A truly bright interior without fatal errors: how to do everything right


Want to add bright colors to the situation, but are afraid of color or fear to rearrange? We tell how to prevent misses in this exciting business.

A truly bright interior without fatal errors: how to do everything right 10447_1

1 Decide in advance with the color scheme

It doesn't matter whether you create a bright interior from scratch, or add color to the already available residential space, the main thing is to fully determine the gamma of the shades before the start of any change. Without submitting a common picture and adding active tones gradually, high risk make a mistake and disrupt the harmony of the palette.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram Cordelia.n.Fox

  • 9 design hacks for those who are afraid of colors in the interior

2 "Recheck" colors

Under different conditions of lighting and at different times, the daytime color tones may look different. If you decide to add brightness apartments with the help of the new color of the walls, be sure to make a trial screens in place, "reworing" shade. Otherwise, there is a risk of mistaken and get at the output is not exactly what was planned.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram Claire.a.ramshaw

3 Use cribs on a combination of colors

In specialized magazines, books and online you will find a lot of cribs on a harmonious combination of colors and shades, for example, such. If you doubt your abilities to create a competent juicy palette, refer to these prompts.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram KateloveJoyinteriors

4 Do not add a lot of active shades.

Do not create a palette of several too bright shades. It is better to identify one or two dominant colors and supplement them slightly less active tones.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram Anitasheamccann

5 Divide the palette with neutral tones

In order not to get a mixture from bright colors in the interior, be sure to make them with neutral shades. It can be white, beige, light gray or, on the contrary, one of the basic dark tones.

The wider palette and more in the interior of bright tones, the more it is necessary to "dilute" by neutral colors, so the setting elements in this way together.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram ReclecticInteriors

6 Leave space for maneuver

If you are not fully confident that you are ready to observe the selected colors in your interior for a long time, leave yourself a space for maneuver. Add active shades using textiles and accessories, small objects of furniture or other objects of the situation, which will not be difficult if necessary to replace.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram KateloveJoyinteriors

So, update the curtains, carpets or decorative pillows - not very expensive and very fast. But replace the facades of the kitchen headset or, say, shifting the tile in the bathroom - already larger and expensive tasks.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram Fairyandfox

7 Corrective lighting color

Above, we have already mentioned that the light seriously affects the perception of colors. However, this point has not only shortcomings, but also the advantages. So, with the help of lighting, you can correct the color gamut, and we are not only about the intensity of the light and the number of sources: remember that the lamps with warm light will give one effect, with cold - the other.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram _onehundredandTwelve

8 Choose high-quality finishing and textiles

When it comes to bright furniture, finishing and decor subjects, it is worth paying special attention to the issue of quality. Agree, the burnt carpets and curtains or the walls yellowed from the sunny rays will look, to put it mildly, not so stylish. Take care that the color is preserved longer.

Bright interior: Rules, tips, photos

Photo: Instagram AlexandraposterBennaim

  • How to add color to the interior: 11 available ideas

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