14 decorator techniques that will come out of fashion this fall


We tell about what interior trends confidently come out of fashion, and show that it comes to replace.

14 decorator techniques that will come out of fashion this fall 10486_1

1 loft in pure form

The interiors in the industrial style seemed to forever occupied the place in the top of the world trends, but the peak of their popularity was still passed - and the loft in its pure form comes out of fashion.

What comes to him for replacement? Neat enclosures of industrial design and decor in the interiors of other stylistics (sometimes absolutely not close). Brick wall as an unexpected focus in the classic space or a brutal leather sofa in addition to the Scandinavian design - the elements of the loft enliven the situation and give it a highlight.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: instagram wioletabednarczyk_glamloft.pl

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2 Projected 3D Decor

Wall-mounted 3D panels, posters with a deliberate 3D effect - all this already causes bewilderment and looks with the echo of the past.

What comes to replace? More organic and natural bulk decor: textured surfaces, frames for creating three-dimensional paintings and installations.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: IKEA.

3 feminine pillows

Fluffy and textile robes decorative pillowcases, pillows in the form of cats and hearts - these exaggered-feminine, glamorous elements of the decor are confidently out of the list of trends.

What is in return? Charter from "Fluffiness", the world design takes a course on a little simplicity and naturalness, as well as on brutality. In the texture of natural flax and cotton, as well as leather pillows.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram AmalfiHomewares

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4 Bar Stands

It seemed that the bar racks came to our interiors forever, but the new season sets the course for even greater comfort and the "domesticity" of space - and dismisses all associations from fashion with the too dynamic way of life and snacks in cafes.

What is in fashion? The classic dining area returns to the trends, compromisingly saving there with transformers and folding tables or stacked chairs. Well, the motif of the bar stand remains appropriate only in combination with the kitchen island or as an additional zone, in the infusion to the main dining group.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Entrance Makleri

5 Mirror furniture

Mirror furniture briefly stayed among popular design solutions: the man in the street quickly uncoupled that he had the need for careful care, and not in every interior such elements of the situation look appropriate.

What is in return? Large mirrors as wall decor and mirror doors of cabinets. And for fans of reception "dissolve" furniture in space There is an elegant alternative - transparent furniture that is still at the peak of popularity.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram VisualVamp

6 Artificial fur

This fall, everything artificial continues to leave the Trend List - the world design keeps the course for environmental friendliness. Artificial fur in any manifestations - a unambiguous outsider of a list of popular decorator techniques.

What comes to replace? Warm and cozy textures can be added with the help of other materials: knitted things (not losing relevance), as well as the mohair returned.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram Art_is_Anlifestyle

7 Scandinavian style in pure form

The verified Scandinavian style is no longer in fashion: orientation to the only stylistic decision in principle outside the trends.

What is in return? This fall at the peak of popularity is the so-called Scandinavian booho - a kind mix of two, seemingly completely different styles.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram Kalk_Katt

8 Excessive accuracy and dedication

Create too verified, neat, perfect interior is the right way to make it old-fashioned. The arrangement of "Lineberry" and strict observance of the style, impeccable textiles and too obviously thoughtful setting - all this is out of trends.

What is in fashion? In trend, light carelessness, some creative mess and imperfection of the man-made decor. Crumpled Len You are welcome! Vintage furniture loss? Yes! Uniqueness of handmade items? What you need!

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram Thecraftyfox.uk

9 Obvious Pipes and Wires

However, in negligence there are its limits. Some time ago, designers assured: not worth hiding pipes and wires at all, because you can make them a bright accent. Autumn-2018 returns everything to the circles - and the communications displayed is no longer in the trend.

What is in return? Smart solutions for unobtrusive concealment of wires, pipes and other villains: wireless or hidden charging stations for gadgets built into the walls of speakers, televisions with neatly connected sockets and without hanging cords.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram Evgeniya_Matveenko ⠀

10 dusty pink

Everyone who so loved over the past few seasons dusty pink shade (especially in a common combination with gray), can sigh refusably: tone, which has repeatedly called "New Beige", is coming out of fashion.

What comes to replace? Returns, actually, beige, briefly (and undeservedly!) Forgotten decorators and man -ans. Also in fashion natural natural colors and complex, rich dark shades. And, of course, white is unlikely to ever seriously pass his position.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Alvhem.

In addition, the colors are gradually included, which have already managed to nose "new pastels" - it is quite soft and enveloping shades, which, however, is somewhat rich and more than the usual pastel gamma.

11 Edison lamps

Together with clean loft and hanging wires outside the Trend List in the fall-2018, the Edison lamps were also. The trend continued not for long: too obvious attachment of such a decision to specific styles and is not the best practical side (the lack of a ceiling for the scattering of light) did not allow him to gain himself in the hearts of the inhabitants.

What is in trend? All sorts of design lamps as a functional decor; And the more - the better.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Ferm Living

12 crafts from unnecessary things

Fashion for lamps from bottles, candlesticks from branches, watches from spoons and forks, rugs made of denim clothing and other "wonders" handmade decor, fortunately, passed.

What is in fashion? In the trend - a high-quality handmade decor and the second life of old things (not to be confused with crafts from materials "On the emission"!). Macrame, knitted textiles, paintings, posters and mudboards of handmade, refinement of the mass market - what is needed. Upgrading vintage furniture, folding old chairs, mirrors from old frames or coffee tables from hemp or construction coils - why not?

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram kamorka.Workshop

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13 Copper Metal Tints

Copper and rose gold - the shades of metal, who joined us the last seasons - this fall overlooks the fashion.

What comes to replace? Brass and yellow gold are still in trend. In addition, popularity gains a more brutal metallic shade - nickel.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Emil Monty Freddie

14 Abstract paintings and posters

Interimalization of space is a serious trend that subordinates the development of interior design is not the first year. Therefore, from fashion confidently, everything is abstract and commonly used. Autumn-2018 offers to finally refuse paintings and posters without specific plots and semantic load.

What is in trend? Lettering, inspirational quotes and motto, as well as a decor, reflecting your lifestyle, character and hobbies.

What will come from fashion in the fall of 2018 and what trends in fashion this autumn: photo

Photo: Instagram FJ_interiors

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