Scandinavian boho: how to create an interior in the trendy season style


A mixture of Scandinavian design and motifs Bocho is one of the most trend stylistic techniques of this season. We tell how to bring the fashionable mood of Scandy Chic in your own interior.

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Scandinavian boho: how to create an interior in the trendy season style

1 Focus on simplicity and functionality

Despite the fact that the details and decorative components in Scandi-Bocho are very important, the leitmotif of the interior should be "whales" of the Scandinavian design: simplicity and functionality. That is, "decoration" can not be more prioritizing the convenience of your daily life.

2 Add complex colors

White is one of the key colors of the palette of the Scandinavian interiors. However, if we are talking about Scandy Bocho, it is worth adding a little more complex, saturated tones: it can be black and gray, wine, sand, terracotta, amethyst. The main thing is to try not to go beyond the natural, natural palette and avoid too simple or frankly unnatural shades.

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3 Do not forget about vintage details

The Scandinavian Bocho perfectly fit vintage elements of the situation and antique accessories. Of course, you should not turn the house in the flea market, but add a few parts with history - be sure.

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4 Pick Natural Materials

Tree, leather, stone, fur and skins, natural textiles - try to create an interior based on natural materials. By the way, the environmental friendliness of the situation is one of the global trends that determine the direction of the development of modern interior design.

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5 Contact wicker accessories

It is extremely appropriate in the Scandinavian boho all kinds of wicker and knitted accessories - from baskets and plafimes from the vine to the furniture from the rattan, from the decor in the style of Macrame to the plaids of a major mating.

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6 Do not skimp on textiles

Scando-Bocho's interiors should literally envelop you from the threshold of an abundance of textured natural textiles.

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Do not skimp on decorative pillows, blankets, bedspreads, puffs, carpets and tracks.

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7 Do not be afraid to add plants

Live plants - what is almost impossible to "overdo it", drawing up the interior in the style of Scandi Bocho. Boldly add them - and do not be afraid to move. By the way, in addition to the aesthetic component, you will get a wonderful natural microclimate regulator in the apartment.

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8 Remember the ethnic decor

Ethnic notes are a mandatory element of the decoration in the style of Scandi-Bocho. Contact the decor in the appropriate stylist, to ethnic patterns and ornaments, you can also add to the interior of clay and ceramic accessories.

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9 put sophisticated notes

And, of course, what scandy booh without a note of bohemility? The refinement of the setting can be given with the help of art objects, as well as materials related to luxury (brass metals, copper, gold, natural stone, crystal). It will not be superfluous and put in a vase a bouquet of living colors (or dried flowers).

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10 Create Cozy Associations

In Scandinavian boho, elements of the design will be extremely appropriate, traditionally associated with the coolest and home atmosphere: books, candles, lamps and garlands with soft warm light.

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Boldly use these proven receptions to create the desired mood.

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  • How to enter Bocho style atmosphere: Tips for different rooms

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