10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned


Rarely who can boast an unlimited repair budget, many of us seek to save as much as possible, as well as save their time and nerve cells. However, sometimes these attempts can lead to the opposite result. We tell what serious misses it is better not to make.

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_1

1 Do not evaluate the original housing condition.

Before the start of any repair, it is necessary to assess the original state of the apartment or at home, and you need to do this by enhancing the help of professionals. It is unlikely that you can determine "on the eye" if the pipes need to be replaced whether the support of the structures require (relevant for old houses) and in good condition of the electrical wiring.

If this moment is missing, disadvantages and malfunctions can remind themselves, and at the most inappropriate moment. Agree, it will be very insulting to redo the redefined repairs.

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_2
10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_3

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_4

Photo: Instagram n_chuich

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_5

Photo: Instagram n_chuich

2 Do not consider in advance the placement of furniture

Furniture arrangement is one of the final repairs. However, it is necessary to think over it in advance in order to provide in the necessary places outlets and switches, decide on the location of the lamps and outline the plumbing points.

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_6
10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_7

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_8

Photo: Instagram One_Line_Design

10 errors, because of which you spend on repair much more than planned 10439_9

Photo: Instagram One_Line_Design

3 Leave the replacement of windows "On then"

Windows - a serious cost of expenses during repairs. Well, if the existing ones are satisfied, and you do not plan to change them. However, if you are dissatisfied with their current state and think about replacing, do not leave this moment "for later." If the alteration is accomplished in stages, it is better to start with the replacement of windows, because their installation will inevitably entail the need to put the walls and window sills.

Repair tips, how not to overpay when repairing

Photo: Instagram Oknasaratova

4 Forget about air conditioning

The same applies to the installation of the air conditioner. If you are thinking first to make repairs, and only then, when additional funds appear, get air conditioning, - get ready to overpay. Installation of an electrical appliance is accompanied by a mass of additional work: it may be necessary to shoot the walls or even laying a separate cable - a large risk that as a result of the repair will have to partially remake.

Repair tips, how not to overpay when repairing

Photo: Instagram Perila_ufa

5 Make repairs in the Hot Season

For a number of reasons, many prefer to engage in repairs in the late spring, in the summer and early autumn - this is a kind of "hot season" from construction brigades. If you also decided to put your cozy nest at this time, get ready for the fact that the price of repair services, due to the high demand for them, will be higher.

Repair tips, how to save on repair and do not overpay

Photo: Instagram Alena_101991

6 Save on plumbing and wiring

Savings on pipes, plumbing, mixers and wiring can lead to very serious consequences - until ignition and flooding.

Repair tips, how to save on repair and do not overpay

Photo: Instagram Zakazzone_VL

7 Do not follow the instructions for materials

Carefully follow the instructions to the materials used: often their non-compliance leads to damage and overvoltages.

Repair tips, how to save on repair and do not overpay

Photo: Instagram Mari_Janesed

8 Do not wait

Observe the following technological terms: Some materials require drying, others give a shrinkage, the third before use should be left in rooms with room temperature. It is not necessary to rush the events and chase forward: ultimately failover of time will lead to the need to redo everything first or be content with poor quality.

Repair tips, how to save on repair and do not overpay

Photo: Instagram Zakazzone_VL

9 ignore security requirements

Ignore security requirements? Do not make waterproofing in wet zones, get rid of fire yields, combine a living room and a kitchen with a gas stove? Be prepared for the fact that one day it can lead to negative consequences, and the overpayment for repairs is not the worst of the possible.

Repair tips, how to save on repair and do not overpay

Photo: Instagram Gipermarket_Pola

10 Do not coordinate redevelopment

There are certain rules for redeveloping the premises that must be observed, and the alteration itself is to coordinate. Ignore this moment is not the best solution, the consequences can be the most different, from fines and problems when selling apartments to the negative impact of your amateur in the entire design of the residential building.

Repair tips, how to save on repair and do not overpay

Photo: Instagram Mikhaillazorko

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