Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics


We understand the peculiarities of infrared, oil, convector heaters and fan heaters.

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_1

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics

Basically, infrared, oil, convector devices and fan heaters are presented in the electric heating technology market. In addition to them, there are combined and heat combustive models. The latter are more suitable for the warming up of houses, so we will not dwell on them in detail and talk about the advantages and minuses of other appliances. And also give advice how to find the best heater for the apartment.

We choose the heater for the apartment:

Types of devices and their characteristics
  • Fan
  • Oil
  • Convectable
  • Infrared

What to pay attention to when buying

  • Power
  • Types of heating elements
  • Management type
  • Mandatory functions

Characteristics of heaters


The heat source in these devices is a metal-ceramic heating element or an electric spiral.


  • Heated air applies to the room using the blades built into the housing. The power of household appliances usually ranges in the range of 1-4 kW. This is enough in order to raise the temperature by 10-15 ° C on the square of 10-40 m2.
  • Most often, fan heaters (especially small models) are bought for a sight heating of some kind of zone. They do not support the temperature during the day, but indispensable when you need to quickly warm up.
  • They are mobile, and in summer they can be used as a regular fan

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Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_4

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_5

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_6


  • High level of electricity consumption.
  • The dust fell on the TEN burns and an unpleasant smell appears.
  • The unit is quite noisy.
  • The effect of warming up quickly evaporates.
  • Not too long service life (2-3 years of continuous operation).

Thermal guns work on the same principle, but more powerful and large. They are used for heating large areas - garages, buildings.

Fan Heater Ballu BFH / S-03N

Fan Heater Ballu BFH / S-03N


These heaters are externally similar to stationary heating radiators. The only difference is that they can be moved, and inside the housing is not water, but special oil. Its temperature rises (or decreases) during the operation of the tubular electric heater. The more ribs in such a battery, the faster the air is heated.

The power of the devices (up to 2.5 kW) is regulated by a manual thermostat, and in more expensive models - automatic.


  • After shutdown, it continues to give heat.
  • Silent.
  • Fire safety. The device turns off as soon as the desired temperature is achieved (if there is an automatic switch).

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Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_9

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_10

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_11


  • Big power consumption.
  • Slow, compared to fan heating, warming up.
  • Budget aggregates with a small number of sections warmed too much and cannot be used in children's rooms.
  • Uneven distribution of heat flux. This shortage is not in combined models - with fans.
  • Bulkiness.

On the oil heater for the apartment can also accumulate and burn dust, but it is easier to clean it.

Timberk Tor Oil Radiator 21.1507 BC / BCL

Timberk Tor Oil Radiator 21.1507 BC / BCL


Devices with closed heating elements (usually by air tanks with aluminum diffusers) and a flat case. They can be stationary and mobile. The units are designed for quick heating of the room without using an electric fan. Even cheap (about 1,500 rubles) convectors are equipped with a good thermostat. This means that temperature fluctuations in the room will not exceed 1 ° C.

The principle of operation is based on the natural circulation of air: while cold flows remain down, warm climb. Thus, the device tightens the cold air, heats it, and then releases back to the room where it rises to the ceiling. Over time, warm air completely displaces cold.


  • Equal heating of the room.
  • The device never heats up 60 ° C, so it is almost impossible to burn it about it.
  • It does not burn oxygen and thanks to high efficiency consumes less electricity.
  • Silent.

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Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_14

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_15

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_16


  • For rapid heating of large rooms, convectors are not suitable. The most correct place to install - under the window. The cold from the window deflects the ascending flow of heated air and the heat is evenly distributed around the room.
  • Cheap models due to the lack of display do not allow to set the desired temperature - you have to focus on your own sensations or indications of the room thermometer.

ELECTROLUX ECH / AG2-1500 T Convector

ELECTROLUX ECH / AG2-1500 T Convector


A fundamentally new type of heating equipment. First of all, it heats the items, and already those in turn increase the temperature. This is a radiator that emits electromagnetic waves of different lengths.


  • The most economical heater for the apartment is a combined combining characteristics of IR equipment and convectors.
  • It is heating both objects and air. The main advantage is high heat transfer at low consumption of electricity.

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Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_19

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_20

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_21


  • If irregular operation, infrared devices are able to harm human health. At least it is to cut the skin, as a maximum of severe burns and changes in blood cells at the biochemical level. Therefore, during the operation of the unit, it is not necessary to stay close to it for a long time than a distance of several meters.
  • The thermostat and smooth adjustment in some models is missing - there is only a step switching switch. At the same time, IR heaters lose to competitors from the point of view of fire safety: with the close side or contact of the emitter with flammable materials, it is possible to fire.
  • The least reliable wall film models that are usually no protective devices. The most promising IR appliances today are considered ceiling, which are heated mainly by the floor, and the heat outgoing from the floor creates a feeling of comfort.

Infrared Heater Almac IC5

Infrared Heater Almac IC5

How to choose a heater for an apartment correctly

We tell, on what features of heaters should pay attention to the acquisition to be as practical as possible. But first summarize a small result.
  • If you need aiming and fast heating of some kind of zone in the room, does not bother noise - fan heater fit.
  • Want to keep the radiator turned on for a long time so that it does not go go and gave heat even after shutdown - choose from oil and combined models. But consider that they slowly heat up, do not suit for large areas, you can accidentally get a burn. Place them better next to the place to warm up.
  • Convectors are almost perfect, but for small and medium rooms. Safe, not noisy, it is evenly warming up.
  • IR with functions of convectors are the most economical heaters for the apartment, but they suffer from security.

Calculate the required power of the device.

For oil devices, fan heaters and convectors, this can be done in two ways.

  • Calculate the volume of the room (multiply to height) and divide this value by 30. The result is the recommended power.
  • Take as a basis the figure of 100 W per 1 sq. M., provided the ceilings below 3 m.

These options are suitable for heated space. If there is no heating, add 20-30% to the resulting value.

Infrared equipment is more economical, special formula for calculating suitable power No. It is believed that for heating 10 square meters. m enough 0.8 kW.

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Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_24

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_25

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_26

Select the heating element

In the fan heaters installed either electric spirals, or ceramic heating elements. The second is preferable - they are more economical, do not overcame air, distribute heat evenly.

In oil and convectable Ten, there are several types:

  • Tape needles. Cheap, but fragile element. Quickly heats up and cooled.
  • Tubular. Reliable heaters. Minus - can crackle after switching on.
  • Monolithic. Silent, work without heat loss, reliable.

In infrared equipment:

  • Halogen. This is a large lamp with tungsten filament. Winning such a lamp is not bad, that's only the incoming shortwave radiation may adversely affect your health: short waves of the infrared spectrum are recognized as the most dangerous for living organisms.
  • Carbonous. It consists of a quartz tube with a carbon spiral inside. It is quickly heated, but due to the high heat load, it serves for a long time - only 2-3 years. In addition, his red glow can irritate the eyes.
  • Ceramic. Very reliable and relatively safe. For this reason, it is often used in saunas and medical institutions.

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Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_28

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_29

Select the heater for the apartment: 4 types of devices and their characteristics 10431_30

What type of control is better

This feature is only important if you are important than the accuracy of the temperature setting. Models with electronic control is more accurate. They are also equipped with additional features: you can see all the parameters on the screen, drive remotely on and off.

What must be in the equipment

In oil heaters and fan heaters, the protection function from overheating of the case and automatic shutdown during falling (for outdoor and desktop models) must be present. It is more convenient if the automatic thermostat will be built, without which it will be possible to manually turn on and off the device. If the device is used in the bathroom or basement, it is better to choose a moisture protection case.

  • 8 useful features + 5 beautiful heaters models for different interior styles

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