers and worldwide recognized brands? We have prepared several reasonable arguments in their favor.

Why do designer decor design items: 5

1 Bright accent

The main reason why many turn to the designer decor is a pronounced character. In most cases, elements of the situation created by the hands of recognized, talented authors immediately appear attention, serve as a highlight of the interior, give him expressiveness and fresh sound.

You just imagine this interior without the original, stylish accent carpet on the wall:

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Moreover: sometimes you can build the entire concept of apartment design on one designer thing. Or save on the mass of decor items, preferring one bright element of the situation.

Why do designer decor design items: 5

2 Individuality

Another good reason to think about the acquisition of the design subject of the decor, its uniqueness. This is not a mass market found in each second apartment, and the element of the situation, which instantly gives the interior of the individuality and will make it more original, unusual.

See how the living room situation transforms this graphic designer carpet:

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Chances to see the same subject of the decor, come to visit friends, minimal (and often - are not equal to zero, because many designers create their masterpieces in a single copy or resort to manual work, which automatically makes unique every item coming out of their hands) .

Why do designer decor design items: 5

  • Decor from scratch: 9 ideas, where to start the interior decoration

3 status

Designer decor is a status setting element. That is why it is capable of instantly make your interior visually more expensive. Remember one of the basic rules of decorators - about the fact that budget materials next to expensive look much more solid? In the case of design items, the same logic works.

So, for example, a sofa, bought in one of the stores of the mass market, will visually look much more stylish and status, if a designer lamp is a design lamp, a coffee table or, say, the original chair.

Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

4 Unexpected functions

Designer objects of the situation do not always have an exclusively decorative component: often they are very functional, and sometimes they offer very unexpected embodiments of a combination of several practical characteristics.

You just take a look at this stylish leather chair-hammock - you see, it's not just "decoracing", but a comfortable, compact and stylish mini-zone for recreation and reading:

Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

And how do you like such unusual lamps, throwing intricate, bizarre patterns on the walls, ceiling and gender?

Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

And what do you say about this unusual armchair in the form of a hand? "Crawling" design, isn't it?

Why do designer decor design items: 5

5 Long-term attachment

Designer decor element is a long-term investment. As a rule, such objects are made qualitatively and kindly - and are ready to serve not one decade. And some of them over time and are not only increasing in price - and can be distinguished later.

Or, as an option, you can store such a decorative element of the situation as family value - and transfer to children and grandchildren in the future. Why not?

Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5
Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

Why do designer decor design items: 5

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