Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants


Do not love the weeding, watered small and do not make supports - tell what actions will lead to a bad harvest.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_1

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants

1 water often and little

You will not be able to assemble a quality harvest without a full watering of plants. However, if you try to water the landing as often as possible and go around the beds every day, you do it in vain. Because of a small amount of water, the Earth simply covers the crust, and the plants will stop receiving the nutrient elements. Therefore, it is better to water them not so often, to do it out of the hose and only if the soil becomes completely dry. But be careful: if the moisture does not leave for a long time, then the plants will start refusing, and the leaves will yellow. In this case, wait for the entire drying of the Earth and the next time cut the amount of water.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_3

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2 Do not love weeding

Weeds on the beds are the main enemies of vegetable crops. They imperceptibly appear next to the plants, sometimes they can not even be distinguished from landing. Wean herbs spoil the life of seedlings: they take useful elements, moisture and even light. If you want to get a good harvest, then try not to run the garden and pour it manually. To make it difficult to access the beds on the beds, make fencing or laid the litter between them.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_5

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3 frequent land

It is not necessary to drag the beds often - this is quite a heavy and almost useless occupation. During deep steaming, you can disrupt the existing medium. For example, if the soil is clay, then, most likely, you raise up the loam. In the future, due to it, cultures will be difficult to obtain oxygen. Therefore, try to simply loosen the land with the help of the chipping. This method is not only harmless, but also useful, since you helps the air to penetrate the soil.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_7

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4 Do not make plants support

If you lose the moment and do not fasten the plants in time, which need it, you can lose part of the crop. For example, the garter is usually necessary for young shoots of tomatoes and cucumbers. Also, the support may also be needed by other plants. Moreover, it's easy to do it: learn a pair of strong sticks and tie shoots in them.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_9

5 burn dry grass

Burn dry grass right on Earth is prohibited by fire safety rules. It is very dangerous, since the fire can quickly spread over the site and spread to neighboring buildings. For this dachniks fly on 4 thousand rubles. However, it will also hurt the garden: the fire will destroy the upper layer of the soil, useful microorganisms and insects will die. Accordingly, the soil will cease to be fertile, as well as the risk of different diseases. Therefore, the crop on such land will be bad.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_10

6 Do not observe the crop rotation and landing scheme

Crowning is the alternation of different cultures on the beds. In simple language, in the same place every season should not be planted with identical vegetables. Therefore, the places of landing should be changed from year to year. Otherwise, the Earth will become less fertile, there will begin to develop diseases that are dangerous to these cultures. Accordingly, the plants will feel bad, and the harvest with each season will be much worse. It is also worth observed the correct neighborhood: if you place a number of culture, which are not combined with each other, the landing will be incorrectly developed and selected with each other with the useful substances and water.

Do not repeat: 6 errors of gardens, which will harm plants 10333_11

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