Check yourself: 11 signs that your interior is morally outdated


We tell me that it prevents your interior to be stylish and modern and what decorators in no case cannot be used for the decoration of residential spaces in the 21st century.

Check yourself: 11 signs that your interior is morally outdated 10490_1

1 Complex designs made of drywall

Arches and niches of incomprehensible forms, curved curly elements of obscure purposes - a drywall decor in 99% of cases indicates that your interior still remains in the past.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Viktor_Kohanovskiy17

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2 Furniture headsets

Sofa and chairs in a single style, a soft corner in the kitchen, a wall in the living room - nothing does not deprive your interior of individuality as furniture headsets. Pick the furniture of different manufacturers, collections, stylistics - and combine with each other. Only so you will create a unique atmosphere with your own character.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Alinak_kz

3 Multilayer Drapets on the windows

On your windows still blooming multi-layer curtains who would envy the Louis XIV himself? Perhaps you also grab their silk cords with tassels and decorated with decorative flower and butterflies? Take it off immediately! In fashion - natural, concise, functional textiles on the windows.

And in cases where an insufficient amount of sunlight penetrates the apartment, it is possible to refuse the window drapets at all or to do translucent tulle.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram SHTORUDLYAVAS

4 Single light source in the room

Nothing is so out of the old fashionity of the interior, like a lone chandelier in the center of the ceiling. The more in the room of light scenarios, it is more comfortable, more contemporary. Provide in addition to the main light Local - in those zones where it is necessary (for example, over a dining group in the kitchen, in the area for relaxation and reading in the living room, the headboard in the bedroom).

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Plastokpotolok

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5 photo printing with 3D effect

Photo images with 3D effect on the floor, walls, ceiling or kitchen apron - then, from what and felt with hopeless old-fashioned and drank.

The bathroom with the image of the sea pebble on the bulk sex will not save any trendy plumbing and tile, and the apron with large flowers or coffee beans can spoil even the most stylish kitchen furniture.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Marisha_KHOMENKO

6 "Computer" tables

The so-called "computer" tables - writing tables with a multitude of shelves and add-ons - another obvious sign that the interior is morally outdated. Fortunately, the era of bulky personal computers with huge system units passed, and modern monoblocks and laptops do not require such unattractive furniture at all.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Mebelnyisalonfeniks

7 Multi-level ceilings with backlit

Multi-level ceilings with additional "decorabies" - color, glossy, mirror inserts and / or backlit, such a popular Yellow 20 years ago, are still found in many interiors. And, alas, vividly indicate their old-fashionedness.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Stilniy.dom

8 Artificial stone not to the place

Fragments of walls laid out artificial stone, tile with imitation of natural stone around door openings and arches and other inappropriate examples of using this material - another way to "send to the past" your interior.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Wladimirefimov7

9 Reproductions of famous paintings

Art objects as a decor, as a rule, make the situation a little more sophisticated, add to it the notes of bohemility and elevation. Alas, all this does not concern cases when the reproductions of extremely recognizable paintings are placed on the walls or they acquire the replicas of other concentrated art objects.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Masirigri_Art

10 Furniture from chipboard incomprehensible shape and stylistics

Cheap furniture from chipboard, made in unclear stylistics and having a strange bizarre form and curved elements accurately does not indicate the subtleties of taste and modernity of the interior.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Dompanchenkomebel

11 Tile with a motley plot pattern

The same applies to tiles with "cozy" or "dying" plots. No, your bathroom will not win the tile with a pebble, sand or ancient amphoric pattern. And no, your kitchen will not become more stylish with apron, on which coffee beans, cups and inscriptions "Coffee" or fruits and vegetables are posted. All this is not just yesterday, otherwise, from what should be abandoned a couple of decades ago.

List of outdated interior signs: photo

Photo: Instagram Plitka_Remont

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