How to save on repair, but not on quality: 7 secrets


Do you think this is unreal? By no means. And you do not even have to do anything on your own and save on work professionals. Easy, but effective lifehaki will help.

How to save on repair, but not on quality: 7 secrets 10393_1

1 Buy budget draft materials

Glue, primer, plaster - they can be saved on them. The choice of domestic materials will help it. Just pay attention to the terms and reviews - in large online stores publish them. And do not buy materials in building markets. First, there will probably be more expensive. Secondly, return the material if it turns out to be missing, it will not work. But in hypermarkets, for example, you can return the goods partially or completely, including if they are inappropriate quality.

Black Materials

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2 Choose high-quality replacement

For example, laminate instead of natural wood. It will be cheaper parquet board and expensive porcelain book, you can find a normal laminate about 800-1000 rubles per square. It will last longer, and constant care for him, unlike parquet, will not need.


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3 Combine finish

For example, to save on the tile, in the bathroom you can make partially painted walls or salary them with wallpaper. In fact, the tile is needed only around the bathroom or shower, as well as over the sink.

Paint and tile in the trim bath ...

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4 If you want expensive wallpaper, only make an accent wall

Then this purchase will not strongly affect your budget, as you need no more than 1-2 rolls. And if we arrange a part of the wall, for example, only the headboard bed, then 1 will definitely be enough. But the interior will immediately transform, and it will be noticeable that you definitely do not save.

Accent Wall in Bedroom

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5 Use wallpaper for painting

And this lifehak is already to cover the rest of the walls. The fact is that the wallpaper is more often more closely, and this means with their help you can hide small irregularities and not spend money on the work of the painters.

Wallpaper under painting

6 Go easier

For example, than the intricate the tile, the more expensive work on the laying. Yes, and she herself is not cheap. Therefore, if you want to save, choose options easier. In addition, they are always relevant and definitely will not come out of fashion.

Example of the desired tile size

7 Watch for discounts in stores

Having studied different types of privileges and bonuses, you can safely save. For example, sometimes building materials hypermarkets offer discounts to new settlements. Explore other conditions, do not be lazy.

Discounts in stores

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