6 unforgivable errors in the design of a small odnushki


We have gathered the most common mistakes that hopefully spoil your one-room apartment. Do not repeat them!

6 unforgivable errors in the design of a small odnushki 10406_1

1 Share an apartment on the room

The first desire, which arises from the new owners of odnunches, is to allocate public and private space. Many are used to "thinking" with rooms, so we hurry to build new walls in the apartment. But they only eat a useful area.


Photo: unsplash.com.

Now there are a lot of alternative zoning options: light partitions, racks, curtains, color, light, different finishes ... With their help, several functional zones can be distinguished, without cluttering space.


Photo: instagram vamsvet.ru

  • 5 errors in the design of a small living room, which designer will never allow

2 thoughtlessly combine the kitchen and living room

Reverse desire is to increase the area at the expense of kitchen combining with a living room. In some cases, such a decision is justified, in others - no. Moreover, if the kitchen is gasified, it will not be possible to combine it with the living room.

Kitchen-living room

Photo: unsplash.com.

Before you decide on a similar redevelopment, appreciate the real size of the premises (do you really miss the place?), Think whether you will not interfere with the smells of food. Another important nuance is the number of living in the apartment. If we are talking about two, or even three people, it is better to leave the kitchen insulated to be retired.

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3 Use too many furniture

Make a small odd cabinet and massive tables - unforgivable luxury.


Photo: Instagram Baevladimir

Choose lightweight or transformable furniture models. An excellent option is multifunctional items, such as the ottomans that are complemented by storage compartments.

Fund with a storage department

Fund with a storage department, 6 779 rubles. Photo: Aliexpress

  • 8 errors in the design and decoration of small apartments that designer will not allow

4 Install plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard structures have already fallen into the list of interior antitrands, but not even about it. In a typical odnushka with low ceilings, they make the room even lower.


Photo: Instagram Master_Remont_stroy

The optimal solution for odnushki is a conventional aligned ceiling, maximum hinged, but without hard designs from GLC.


Photo: Instagram Irinakostryukova

  • 6 errors in the design of the apartment, which visually make it less

5 give up the bed

Do you think that ordinary sofa will completely replace the bed? Very soon you will be sure about the opposite.


Photo: unsplash.com.

In a one-room apartment, it is quite realistic to single out the sleeping area: it can be in a niche, on the podium, behind a partition or curtains. If there are no spaces for a regular bed, take a look at advanced bedrooms or transforming beds (the bed in the cabinet actually does not occupy space).


The owners of this apartment were generally able to post on 25 m2 two full beds: for parents and child. Photo: Instagram Odnushechka

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6 make a beige interior

Total beige - another antitrand, he makes the interior black, boring, but the owners of small apartments often choose it precisely, counting on the visual expansion of space. Yes, beige - light, but also warm. And such shades do not help increase the room.


Photo: Instagram ADESIGN76.RU

Light gamma is very rich. You can choose milk, light gray, blue, any other cold pastel tone. To live in a sad beige interior!


Photo: Instagram Juli.Saprykina

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