7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds)


Tomatoes, peas and beans, eggplants and other vegetables can grow in containers. And this is an advantage - your crop will not depend on the quality of the soil on the plot, weather and pests.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_1

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds)

1 Tomatoes

The most successful vegetable for growing in containers is tomato. When choosing a container, focus on the variety. The larger the fruit, the longer and the volume of the root system of the plant. Therefore, with a limited area, it is better to stop on tomatoes-cherry and small containers in a depth of about 50 cm. Such varieties are suitable as a "magic cascade", "Cherry Red" (and yellow), "Terek".

It is necessary to plant so. At the bottom, lay out a layer of clay (from 15 cm) - tomatoes love well-moistened soil. Choose a ground with a mark "for Parenic." It is also suitable for potatoes, Bulgarian peppers and eggplants. It is worth buying in advance or make a support itself for the plant so that it does not break under the severity of the fruit. Water tomatoes every 3-4 days, focusing on the weather so that the ground does not swam. Fertilizer based on low-speed peat should be made no more than a couple of times a month.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_3
7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_4

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_5

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_6

2 peas and beans

All legume crops are quickly and without problems grow in shallow containers. All that they need is a sufficient amount of the sun and a support that you can melt. Therefore, it is possible to grow them to obtain a crop and at the same time decorating the plot, for example, to leake the veranda. If peas are planted, choose Premium, Viola, Favorite varieties. And if the beans is "mushroom", "swallow" or white flat.

Peas and beans are not picky to the soil, any nutritional soil is suitable. It is possible to make potash and phosphoric fertilizers into it, then the crop will be more abundant and tasty. Watering is needed a couple of times a week.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_7
7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_8

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_9

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_10

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3 potatoes

For potatoes, you will need a container of 20 liters. You can buy a plastic bucket of suitable size and drill on the bottom of the drain holes. The varieties are better to choose fast-growing, for example, "Riviera", "Timo" or "Snegir".

In the bucket plant from one to three tubers. Half volume is filled with a compost, a layer of garden land and germinated tubers are laid. From above, they also need to sprinkle the earth. As the plant grows, it will have to add soil so that the tubers have always been closed. Water the soil gradually, as you dry. Once a week you can water potatoes with a weak solution of cow manure.

It will be possible to collect a harvest in a couple of weeks after flowering or wait for the end of the season when the tops are sacred - and pour the harvest immediately from the bucket.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_12

4 zucchini.

For container gardening, the grade of zucchini is best suited from which Liana can be formed. For example, "Aeronaut", "Astronomer", "Black Handsome", "Tsukesh". They start fruit quickly enough.

The soil should be nutritious and well replete before planting. For a more abundant harvest, any water-soluble fertilizer for vegetables is suitable. The container must be put in a sunny place and water every 3-4 days.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_13
7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_14

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_15

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_16

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5 eggplants

Eggplants are thermal-loving plants, so the container growing is suitable for them. Choose fast-growing varieties ("black moon", "Sophia", "city") and put them in black plastic construction buckets of about 20 liters. They are tight enough, so as not to crack in the sun, and accumulate solar heat. Also be prepared to establish a support for fruits, as they can be sufficiently heavy.

Choose the soil for the grated, you need to make a good layer of drainage (at least 10 cm). Watering the plant costs once a couple of days in a little bit, the soil should always be slightly moistened. Also from care: it is necessary to enter organic and mineral fertilizers into the soil twice a month.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_18
7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_19

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_20

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_21

6 carrots

Choose fast-growing varnoze varieties ("Alenka", "Queen of Autumn", "Carotan") and plant them into one container with herbs or lettuce. Such a symbiosis will give a vegetable rapid growth, and you can collect a crop of two crops on a small area. The depth of the container can be small - about 20 cm.

Plant seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Soil must be saturated with micro and macroelements. Watering is needed every three days, and once a month should be added to the water fertilizer based on phosphorus, potassium, boron and manganese.

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_22
7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_23

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_24

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_25

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7 Cucumber

Look for grades that are called compact - they are not sprawling. Weshre, but form a small shrub. "Athlete", "Achglag", "Debut" or "Legend". Then it is enough for growing a container with a depth of 30 cm.

Put cucumbers for a sunny and well-ventilated place and do not forget sometimes carefully drag the ground around the plant. You can spend a yeast feeder once - it will accelerate the growth of fruits. For watering, use a bottle method. Take a small plastic bottle, pinched several small holes at the base, pour intoput and stuck a little into the ground.

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7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_28

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_29

7 vegetables and legumes that are easy to grow in containers (if there is no room for beds) 10353_30

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