Furniture to order: how much does it cost and justify the investment?


Do custom furniture or buy in the nearest store? If you have not yet decided on the choice or vice versa are confident that furniture is custom-made - not for your pocket, our article is for you.

Furniture to order: how much does it cost and justify the investment? 10374_1

How much does it cost?

We will not postpone the case in the "Long Box", because this particular question often determines the decision. We asked ... Google, how much is the furniture to order in Moscow. And that's what they got. On the first link we were offered a set of an entrance hall from 10,000 rubles for a temporon meter, and furniture for the bedroom - from 20,000 rubles, too, for the temporon meter. The cabinet to order will cost 18,000 rubles for the temporon meter, although it may also cost 40,000 per meter - depends on individual requirements. On average, the service will cost you from 37,000 rubles.

Cost of work

Is it worth it?

Now consider the pros and cons of the order of furniture and decide whether it is worth paying for it those sums about which we mentioned above.


1. You can order the furniture of the desired size.

Actually for the apartment of any size, but to a greater extent - for small-sized. When a standard table, for example, does not fit into the kitchen, and without a dining area, it is not necessary to help. And often the furniture of the desired size is needed in the bathrooms. For example, to place a washing machine behind a closed door under the sink.

Bathroom furniture

2. Make an individual project

For example, a transformer furniture when a wardrobe with a sofa turns into a bed. Or a window sill, which is suitable for the children's room. In general, the fact that you will definitely not find in the mass market assortment.

Table in childhood

3. You yourself choose materials and color

And this is also an important factor. Especially if you care about the aesthetics and beauty of the interior.

Furniture to order: how much does it cost and justify the investment? 10374_5

4. You can copy the instance you like

We are all inspired by the ideas of designers and examples of interiors. And often it happens that we are looking for, where to order "exactly the same table." And when you do not find, upset. Make it to order - a solution that helps in such cases.

Rack to order

5. Get an exclusive model

Draw a sketch of that furniture you want to see in your interior, and show her designer or manufacturers. You will have chances to get an exclusive model of furniture, which there is no one else.

Dresser to order


1. Long

Making the furniture to order, lay an additional minimum of 1-2 months to the end of the repair, and sometimes all 6. Unfortunately, the deadlines can linger. But in any case, this is not a quick decision "came-saw-bought."

2. Missing expectations

And it happens. When you buy finished furniture in the store, you can immediately estimate its appearance and possible flaws, but with furniture to order much more difficult - this is not visible (this situation is similar to the sewing of clothes to order). It may happen that the expected will not embody in reality.


Benefits are more than flaws, and the price quite justifies the possible advantages. How can you protect yourself from disappointments? Write a clear task to furniture makers. Unlock to the smallest detail and check the intermediate results. And for the expectation of furniture does not delay your renovation, order it in advance.


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