Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties


Rolled tile appeared in Russia only in 2016, but already won the love of consumers. What is the feature of this material and for which roofs it is intended - we understand with the head of the direction "Cottage and low-rise construction" TechnoNIKOL Evgeny Avdeev.

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties 10510_1

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties

Photo: Tehtonol

New roofing material has already gained consumer confidence in the old world. Practical Europeans highly appreciated the optimal balance of quality, aesthetics and the efficiency of this product. Today, the buildings covered with rolled tiles can be found, for example, on the streets of Germany. Surprisingly, but the fact! It is possible that the roofs of these German houses crosses the material produced in Russia. After all, Technonol Corporation is not simply successfully transferred progressive technology, but also quickly reached the export deliveries of this material. The compliance of its quality by European standards officially confirmed the relevant certification.

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties

Photo: Tehtonol

"Tekhnonikol rolled tile does not just conquer the Russian market, but can also make a worthy competition with Western materials. We are already exporting a product to Germany, the Baltic countries, it will very soon will be shipped to India, "says Evgeny Avdeev.

How to produce rolled tiles

Roll tile is easy to use, but rather high-tech material in production. It consists of several layers, each of which performs its functions.

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties

Photo: Tehtonol

The basis of the rolled tiles is resistant to the effects of chemical-aggressive media and rotting cross-smoked glassball. It has high discontinuous characteristics, so rolled tile with such a basis can withstand substantial loads and deformations.

A particularly resistant to temperature and aggressiveness of external factors bitumen-polymer layer is applied to the cross-smoking glass. It provides high waterproofing properties and wear resistance of roll tiles.

Multi-layer material basalt spanking. The raw materials for it performs one of the most durable rocks - the sting name of the basalt. A peculiar stone "shield" protects the material from the effects of adversely for a bitumen mixture of ultraviolet rays, atmospheric precipitation, mechanical impacts. Well, of course, it is precisely this layer a rolling tile is obliged to his attractive appearance. After all, the production technology allows you to give basalt putting on any shade and form aesthetic pattern.

The special advantage of the rolled tile gives the lower self-adhesive layer, which makes it easy and quickly fix the material on the surface without special equipment and excess fasteners. It is covered with a special protection against dirt and dust films, which is simply separated when mounting.

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties

Photo: Tehtonol

Careful selection of components and special know-how in each of the layers provide high consumer properties, reliability and durability.

"The Tekhnonikol rolled tile will be guaranteed for 20 years, - comments Evgeny Avdeev. - Moreover, it is not only about the preservation of the ability to protect the building from atmospheric precipitation and other environmental impacts, but also about the aesthetic component. According to the technology, the dye is added at the stage of producing basalt granules and becomes part of their structure, so over the years the color brightness is not lost. To refresh it, it is enough to periodically wash the roof, watering the jet of water. "

The advantages of rolled tiles

Today, the Roll Tile Tekhnonikol is widely represented in construction hypermarkets and online stores. It is not difficult to acquire and independently mount. The self-adhesive layer is very simple and securely attached to the surface, and the large length of the roll (8 meters) allows you to maximally reduce the number of joints and provides speed of work. Roll tile is also good in that in the process of its installation, waste is almost not formed - any segment can be used. Thus, the consumption of material is reduced.

In addition to the convenience of applying, much attention is paid to the development of the product of the retail line, the aesthetic component is licensed. The taste and color, as you know, there is no comrades. Someone in the soul of the roofing of the classic "squares" of red, someone prefers a brown "brick" roofing carpet, and someone, for example, wants a green coating as much as possible on a flexible tile ... In the case of a rolled tiled technonol, the consumer has from What to choose. The manufacturer releases several collections that take into account the most pronounced preferences: "classic" (similar to metal tile), with drawings "Brickwork" and "Bobrow Tail" in different color solutions.

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties

Photo: Tehtonol

"When developing collections of a roll tile, we tried to maximize the preferences of the retail consumer. Now everyone can choose the product to taste, "says Evgeny Avdeev. - Material itself is widely represented in DIY format stores and really meets the concept of "DIY". Following the detailed instructions of the manufacturer, even a person, the main sphere of activity of which is far from construction, will be able to carry out installation, including complex adjoins. "

Mini rolled tile

Roll tile - essentially universal material for the pitched roof. It can be safely choose both for a country house of permanent accommodation and for giving. Due to its economy and attractive appearance, the product turned out to be very popular, including the device of arbors, a veranda, porch, etc. In response to such a request of consumers, the manufacturer has released a product designed specifically for the "light" buildings - self-adhesive mini rolled tile Technonol. Small roll size (0.5 m in width) and a small metrah (2.5 sq.m. / roll) make the product convenient for transportation, and waste volumes are increasing more to zero. Now the choice of the consumer provided five color solutions of the mini rolled tile - brown, red, green, blue, gray. With this product, the owner of the house received a new opportunity to implement interesting design decisions on his household site. And - for small money.

Rolled tile: main features, advantages and subtleties

Photo: Tehtonol

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