How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features


This article will help you to make a choice of suspended ceiling, we are in detail and very simply described all types and characteristics of these structures. And also prepared tables with the list of their advantages and disadvantages.

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_1

1 Plasterboard ceilings

Gypsum Carton was once the most popular material for suspended ceilings, but with the development of design and changing trends lost its championship. Rather, the relevance of the multi-level ceilings of different shapes and colors, which hit the imagination in the 2000s.

Now the plasterboard ceiling can be used for a simple alignment or a hidden lighting system - about levels and amazing forms of the ceiling, the pro is recommended to forget. Here are anti-simplices.

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How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_3

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_4

Photo: Instagram GiprochSpb

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_5

Photo: Instagram Otdelka_Team

And so - you can and need to do.

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features

Photo: Instagram

By the way, plasterboard can also be used in wet rooms: bathroom, kitchen. For this, there is a special moisture resistant plasterboard, and if you are afraid of fire hazard - choose fire-resistant sheets.

This material has both advantages due to which it is chosen and disadvantages.

Benefits disadvantages

Can be used in any premises

Installation is not simple - it is practically impossible to do it with your own hands

Easily align the surface

The height of the ceiling decreases - this option is not recommended for Khrushchev, where the ceiling already reaches only 2.6 meters

The cost of materials is relatively small

  • Design of the suspended ceiling in the living room: 5 types of materials and ideas for registration

2 Tile Type Ceilings

Most likely, you have seen such structures in offices and administrative premises. Are they applicable for home? Quite. If you equip the shopping room in a private house, they will be useful. In fact, it is a metal frame that does not hide in the ceiling and is an element of design. He is put on pressed plates.

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How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_9

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_10

Photo: Instagram Potolki_Armstrong.podvesnyi

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_11

Photo: Instagram Potolki_Armstrong.podvesnyi

On advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits disadvantages


Easily damaged - even a small subject

Mounted quickly, and practically does not leave dust after that

Very quickly flobs

Sizes of plates are universal - if something happened, you can just buy the same

Plates fade, not too durable

Under the ceiling of this type, you can hide anything: from the ventilation system to wires

3 Gold ceilings

Not quite a standard solution, but stylish. Especially relevant for apartments of houses with high ceilings or original interior styles. The lattice ceilings are not rarely combined with other types of suspended ceilings, plasterboard, in particular. But you remember about the fact that the multi-level ceilings are not in fashion? Apply this reception with caution.

In essence, the lattice ceilings consist of plates, and the pipes and wires can be visible behind them. Therefore, the option is suitable for Loft style, industrial interiors in the Backstage style, when all the outbound sides are opening at the bottom.

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How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_13

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_14

Photo: Instagram Armstrong_Griliato

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_15

Photo: Instagram Armstrong_Griliato

As for common advantages and disadvantages, then ...

Benefits disadvantages

Easy installation, without dirt and dust

Wires and cables are seen, since the transparent system

Relative budget

You can choose different colors and type of coatings: matte, glossy, chrome

4 Cassette Type Ceilings

The cassette-type ceilings, in fact, the subspecies of the tile ceilings, but since their popularity is very height, cassette often allocate in a separate group.

The main difference between cassette ceilings - simple installation. In principle, you may need to mount the design even alone. It is going on the principle of the constructor from the modules-cassettes. In turn, these modules cassettes can be any colors or even with a mirror surface.

Another classification of modules: open and closed. The first is completely closed the framework, and in the second case, the profiles are visible, like a tile system.

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How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_17

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_18

Photo: Instagram Mirpotolkovkbr

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_19

Photo: Instagram Mirpotolkovkbr

On advantages and disadvantages - in the table below.

Benefits disadvantages

Strength and durability

High price

Easy mount

Cassette is easy to replace in case of its damage

5 Stretch ceilings

The latter look, which we consider in this article is the most popular for residential premises. The material for stretch ceilings is two types: PVC film and fabric. The first is cheaper, and the second is ecological.

Also, stretch ceilings are classified on the surface. They are glossy, matte, with 3D drawings, relief, with metal glitter.

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How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_21

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_22

Photo: Instagram OrangePotolok

How to choose a suspended ceiling: species and features 10521_23

Photo: Instagram Remont_Pod_kluch_kiev

Detailed installation instructions can be found in this video:

Traditionally, to decide on the choice you will help to study the benefits and disadvantages:

Benefits disadvantages

Fast installation

There will be a small selection of lighting options.

Does not care

There will be difficult access to all communications under the ceiling

You can choose from a large number of different colors and materials.

It is practical - for example, if you flood the neighbors, the stretch ceiling just stretches, but the water will not fall into the apartment

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