Large autumn cleaning with children: 8 ideas


Do you think the general cleaning at the beginning of the new working season is an unbearable task? The case will go much easier and faster if you attract all households to him, even the smallest! We tell how to do it.

Large autumn cleaning with children: 8 ideas 10498_1

1 Make a check list

Many psychologists agree that children do not see the mess, for them to scatter toys and things - this is a kind of way to know the world. Your request to "get into the room" kid can simply not understand, so the task is better to specify as much as possible.

Depending on the age, children can cope with different types of cleaning: the smallest can wipe the dust and collect their toys into the container, older crumbs successfully spend and wash the dishes, and the helpers are still making up almost all types of homework.

Make a check list of what your child will definitely cope before connecting it to home deals. If the baby still does not know how to read, the list of works can be made in the form of pictures. Focusing on the list of items, the crumb will be much easier to help you.

How to attract a child to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas

Photo: Instagram Detcontinent

2 Determine all things permanent storage locations

All things in the house must have its own definite storage location. When it is not, the mess arises, with which it is almost impossible to cope. Make sure your baby knows where what kind should be: Show and explain. Perhaps it makes sense to acquire additional storage systems, another chest of drawers or toy container. Or get rid of unnecessary - and free space in existing cabinets and couches.

How to attract kid to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas

Photo: Instagram Reikekids

3 Turn the cleaning in the game

Monotonous collection of toys, laying things in places, placement of books, wiping dust and other classes accompanying the autumn general cleaning - not the most exciting process even for an adult. What to talk about kids! However, you can completely turn the guidance of order into a fascinating quest with tasks, for the execution of each of which crumbus gets glasses. Who according to the result can spend on some prize. What is not incentive?

How to attract a child to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas

Photo: Instagram Detcontinent

4 Do homework together

The child will be happy to help you in many items of autumn general cleaning. But, you will agree if you wash dishes in the kitchen, and Kroch wipes dust in the living room, it looks more like a joint work (which is known to unite), but on the separation of tasks. Why not do homework together? Let's say you wash dishes, and the baby wipes. Or: You wash shoes, and the crumb - lubricates protective cream. In extreme cases, you can at least be during cleaning in the same room - so everyone will be more fun, and the process will go faster.

Publication from Elena | Quantum Enthusiast (@Perepelychnaya) May 28, 2018 at 11:46 pdt

5 Examine crumbus

Instead of tendering a child to help you with autumn general cleaning, make it so that he himself wanted to offer his help. You can raise the crumb to semi-rolls, for example: "I want to trust one very important thing, but I don't even know if you can cope? What do you think you're already enough adult for serious cases? "

How to attract a child to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas

Photo: Instagram Detcontinent

6 Trust increasingly difficult things

Start with simple tasks - and gradually trust the child more and more complicated home affairs. You will be surprised how much help, it turns out, can be obtained even from the baby.

How to attract kid to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas


7 Do not scold for failures

Remember: no cleaning is worth children's tears or reduced self-esteem. Do not scold the baby for the fact that something did not work out (yes, even if he broke your favorite vase or overturned the room flower, setting up even greater mess). In no case should not tell the child that he is incapable, awkward or "crucial" - so you will select the desire to help you and develop unnecessary complexes. Praise your Chado not only for the result, but also for efforts.

Add the emotional component - and separately emphasize that you are very pleased that the baby helped you in such a difficult business like autumn general cleaning; Tell me that you are very proud of them.

How to attract a child to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas

Photo: Instagram Mamo4ki_Dndz

8 Learn to maintain order with a personal example

The order is important not only to bring, but also support. Teach this your child, and the most effective option is a personal example.

How to attract a child to autumn general cleaning: Tips and ideas

Photo: Instagram Ecoklub_domodedovo

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