9 Fresh ideas for registration of different children


Can a boy and a girl comfortably accommodate in one children's room? We bring to your attention a few bright projects that prove the reality of such a task.

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1 children's podium

In this unusual children's room, the central figure began the podium. It accommodates both sleeping places (and the bases of beds were not required: the mattresses lay directly on the podium), it also serves as a game space, storage system, replaces the sofa and gives food for children's games and activities.

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Photo: Instagram Design_Vasileva

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Photo: Instagram Design_Vasileva

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Photo: Instagram Design_Vasileva

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Photo: Instagram Design_Vasileva

2 nursery in neutral colors

When decomriage this nursery for two, they went more familiar - and to save space turned to a bunk bed. The jobs for children were located at the window, the storage system was organized using a rack (which can also be used as a bench), and the remaining place was taken by a sports corner.

At the same time focused on the neutral color gamut: white in combination with a bright shade of natural wood. As the authors of the project assure, the interior will be filled with colored details.

Children for diverse children: photo, idea, design

Photo: Instagram Projectors_Design

3 children with spacious storage systems

In this project, the authors have provided a very impressive number of places to store all sorts of different children. There is a large wardrobe with open and closed shelves, and drawers at the base of beds, and the shelves system above beds, and boxes of writing tables, and book shelves over them.

The furniture was "unmodest" way - around the perimeter of the room. But it made it possible to maximize the center of the room for children's activities and games.

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Photo: Instagram Detskaja_Tvoeey_mechty

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Photo: Instagram Detskaja_Tvoeey_mechty

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Photo: Instagram Detskaja_Tvoeey_mechty

4 children with drawing beds

Another room for singular children with podium. In this example, however, it carries a completely different function - it allows you to push both beds, hiding them from eyes and freeing the place in the room. On the podium are placed both jobs, as well as storage systems. And so that the ceiling in the room does not seem too low, it was visually lifted by choosing wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Children for diverse children: photo, idea, design

Photo: Instagram Mebel_For_Kids

5 children's "in the house"

And this is a variation on the topic "Domka on the tree": sleeping places for children, game space, storage boxes and mini slide are collected together in the design in the form of a small home.

Bonus: Such a house will become an excellent solution if for children in the apartment failed to highlight a separate room - and the zone for kids is located in the living room or has become part of the united space of the studio apartment.

Children for diverse children: photo, idea, design

Photo: Instagram _my_HAPPY_ROOM

6 children's with limited functions

Sometimes the room allotted for children for diverse babies is very small to accommodate all the necessary functions. In this case, you can do as the authors of this project: do not try to argue the immense - and dwell on the limited feature of the room. Thus, in this room, it was decided to leave only sleeping places and a game zone: storage and writing tables, obviously, found a place in other rooms of the apartment.

Perhaps not the most convenient option, but children have their own sufficient space for a variety of games and activities.

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

7 children's on a small square

Another solution for quite small on the square area. Place the bedrooms and storage system for two different children have become possible in extremely limited space. It became possible thanks to the attic bed, located above the cabinets.

Children for diverse children: photo, idea, design

Photo: instagram small.flat.ideas

8 Children with partition in the center

And this option is for those who believe that even in one children's room for two each child should have its most insulated corner. The mirror arrangement of furniture and partition in the center, that's the whole secret. Well, during joint games, the partition can be shifted - and the space will become one. Alas, the idea is possible to spectacularly realize only in sufficiently large rooms.

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Photo: Instagram Golland.pro

9 Fresh ideas for registration of different children 10494_31

Photo: Instagram Golland.pro

9 Children's, about which any kid dreams of

And this room for two different children is difficult to call somehow otherwise than "children's dreams." On not the largest area, there are two beds (and pay attention to how much the authors of the project take care of safety!), Two gaming zones (on the carpet and on the second tier), many storage sites (mini-dressing room, mass of drawers and open shelves) , workplace for two and sofa. Amazing, isn't it?

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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Photo: Instagram Mellinakids

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