What you need to know about interior styles to flaw perfectly


It seems that it is not necessary to deal with styles, because you can rely on the designer. Can. But if you want to understand better and professional, and yourself, it is worth trying to figure out. Then you have more likely to get a dream interior.

What you need to know about interior styles to flaw perfectly 10442_1

Why understand the styles if you are not a designer

living room

Photo: Design point

Whatever a picture with an interesting interior you choose, there will always be some specific style. Any mixesters are built on its basis. This is the base that you need to understand that later you have a faithful idea of ​​what the interior is suitable for you.

What is a pure style?

Under clean style, a set of certain canons is usually understood, even the causes and factors that caused its formation precisely in the form in which it exists. Each style also has its own individual functional component. It is important to understand, because the main criterion of good design is how it is functional and solves exactly your tasks.

living room

Photo: Design point

For example, in minimalism, we always put the maximum functions using the minimum of furniture and decor. Understanding such canonical aspects makes it possible to understand those functional tasks that we can solve with the help of one or another style, and relate them to the tasks that you face.

What can be done yourself

  • Internet tests by definition of style will help to set the right search direction. But passing them on portals dedicated to design or repair. There can also be read and professional articles about existing styles. We advise you to get acquainted with our guide to the most popular interior areas.
  • Survey the interiors of apartments and houses on special portals. But definitely fix for yourself what exactly you remember and liked it at each picture. Chaotic viewing of images is unlikely to help specify the question.


Photo: Design point

  • Of the particularly loved images, you can make mudboard. The most important thing, constantly ask yourself, would you like to live here. After all, it often happens that the customer attracts the style and aesthetics of the interior in the photo, but he does not want to live in such a room.
  • Complete the visual number of information about yourself. Think what interior features are important to you who live in the house. Relately received in the past stages information about styles with your way of life, the routine of the day and habits.

What makes the designer

  • An experienced designer will help determine what exactly you liked on this or that photo: will find out in detail your preferences in forms, colors, materials.
  • During the interview, the designer will ask questions about your lifestyle and on the basis of this will form the concept of the interior with the functions that you need.
  • The designer knows and immediately marks the style of the nuances, which create a holistic image of the interior, will pay your attention to them and take them into account when developing a design project.
  • A professional will show you a photo that are definitely characteristic of a specific style so that you can define exactly which items you like.
  • The designer will also make the measurements of the apartment, will offer sketches and collages with selection of furniture and all necessary interior items. Thanks to this, you can easily submit a concept (style) and evaluate at an early stage that it is suitable for you, and what will be needed to change.


Photo: Design point

  • The designer will not simply analyze your style preferences, but also select the most faithful planning solutions for your apartment.
  • As a result, a professional will offer you a conceptually single interior, even conflicting ideas, with which the customer comes initially.

Conclusion: Components of the "perfect picture" of your style

First of all it is:

  • Aesthetic preferences
  • Functional needs


Photo: Design point

Disassemble these two on the shelves on the reign - and you will understand what kind of design you need. So, you can speak in one language with the designer, organically and efficiently build work with it. The main thing is to remember that the criteria of good design - its functionality and aesthetics - should be determined individually. Then the result of these searches will not be just a "cold" and disrupted style, but the atmosphere in which you like to live.

The editors thanks the Studio "Point of Design" for help in the preparation of material

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