4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope


We are talking about the features of the foundation of the foundation under the slope and disassemble the possible design options: pile, columnar, tape and speed.

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_1

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope

Land plots are not always perfectly even. Usually they have drops of heights, irregularities. If small holes and bugs can be filled and aligned, then from the slope, especially significant, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. It is not necessary to do this, because the wrong relief makes it possible to build an original building with many interesting architectural and design solutions. It is only necessary to choose the right type of foundation on the slope. Tell how to do it.

All about the options for the foundation on the slope

What determines the choice

Types of foundation

- pile

- Tape

- Study

- Column

Factors defining the choice of foundation

The site is considered to be conditionally even if, when measuring the level between the extreme points, the difference was 3-5%. With a slope of more than 8% at the site, a small slope. The bias of 8 to 20% refers to the average. On all venues inclined by more than 10%, it is necessary to use special materials and build structures that prevent soil movements. The tilt is more than 20%.

Already with an average slope, it is required to study the terrain and conduct geological surveys. The information obtained will determine the characteristics of the foundation. We list the parameters required for the correct choice.

What to take into account?

  • The level of groundwater occurs. With a slope, it is uneven, so parts of the territory can be poured. In this case, an efficient drainage system, reinforced waterproofing, will be required.
  • The quality of the soil. First of all, its tendency to bunch and strength is determined. It is necessarily studied not only the upper, but also the bottom layer. It is not subjected to tectonic shifts, so its condition is also important. The soil type determines the choice of the foundation base. Some of them can be erected only on durable soils.
  • Strength and direction of soil movement. The loads that are experiencing support for the interlayer movement of the soil or when exposed to a selete flow are evaluated. The study of this factor is necessary to determine the necessary strength of the system.
  • Topographic shooting. It makes it possible to assess the relief changes, the possible unevenness of the slope. This allows you to accurately determine the location of the foundation design, its size, volumes and type of upcoming earthworks.
  • Meteorological data. Analysis of the depth of frozen, the level of precipitation and the height of the snow cover helps to find out the degree of strength and endurance of the soil. If there are many precipitation, there is a danger of blur of the soil and the destruction of the slope. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the soil, to equip the drainage system.

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4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_4

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_5

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_6

  • Choose a foundation for problem soil: tape, pile or slab?

Types of foundation on the slope with a drop of heights

For the site with a slope, all types of foundation structures are suitable except for slab. This option is obtained too expensive due to the very large volume of earthworks. Let us analyze possible options in detail.


The basis of the pile foundation is vertical pile supports, immersed in the ground. The monolithic plate is placed on top or put on wood, which becomes the basis for the structure. Depending on the type of piles, they can be installed in the prepared holes, screw or clogged into the ground. This is a good option for inclined sites.


  • Supports reach depth soil layers. When swinging or blurring the upper ground layers, the building will not collapse.
  • Ground and stormwater will not harm the pile design.
  • Cost and time-consuming earthworks are minimized.
  • It is allowed to install on different types of soil, including bubbly, clay, unstable, with deep freezing.
  • It is used as a basis for any buildings: from light-storey houses from wood to heavy brick and concrete buildings in one or two floors.
For inclined sites, different schemes of mounting the pile system are used. These can be single supports. They are put to support individual architectural elements, for example, columns. The pile field involves the placement of supports on the entire platform under the structure. The pile bush is placed on some one, most difficult to strengthen the fragment of the site. For example, the construction is worth three angles on the slope, and under the fourth supplies support.

The installation of the pile foundation for the house on the slope consists of several stages.

Stages of mounting

  1. Put piles at the top of the foundation design. The depth of installation is the largest. In this case, the height of the above-ground part should be equal to the minimum height of the future base.
  2. Put supports from the opposite side. They will be the highest.
  3. Between the mounted pillars stretch the cord, align it in terms of the level so that accurate horizontal.
  4. The rest of the piles are put on the desired distance between the already installed, align on the guide-land.
  5. After the installation of all piles, they are going on or poured as Ruralt, which will be the basis for the building.

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4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_9

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_10

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_11

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This is a closed loop assembled from reinforced concrete beams. It is built around the perimeter of the construction and under all the walls. According to the instructions, the carrying capacity of the system is adjusted by increasing the height and width of the concrete tape. For inclined sites, the rule is valid: the height of the baseway in the lowest point can not be greater than the foundation width multiplied by four. Thus, the sharp tilt, the higher the base, and the wider the foundation tape.

This significantly increases the price of formwork and concreting. Therefore, the belt option is good on small slopes. For steep slopes, it is used if a garage or some utility rooms are planned to be placed in a high basement. This allows you to save space on the territory and means on the construction of these buildings.


  • Good carrying capacity. Uniform pressure on the soil.
  • Durability and high strength. Withstands heavy and low-rise buildings.
  • It is made on the soils with a high bearing ability, it is forbidden to install on swampy soils.

The filling technology of the ribbon foundation on the slope has some features. It is complicated by preliminary bulk earthworks. At the same time, than the bias is cooler, the greater the scale of the work.

Stages of fill

  1. The device of the retaining wall. For it, a slope area located at the top of the future foundation is cut under right angle. The wall will become a fragment of the base.
  2. Preparation of trenches or pitted under formwork. The depth is calculated in advance with the thickness of the sandy-gravel pillow.
  3. Laying the sand pillow with mandatory shedding with water and rubbing.
  4. Installing formwork. Its height at the bottom of the foundation should be equal to the height of the supporting wall.
  5. Installation of reinforcement, concreting.

The rejection of the concrete solution and its shrinkage is given 30-35 days. After that, under the bottom wall, the support embankment is erected.

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4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_14

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_15

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_16

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This is a type of ribbon system with all the advantages and minuses. It is used on steep slopes, where it is technically impossible to upload a straight ribbon or irrational. The main difference between the stepped support is that it is laid around the perimeter of the building the same in the height of the steps. Such a foundation is allowed to use on sandy soils with a bias not more than 27-31 °, on clay - up to 70 °.

Stages of mounting

The construction of a stepped system, in general, does not differ from the construction of the tape. But there are some features.

  • Start from laying lower steps. For her prepare a trench, the reinforcement is exhibiting as for an isolated concrete structure.
  • Then poured concrete, give him to open.
  • After that, by a similar scheme, the second stage is set, then the third and all others.

As a result, a very strong reference system, withstanding significant loads, is obtained.

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_18
4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_19

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_20

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_21

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Looks like a pile with the difference that instead of piles, pillars are used from different materials. It can be concrete, brick, FBS. They are installed or poured into prepared shurs, which are placed to sustainable soil. The installation scheme is the same as the pile supports. But the load they withstand smaller, so the base foundation is used to build only light houses.

Installation includes mandatory arrangement of retaining walls. There are two options for their erection. In the first case, an upper and lower wall is exhibited, the space between them is filled with compacted soil. It turns out a smooth terrace, on which pillars are installed under the future building. At the same time, the upper reference jam will not give the soil to leave the terrace, the lower will prevent the slice of the soil down.

You can do otherwise. First set the reference pillars. After all the vertical elements are installed, they fall asleep by the soil. This is a frustration under the terrace, with the installation of the lower and upper support wall. The bulk terrace in both cases is necessary for additional fixation of pillars.

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4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_24

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_25

4 types of foundation for the construction of the house on the slope 10537_26

For an inclined site, it is not enough to correctly choose and correct the foundation. It is also important to strengthen the slope, otherwise, with time, the supports may suffer from the arms and sweeping of the soil. To keep the soil on site, build terraces, put retaining plates, plant plants with powerful roots. Another mandatory element is an effective drainage system for draining moisture from precipitation to a safe distance.

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