8 errors in the construction of frame walls, because of which in the house will be cold


Frame houses are considered one of the most economical in terms of heating costs. However, sometimes in the "carcass" in the winter there is a draft and discomfort and has to significantly increase the heating capacity. What is the reason and how to prevent heat loss?

8 errors in the construction of frame walls, because of which in the house will be cold 10459_1

In search of flaw

The inexpensive housekeeping houses offered by large companies are designed for years. Photo: Tereme

The frame wall of the modern design (in this article we will only talk about the "classic" skeleton, without touching houses from the sip-panels) perfectly protects from the cold, however, the contracting company can use outdated technologies, apply low-quality materials or to admit flaws when assembling at home. We present typical examples of construction marriage.

1 Incorrectly selected thickness of thermal insulation

Obvious, but at the same time the most common reason that in the house in winter it is cold. On the latitudes of Moscow, the required thickness of mineral wool in the walls is 150 mm and more, meanwhile, in order to save it, is often limited to a thickness of 100 mm. Alas, sometimes representatives of construction companies are in no hurry to explain that at home in budgetary execution is oriented exclusively for seasonal accommodation.

In search of flaw

The cost of the winter frame house on the screw piles, with windows and insulated floors, without finishing, in companies starts from 13 thousand rubles. for 1 m2. Photo: Tereme

  • 4 Common Errors in the Arrangement of Heating in the Country House

2 Dimensions of insulation slabs do not match the framework cells

It is a gross marriage, allowed by one-day and "wiring" brigades. To speed up the construction, mineral wool slabs cut on the eye and hurry to close the trim. With this approach, the structures are inevitable voids that become cold bridges and sources of drafts.

Installation of the insulation refers to hidden work subject to mandatory control by the owner or invited independent specialist (architect, representative of the expert company). We emphasize that when assembling a classic "skeleton", the foam is not used, the plates of which is almost impossible to be installed in the framework of the frame without cracks (or it is necessary to provide for the gaps and fill them with polyurethane foam).

In search of flaw

Frame details are desirable to handle an antiseptic. Lower strapping is not necessarily obligatory. Photo: Canadian hut

3 jumped frame racks

If the frame is made of damp low-grade boards, which are poorly adjusted to each other and are not sufficiently tightly fastened, the racks can lead the "screw" that will cause the blowing of the walls.

Avoiding the problem is not so difficult - it is enough to buy chain drying lumber or acquire the boards of the natural humidity of a variety A and add them in a stack under the roof during a couple of months.

In search of flaw

At first, the framework is crucified outside oriented-chipboard, and then proceed to insulation. Photo: V.Griboryeva

4 Incorrect corners

To strengthen the frame, in the corners sometimes there are racks from a bar of 150 × 150 mm. From the point of view of rigidity and strength (carrier ability) it is unnecessary, but the risk of engine freezing increases, since the heat conductivity of the wood is almost twice the mineral wool, and the angle in any building is the zone of the largest heat loss.

The angular rack should be made hollow (in the form of a box) and fill in insulation.

In search of flaw

Planken involves the use of light-resistant wind aggravation. Photo: Dorken.

5 No windscreen protection

Sometimes the workers neglect the windproof, fully relying on the sheet covering, or use cheap pergamine instead of durable modern membranes. Meanwhile, the sheets of the skin rarely manage to be perfectly adjusted to each other. The result is the blowing of the wall.

It is better not to save on the rope membrane or it is necessary to close the joints of the OSP sealant, and then cover the plates over the entire surface with water repellent.

In search of flaw

The insulation should be tightly adjacent to the frameworks of the frame. Photo: URSA.

6 The insulation was lying

Elected-quality insulation over time lose their elasticity and deform - settling inside the wall. You should buy only specialized facade products, the composition and structure of which ensures the stability of the form for decades.

In search of flaw

In the northern regions and energy efficient homes, resort to two-layer thermal insulation with a thickness of 200 mm and more. Photo: V.Griboryeva

7 Insulation Overteads

Moisture can penetrate into the insulation both from the street (with insufficient landscapes of windband strips) and from the premises (if the vapor barrier film is casually fixed or damaged when mounting pipes, cables, sockets, etc.). The integrity and tightness of the protective layers should be monitored before the start of the finish.

In search of flaw

From the inside the wall is tightened with vaporizolation, and then most often weathered with plasterboard. Photo: Rockwool.

8 Communications are laid in the thickness of the outer walls

The gaps and grooves made in the insulation for laying cables and pipes, sometimes the cause of the local freezing of the walls, especially if it is disturbed not only heat, but also a vapor barrier layer (clause 7).

Communications in a frame house are paved in the strangers of two-layer plasterboard finishes, in interior partitions, under the floor.

In search of flaw

Outside over the sheathing, windproofing is mounted; When used to finish a wooden plaque, the joints of the bands should be glued with a special scotch. Photo: Dorken.

Important note

The cause of thermal discomfort in a frame house, not equipped with a ventilation system, there may be increased relative humidity. With moisture, more than 75% 22 degrees are felt as 18-19.

  • Frame house: what can and cannot be saved during construction

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