How to arrange a nursery for a schoolboy: 7 tips to parents


We tell about the peculiarities of a children's schoolchild from the point of view of modern trends: saving space, maximum functionality and environmental friendliness of the interior.

How to arrange a nursery for a schoolboy: 7 tips to parents 10499_1

No time to read an article? Look our video with 5 original schoolboy's parents:

1 Take care of a comfortable bed

Modern trends dictate convenience in all, especially in children's. Discard the folding sofas in favor of beds with high-quality mattresses - the child will be saturated and will work in school more productively.

Take care of the bed photo

Photo: Instagram Detskaya_territory

  • How to prepare a room for first grades: a detailed guide for parents

2 Do not forget about storage systems.

Clothing, school supplies, books and textbooks - you need to organize storage properly and convenient for the child. A good idea for accessories and books - modular racks, similar models can also be found in the assortment of the famous Swedish brand. Why is it convenient? You can fold the storage system of the desired size, and place in any room.

Photo storage systems

Photo: Instagram Maximenko.Design

How to fold toys? Buy baskets and soft bags. This is the best solution and the simplest when you need to quickly clean up the room. In addition, modern storage bags for storing toys look stylish and creatively.

How to arrange a nursery for a schoolboy: 7 tips to parents 10499_5
How to arrange a nursery for a schoolboy: 7 tips to parents 10499_6

How to arrange a nursery for a schoolboy: 7 tips to parents 10499_7

Photo: H & M Home

How to arrange a nursery for a schoolboy: 7 tips to parents 10499_8

Photo: IKEA

3 Buy desktop

We have a culture from a child to make lessons at the table - it is important for healthy posture and concentration of attention. As for the choice of the table - everything is individually. In a large room, you can not be limited in size, and in a small have to look for compromises. For example, you can put a folding table if you have very little space in the nursery. Or look for mini-models with a narrow table top.

Desktop photo

Photo: Instagram EconomDesign

4 Find replacement desktop

Modern trends are focused on saving space and maximum functionality. So, in orphanages often replace the desktop desktop instead of the windowsill. And they are combined with the storage system. It is convenient - natural light is important to study the child, and the useful space is not wondering.

Workplace at the photo window

Photo: Instagram Gul4ataika

Another modern idea is a working space-combination when the table top is built into the storage rack.

Replacement desktop photo

Photo: Instagram Maximenko.Design

5 Organize a place to inspire

Why not give your child a way out for creativity and fantasy? Let him be his own "boards of desires" or a place for writing energy emissions. Or maybe such boards will replace him a notebook or an album for drawing? For these purposes, you can add a few things to the interior.

First, the chalk board. You can hang a purchased board or paint the whole wall of chalk paint. Or the wall of the wall - as you like more. The board, of course, is less radical method.

Chalk board photo

Photo: IKEA

And secondly, wall panels. They can be attached to them - from the photo and pictures to the shelves with books and notebooks. Very comfortable chip for children's rooms.

Place inspiration photo

Photo: IKEA

5 Do not dwell with decor

In the children's room, as in any other, the comfort is important. But do not fill it with a meaningless decor to your taste. First, a large number of decor has long been relevant, and secondly, the child will make it for you. Of the minimum necessary things are curtains, class textiles and maybe a carpet. Choose with a small pile, it is easy to clean, and it reduces the risk of allergies.

Decor in the children's photo

Photo: IKEA

6 Forget about the trends when it comes to health

Not all the novelties are so good as manufacturers describe them. For example, modern fluorescent lamps spoil vision if they are actively used to work, unlike conventional incandescent bulbs. Consider these factors when it comes to the arrangement of children's.

Photo lighting

Photo: Instagram Andreeva1010

7 Organize a small corner for charging and warm up

Think up a child's holiday from lessons. Of course, he will grab the devices, but in your power to offer him an alternative. Experienced teachers say that rest is and changed activities. That is, mental tasks need to be changed by physical. To do this, put in the children's small "Swedish" wall or align a sleeping place with such a complex.

Physical Corner Photo

Photo: Instagram BERDNIKOVA_DECO

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