What to plant under the trees: list of colors, shrubs and other solutions


We tell what flowers and shrubs can be put under a thick crown in the shade and how else you can arrange this zone.

What to plant under the trees: list of colors, shrubs and other solutions 10337_1

What to plant under the trees: list of colors, shrubs and other solutions

Flowers and other plants that usually do not grow in dark places, they will feel bad under a thick crown. Plus, fruit landings are active roots that can dry out the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the question seriously, to study all the conditions and find out what to put in the shade under the trees.

All about planting plants under the trees

Climate features under the crown



Planting flowers

Soil treatment in front of their placement

Planting shrubs

Climate features under the crown

Under the crown, depending on the type of plant, different conditions are created. To indicate this parameter, there is the term "climate of the priority area of ​​the subcrunny region". Therefore, before you decide what to put under the trees in the country, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of a particular zone.

Fruit plants, such as an apple tree or a sweet cherry, create a scattered shadow, therefore, there are enough light for plants under them. In addition to the shadows, it is necessary to fear other side effects, such as the cherry does not darken a particularly plot, but it dries greatly sadness.

Pine practically does not create a shadow on the territory under him, but its needles makes the soil at the bottom of more acidic. The same applies to ate: her needles whine the land, plus, it covers all the rich territory, raindrops do not penetrate there, so it is almost always dry.

There are always special relations between the plants: some can take the nutrients and water from each other, while others - help each other.

Depending on the fact that you put on the garden, it is worth planning plants under the trees. For example, you can arrange the flower beds under them, use a place for shrubs or simply having a lawn. We tell below what to plant fruit trees into the rolling circle.

What to plant under the trees: list of colors, shrubs and other solutions 10337_3

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The easiest way to fill the territory under the crown by a regular lawn. This is a way called a duck, it is quite budget and convenient. In addition, it has a positive effect on the soil: the land becomes better, ceases to dry out, the amount of mineral salts decreases in it. Thanks to this, the fruits will be tastier, and the roots will acquire protection against accidental damage. Green grass will become an excellent decoration of the site, besides, it can be equipped with a zone for recreation: a pleasant tenak will always be a day under the crown.

If you have not yet decided what kind of grade, we list, what can be landed under the trees.

  • Polevitsa Single - low grass, which does not require special care. A bright green plant looks very juicy and has an undoubted advantage: it does not need to cut. The grass grows not up, and styling, the release of the mustache, so quickly grow up and fills the sector. For this property, she is especially like landscape designers.
  • White clover - a long-term grass with pretty white-green leaves. It grows in height to 20 cm and is considered low. In the garden, it is usually used for beautiful blooming lungs, so in a rich circle it will look very attractive.
  • The oatmeal of different varieties (red, sheep or meadow) grows in a height of up to 60 cm, so it must be trimmed in a timely manner. However, the grass is very unpretentious, so it grows on different soils and is well experiencing dry weather.
  • Mattik meadow - another grass that does not need special care. It is resistant to pulling out, so it is worth using in places where you often go.
  • Pasture rags - lawn, which can often be mounted, after the procedure it will evenly grow. It fastens the unstable soil well, so it is worth sowing it on small slopes.

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Mulching - useful for trees Method for processing the roar zone. Mulch is a soil coating with natural materials. It protects roots from freezing, and the soil from erosion and leaching. Plus, the moisture does not give to evaporate, and the weeds grow. In nature, mulch is formed independently, so it will be useful to trees in your garden.

Melting material must be chosen correctly. It is very important that he misses oxygen to the roots of the tree, but did not allow carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from the ground. You can choose from the following natural materials.

  • Compost helps to improve the soil, does not allow to evaporate from it the necessary elements. Plus, he saturates the Earth with useful elements. Compost is considered one of the best mulch materials.
  • The beveled herb helps carbon penetrate into the ground, but it is not advised to lay out about the trunk with a dense layer. If the grass begins to rot, then the mucus is formed, capable of adversely affect the plant.
  • Sawdust, as well as wood chips do not let the snow and climb the ground to the roots of plants. Before use, gardeners advise, mix the sawdust with sand, dolomite flour and nitrogen fertilizers, then withstand the mixture for several years and only then begin mulching.
  • Hivo is used in the case when it is necessary to lower the acidity of the soil. She protects him well from pests, for example, small rodents. However, the resin falls together with the cheese, it can break various processes in the ground.

What to plant under the trees: list of colors, shrubs and other solutions 10337_6

What flowers can be planted under fruit trees

Under young fruit trees, the first 3-4 years after landing should not be planted anything. The land under them is usually loose and leave free. And only after the title period, you can create a flower garden. If the trees grow on dwarf inhibitions, then near the barrel leaves around the meter of free space, and the rest of the territory is placed next to the annual colors.

Solve what flowers can be planted under the trees, not so difficult. For example, under pears, plums, apple trees are good at low perennials, which have a surface root system.

  • Velhets, calendula and nasturtium - these annuals are well suited for disembarking under the trees.
  • Narcissus, tulips, hyacinths and crocuses - bulbous flowers do not harm fruit.
  • May Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Lily, creeping, clarity, forget-me-not, and pansies. Pay attention to flowers growing in the forests - they are not afraid of a half, as in natural conditions they grow under the branches. These flowers are planted if the crown is very thick and a dense shadow is formed on earth.
  • Sky, mint, Melissa - as decor you can land these beneficial plants that beautifully bloom. They carry the shadow well. They can be added to dishes and drinks, for example, mint and Melissa - in refreshing summer limonads. And the acids will become an excellent additive to salads, her pleasant slightly sour taste will be well complement.

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Soil processing before planting colors

Flowers, which in general conditions are used to growing in the forest, need special soil. Usually in those places it is fertile and contains a lot of humus and moisture, and the air penetrates well in it. However, at the cottage, the land is different from the forest. Accordingly, it is additionally prepared for the landing. Frank fertilizers that are commonly used for forest colors. You can also take compost.

Add it to the ground is worth each autumn and spring. For the first time, the compost is laid out with a layer of 5 cm and is thoroughly mixed with the upper part of the soil. In the following times, it is enough to add a few centimeters of fresh fertilizer.

Also collect leaves that fall from the trees. In the spring, the old folia is folded into the compost pit, there it will reach the desired condition and turn into compost. And in the fall, she can cover perennial plants so that they do not frozen in the winter during the frost.

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What shrubs will grow under a thick crown

In addition to colors, different shrubs are also planted: decorative and berry. The first will simply decorate the priority circle, and the second will also bring delicious fruits.

  • Rhododendron is a decorative shrub that immediately attracts attention. During flowering, bright inflorescences is completely covered. The bush grows very well in the shade under the thick crown.
  • Garden Jasmine is another very beautiful shrub that will become a wonderful decor of your site. For snow-white flowers, he is very loved by many daches. In addition, it spreads a pleasant fragrance throughout the garden. Plus, the Kuste does not need special conditions for cultivation, he will be able to adapt to almost any soil. It is not afraid of drought and a strong frost in winter. However, it requires regular trimming if you want to preserve its attractive look.
  • An eaves usually use for decorating fences and hedges. For landing in shady places, choose only grades with green leaves. If you take a bakinglet with bright foliage, then in dark conditions he will die, he will not have enough sun. Shrub does not bloom, but still decorates the site. He does not need special care, he is growing rapidly. In winter, it is advised to cover it, otherwise the shoots can freeze. But even at this cold time of the year, the becklest will retain his attractive look and will look very impressive.
  • Gooseberry is a plant, familiar to many since childhood. It brings delicious berries that you can simply eat, as well as cook jams from them. A bush can grow in all conditions: well adapts to both sun and shady places. Calmfully survive drought and requires infrequent irrigation.
  • Raspberry in the forest grows in the shade and gives a good harvest. However, the garden shrub must be in a half, so it can be planted, for example, under the apple tree. Raspberry grows poorly under the right sun: rays shine too bright and delicious fruits are very spoiled.

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