Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix


We tell how to quickly remove small damage on the wallpaper, which are already pasted on the wall.

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_1

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix

Wallpapers can easily be damaged: from interacting with water, ballpoint handle, sharp objects and much more. Tell how to fix the wallpaper with your own hands and avoid full alterations of the walls.

1 omnid

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_3

Floating on wallpaper, which are formed from excess moisture and improper primer, to remove the most difficult. Sometimes it is better to replace one or more wallpaper strips on new ones.

If a bubble was formed on the wall, it can be poured with a syringe, and fill in the same syringe with glue. After that to compose with roller. It is not necessary to cut a bloody - smoothly connect the edges of the wallpaper is almost impossible.

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2 scratched

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_5

Scratch on freshly plated wallpaper - the situation is very unpleasant. You can fix it with glue. Apply some glue for wallpapers in place of damage, followed by a rag. The edges of damaged wallpapers will stick, and the scratch will not be so apparent. Large scratches are like a similar way, but the wobbly canvas need to bend a little from the wall and sample from the inside.

3 broke out

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_6

If the wallpaper broke out and to combine them can not be together due to the fact that the part of the web is missing, it is necessary to prepare a patch. The ideal patch will be possible only if you have the same wallpapers, and a monophonic canvas. Or, if there is a small damage, you can try to choose other wallpapers, similar to color. The patch is better not to cut, but to tear - the uneven edges of the paper are better set up.

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4 dug out

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_8

If the angle of wallpaper bypassed the wall, it can be quickly returned to the place. You will need glue and remedies. Adhesive can be bought different: PVA, wobble, welding independently hubber from flour. The dutched piece of wallpaper should be cleaned from the sarnas and the remains of the old glue. Clean the other side that will lay down to the wall, as well as the wall. After that, put the glue base on the wallpaper with a small brush or sponge, let me impregnate a couple of minutes and press the wall. Find the repaired area with a dry cloth or roller. So the bubbles and irregularities will not appear, and surplus glue will come.

5 Divided the joints

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_9

When gloves wallpaper, you need to thoroughly grind the walls and do not open the windows. If you neglect by these rules, wallpapers will disperse at the joints. This trouble can be used to eliminate yourself. Bend the wallpaper plot from the seams, clean the wall and the wallpaper canvas from the remnants of the primer, glue and garbage. After that, you can lug the joints again. When the wallpaper "grabbed" with the wall, remove the remnants of glue with a rag and make the reanimated portion of the hair dryer for better clutch.

6 stained

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_10

Simple spots can be tried to wash with water with soap. Just do not try too much so as not to damage the coating. More complex spots of fat or bright pigmented dyes require more aggressive means. You can try the stain remover for clothes and even alcohol. Before you begin cleaning, check how the wallpaper react to the caustic substance - apply a bit on the invisible area and wait. If there is no reaction, paint and pattern did not float, you can start cleaning. Small spots can be made at all with a felt-tip pen or watercolor to the wallpaper.

  • How to remove wallpaper from the walls: 4 ways for different materials

7 moldy

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_12

Too high levels of humidity in the apartment can cause the formation of fungus on the walls. From mold appears an unpleasant smell and the wall covering suffers. If dark spots appeared on the wallpaper, part of the damaged canvase will have to be deleted. After that, it is thoroughly treated with a mushroom wall. For example, antiseptic compositions from mold. You can use the primary means: bleach, ammonia, alcohol. Such a procedure should be done twice, after that buy antibacterial glue and primer, process wallpaper and glue to the reanimized wall surface.

8 erased

Otried, scratched, broke and another 5 damage on wallpaper, which is easy to fix 1051_13

If white spots appeared on the wallpaper, and the drawing was damaged - nothing else remains, except to stack this place. Vinyl stickers and decorative stickers help well. Interior stickers perform 2-in-1 function: mask damage on the wall and help update the interior.

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